I have a WebGrid in a lot of my pages that list products. And I have the following code that adds the item to the database that the user clicked on:

        public bool ToCart(int userId,
            string partNumber,
            string productDescription,
            int units,
            int boxes,
            decimal unitPrice,
            decimal boxPrice,
            decimal lineTotal,
            string orderId,
            DateTime dateTime,
            bool isBoxed)
            bool addedToCart = false;

                Cart cart = new Cart()
                    UserId = userId,
                    PartNumber = partNumber,
                    Description = productDescription,
                    Units = units,
                    Boxes = boxes,
                    UnitPrice = unitPrice,
                    BoxPrice = boxPrice,
                    LineTotal = lineTotal,
                    OrderId = orderId,
                    OrderDate = dateTime,
                    IsBoxed = isBoxed


                addedToCart = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                addedToCart = false;

            return addedToCart;

The call to this method, looks like:

ToCart(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId, PartNumber, ProductDescription, Units, Boxes, UnitPrice, BoxPrice, LineTotal, OrderId, DateTime.Now, IsBoxed)

Now I want to make this into an AJAX post. But I don't want anything fancy. I would just like to have the normal WaitCursor or BusyCursor show up while this is being added to the cart, and to display a <p>item added to cart</p> at the top of the page, when it has been added to the cart.

enter image description here

How can I accomplish this when a user clicks on an item they wish to add to their cart?

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3 Answers3


I suggest you use the BlockUI plugin for that:

       before: function(){$('body').block()} ,//will be called before the ajax call begins
       complete: function(){$('body').unblock()}, //will be called when ajax completes, whether with error or success
       //on success, append message to top
       success: function(){
              var message = "<p>item added to cart</p>";

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  • Thank you @ftom2 - I didn't think to block the UI (which I should have, since I come from Windows Forms and have done it a lot) - I'm going to give this a whirl now – Arrow Aug 07 '12 at 14:48
  • May I ask, how would I 'execute' this ajax request when the user clicks on the link (of the item they want added to the cart)? Should I wrap the whole ajax code inside a named function, and call that function from within `some link`? – Arrow Aug 07 '12 at 14:50

Create a div (in my example below I gave mine an id of loadingdiv) containing anything you like (usually an animated GIF - look at http://ajaxload.info). Then, using jQuery, you can do this:

<div id="loadingdiv"><img src="spinning-image.gif" /></div>

    ajaxStart(function() { $(this).show(); }).
    ajaxStop(function() { $(this).hide(); });

or if you just want to change the cursor do this:

    ajaxStart(function() { $(document).css("cursor", "wait"); }).
    ajaxStop(function() { $(document).css("cursor", "default"); });
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In Your code add:

using System.Web.Services;

and create method that You want to call with AJAX, add WebMethod attribute to the method:

    public static string CallAJAX(string Iwant)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Iwant)) throw new Exception("What You want ?");
        return "One " + Iwant + " for You";

Thats all the C# part. Now to call it from Your page add script manager to the page form:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true" />

Add JavaScript methods:

<script type="text/javascript">

    function CallAJAX() {
        var Iwant = 'ice cream';
        PageMethods.CallAJAX(Iwant, OnSucceeded, OnFailed);
        //set wait cursor
        jQuery("body").css("cursor", "progress");

    function OnSucceeded(result) {
        //set cursor to normal
        jQuery("body").css("cursor", "auto");

    function OnFailed(error) {
        //set cursor to normal
        jQuery("body").css("cursor", "auto");


With PageMethods.CallAJAX(Iwant, OnSucceeded, OnFailed); You call server C# method and attach response events. Then You can use it with ASP.NET button for example:

<asp:Button runat="server" Text="ajax call" OnClientClick="CallAJAX(); return false;" />
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