Which function grows faster, exponential (like 2^n, n^n, e^n etc) or factorial (n!)? Ps: I just read somewhere, n! grows faster than 2^n.

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    Q: Why don't you try it? With a program, or simply look at a series of a few numbers? You'll find the answer in less time than it took to ask this question ;) – paulsm4 Jul 23 '12 at 06:27
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    wanna see [this](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=y%3D2%5Ex%2C+y%3Dx%5E2%2C+y%3Dx%21)? – Alvin Wong Jul 23 '12 at 06:43
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    @paulsm4, I already tried with simple excel. But, unfortunately I couldn't go more than 144 (ie., 144^144) due to overflow. Hence I thought to ask some theoretical proof for the same. – devsathish Jul 23 '12 at 06:56
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    @paulsm4 It's not so simple as just trying it. Curves can be deceptive. The result depends on the coefficient, and the crossover point may be difficult to find. – Dan Nissenbaum Mar 27 '13 at 15:36
  • This question appears to be off-topic because it is about math, not programming. – Peter Majeed May 14 '14 at 15:34
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    @AlvinWong, How do we make the graph extend beyond `x=2`? – Pacerier Jun 25 '14 at 22:15
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    Here's this question with some formulas: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/351815/do-factorials-really-grow-faster-than-exponential-functions – Vytenis Bivainis Apr 30 '18 at 22:03
  • @PeterMajeed I suppose you're right, but I interpreted it as referring to the running time of algorithms. – inavda Mar 23 '19 at 20:47
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    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it has nothing to do with programming. It would be better suited on https://math.stackexchange.com/ – Dharman Feb 17 '20 at 21:46

4 Answers4


n! eventually grows faster than an exponential with a constant base (2^n and e^n), but n^n grows faster than n! since the base grows as n increases.

Glen Hughes
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n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ...

n^n = n * n * n * ...

Every term after the first one in n^n is larger, so n^n will grow faster.

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n^n grows larger than n! -- for an excellent explanation, see the answer by @AlexQueue.

For the other cases, read on:

Factorial functions do asymptotically grow larger than exponential functions, but it isn't immediately clear when the difference begins. For example, for n=5 and k=10, the factorial 5!=120 is still smaller than 10^5=10000. To find when factorial functions begin to grow larger, we have to do some quick mathematical analysis.

We use Stirling's formula and basic logarithm manipulation:

log_k(n!) ~ n*log_k(n) - n*log_k(e)

k^n = n!
log_k(k^n) = log_k(n!)
n*log_k(k) = log_k(n!)
n = log_k(n!)

n ~ n*log_k(n) - n*log_k(e)
1 ~ log_k(n) - log_k(e)
log_k(n) - log_k(e) - 1 ~ 0
log_k(n) - log_k(e) - log_k(k) ~ 0
log_k(n/(e*k)) ~ 0

n/(e*k) ~ 1
n ~ e*k

Thus, once n reaches almost 3 times the size of k, factorial functions will begin to grow larger than exponential functions. For most real-world scenarios, we will be using large values of n and small values of k, so in practice, we can assume that factorial functions are strictly larger than exponential functions.

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I want to show you a more graphical method to very easily prove this. We're going to use division to graph a function, and it will show us this very easily.

Let's use a basic and boring division function to explain a property of division.

division with variables a and b

As a increases, the evaluation of that expression also increases. As b decreases, the evaluation of that expression also decreases.

Using this idea, we can plot a graph based on what we expect to increase, and expect to decrease, and make a comparision as to which increases faster.

In our case, we want to know whether exponential functions will grow faster than factorials, or vice versa. We have two cases, a constant to a variable exponent vs. a variable factorial, and a variable to a variable exponent vs a variable factorial.

Graphing these tools with Desmos (no affiliation, it's just a nice tool), shows us this:

Graph of a constant to variable exponent, vs variable factorial

graph 1

Although it initially seems that the exponential expression increases faster, it hits a point where it no longer increases as fast, and instead, the factorial expression is increasing faster.

Graph of a variable to variable exponent, vs variable factorial

graph 2

Although it initially seems to be slower, it begins to rise rapidly past that point, therefore we can conclude that the exponential must be increasing faster than the factorial.

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