Unlike other editors, vim stores copied text in its own clipboard. So, it's very hard for me to copy some text from a webpage and paste it into the current working file. It so happens I have to either open gedit or type it manually.

Can I make vim paste from and to the system's clipboard?

Cem Kalyoncu
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Santosh Kumar
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    Possible duplicate of [How to copy to clipboard using vim?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3961859/how-to-copy-to-clipboard-using-vim) – BuZZ-dEE Oct 20 '15 at 11:07
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    Copy "+y Paste "+p Works just like yank and paste except you specify he registry before. – Banjocat Oct 28 '15 at 19:17
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    **To use following commands, make sure you have done** ``sudo apt-get install vim-gnome`` which will add that functionality to inbuilt vim of using system's clipboard. – Harnirvair Singh Apr 16 '16 at 16:15
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    @Harnirvair For many sets of readers here, `vim-gnome` is probably overkill or simply unavailable in their OS/distro, whereas I suspect `vim-gtk` and preferably `vim-gtk3` are more likely to exist and pull fewer dependencies, while still providing clipboard integration (at least for those still on X11; I'm not sure how this all interacts with Wayland). – underscore_d Oct 29 '16 at 00:43
  • ...hmm, my comment was based on finding Ubuntu's `vim-gnome` package, which seems to be an old GNOME 2 thing. However, on Debian proper, `vim-gnome` is just a dummy package that installs `vim-gtk3` and `vim-gui-common`. My guess is it's the latter that provides the clipboard enhancements here. – underscore_d Oct 29 '16 at 21:48
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    See also https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/84/how-can-i-copy-text-to-the-system-clipboard-from-vim – icc97 May 27 '17 at 19:01
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    By default on Fedora - **there is no clipboard access** (you need gvim), https://superuser.com/questions/194747/how-to-install-vim-with-clipboard-support-on-fedora – icc97 Jul 03 '17 at 20:52
  • BTW, on windows system when running VIM in a cmd windows, the usual Ctrl+v, Ctrl+c windows shortcuts work to interact with the windows clipboard. The solutions provided below didn't for me. – 576i Oct 26 '17 at 09:44
  • **CTRL + C and then CTRL + SHIFT + V**, work for copying and pasting in `vim` (even from a webpage), but problems arise when you want to copy text from `vim` to another application and you can't simply scroll down and highlight text, whilst using **CTRL + SHIFT + C** – aspiring1 Dec 23 '19 at 14:09
  • Checkout https://stackoverflow.com/a/65666057/9384511 – ABN Jan 11 '21 at 12:55

32 Answers32


The "* and "+ registers are for the system's clipboard (:help registers). Depending on your system, they may do different things. For instance, on systems that don't use X11 like OSX or Windows, the "* register is used to read and write to the system clipboard. On X11 systems both registers can be used. See :help x11-selection for more details, but basically the "* is analogous to X11's _PRIMARY_ selection (which usually copies things you select with the mouse and pastes with the middle mouse button) and "+ is analogous to X11's _CLIPBOARD_ selection (which is the clipboard proper).

If all that went over your head, try using "*yy or "+yy to copy a line to your system's clipboard. Assuming you have the appropriate compile options, one or the other should work.

You might like to remap this to something more convenient for you. For example, you could put vnoremap <C-c> "*y in your ~/.vimrc so that you can visually select and press Ctrl+c to yank to your system's clipboard.

Be aware that copying/pasting from the system clipboard will not work if :echo has('clipboard') returns 0. In this case, vim is not compiled with the +clipboard feature and you'll have to install a different version or recompile it. Some linux distros supply a minimal vim installation by default, but if you install the vim-gtk or vim-gtk3 package you can get the extra features nonetheless.

You also may want to have a look at the 'clipboard' option described in :help cb. In this case you can :set clipboard=unnamed or :set clipboard=unnamedplus to make all yanking/deleting operations automatically copy to the system clipboard. This could be an inconvenience in some cases where you are storing something else in the clipboard as it will override it.

To paste you can use "+p or "*p (again, depending on your system and/or desired selection) or you can map these to something else. I type them explicitly, but I often find myself in insert mode. If you're in insert mode you can still paste them with proper indentation by using <C-r><C-p>* or <C-r><C-p>+. See :help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-P.

It's also worth mentioning vim's paste option (:help paste). This puts vim into a special "paste mode" that disables several other options, allowing you to easily paste into vim using your terminal emulator's or multiplexer's familiar paste shortcut. (Simply type :set paste to enable it, paste your content and then type :set nopaste to disable it.) Alternatively, you can use the pastetoggle option to set a keycode that toggles the mode (:help pastetoggle).

I recommend using registers instead of these options, but if they are still too scary, this can be a convenient workaround while you're perfecting your vim chops.

See :help clipboard for more detailed information.

Olivia Stork
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    This is very informative, but can you summarize what keystrokes one needs to make to paste from the system clipboard ... for example what is one doing with `"*p`? Do I press Shift-', then Shift-8, then p, etc.? – T. Brian Jones Nov 07 '13 at 02:09
  • 13
    Yes, type those three characters in sequence. Many commands in vim utilize what is known as "operator pending mode" where one key is pressed and then vim waits for more keys. Take `dd` for example. The first `d` enters operator pending mode, then the second `d` finishes the command and deletes the line. If you type `dG`, however, the `G` makes it delete to the end of the file instead of the just deleting the line. Registers use this same principal to allow various commands to use them. – Conner Nov 07 '13 at 05:44
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    An emphasis: you need to install the `vim-gtk` package (under Debian, at least), to get vim that is compiled with `+xterm_clipboard`. Took me 40mn to find this out, and only a few seconds to `sudo apt-get install vim-gtk`. – Dominykas Mostauskis Apr 09 '14 at 15:38
  • @Kazark It is great, though C-r C-p + is a bit of a mouthful for what in Windows is just Ctrl-V. See my answer which makes a mapping. This command `:inoremap "+p` then in insert mode, Ctrl-V – barlop May 25 '14 at 15:43
  • FYI, on windows and mac `"*` and `"+` are equivalent. – Gabe Moothart Aug 27 '14 at 21:52
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    @DominykasMostauskis `vim-gnome` also works and has `+xterm_clipboard` enabled. – Chev Oct 14 '14 at 01:43
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    Thanks, this is very informative. I'd just like to add that if your distro doesn't have something like "vim-gtk", you're probably looking for a package called gvim. – WhyNotHugo Oct 27 '14 at 22:48
  • I typed ':help registers' and can't switch back to my buffer... Sad story – hsestupin May 01 '15 at 14:36
  • Usually the help window opens as a split but try `:b#` – Conner May 01 '15 at 14:50
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    For Red Hat or Fedora distros, install vim-X11.x86_64 package and use vimx to get the copy-pate done. Without clipboard enabled, you won't be able to get this. – DarkForce Nov 03 '15 at 17:25
  • Could someone clarify whether you need `+xterm_clipboard` or `+clipboard` only? I am working on a solaris terminal-only session and I have a pure vim 7.4 with `+clipboard`, but I find myself unable to copy to system clipboard using the above commands (I am on MacOS). It will not be possible for me to install gvim or the like. – user826955 Jan 07 '16 at 10:32
  • Sometimes 'right click' in the editor pastes from system's clipboard. – MrPickles7 Feb 23 '16 at 03:43
  • Thanks for nice explanation. In general it works for me, except the case when I start `vim` in `su` session. In particular steps are the following: start `xterm` then `su - root` – now `"*p` does not insert from X clipboard, but rather from vim clipboard and prints `Client is not authorized to connect to Server` to console. In this case `xhost +` helped. – dma_k Jun 15 '16 at 22:10
  • @dma_k not sure if `sudoedit` instead of `sudo vim` might fix your issue – Conner Jun 17 '16 at 13:24
  • @Chev not sure what it was like in 2014, but today in Debian `sid`, the package `vim-gnome` is just a dummy wrapper for `vim-gtk3` and `vim-gui-common`. – underscore_d Oct 29 '16 at 21:49
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    I'm using the default Vim 8.0 on Fedora 25 and the `echo has('clipboard')` returns 0 – icc97 May 27 '17 at 16:24
  • To switch the clipboard on in Fedora 20+, you need to install `vim-X11` and run Vim with `vimx` instead of `vim`. See https://vi.stackexchange.com/a/2065/11986, or see [@DarkForce 's comment](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11489428/how-to-make-vim-paste-from-and-copy-to-systems-clipboard#comment54794116_11489440) – icc97 May 27 '17 at 16:40
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    @MrPickles7 I kept trying that to no avail, but I discovered that **center-click** does, thanks to Connor's parenthetical: _"…X11's PRIMARY selection (which usually … pastes with the middle mouse button)…"_ – Michael Nov 09 '17 at 22:24
  • Too long an answer. If I wanted this description I could have read the docs, or a blog. – Abhinav Manchanda Dec 14 '17 at 07:31
  • You might also need to enable X11 forwarding (in your terminal emulator: in PuTTY go to SSH > X11) AND install/run an X11 server on your Windows machine. You can test if X11 is forwarding properly by seeing if `gvim` opens up on the Windows side. – Richard May 15 '18 at 17:12
  • @DominykasMostauskis I don't have permission to install vim-gtk on a particular server. SHIFT+INSERT allowed me to paste content from system clipboard into vim – Nirvan Mar 04 '19 at 22:15
  • @Nirvan that's completely dependent on which terminal emulator you're using. See the last paragraph about `:help paste` – Conner Mar 14 '19 at 01:23
  • Update for vim 8+ (Linux and Mac), just do system paste in Normal Mode. No more `:set paste` needed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11489428/how-to-make-vim-paste-from-and-copy-to-systems-clipboard/57085290#57085290 – wisbucky Jul 17 '19 at 23:43
  • Downvoted because answer assumes this, which is not true for many use-cases: > Be aware that copying/pasting from the system clipboard will not work if :echo has('clipboard') returns 0. – PeteH32 Dec 15 '19 at 20:32
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    @PeteH32 internal copying/pasting will not work if not compiled with system clipboard. Copying and pasting through your terminal emulator is not the same thing – Conner Dec 22 '19 at 23:01
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    That is a **serious** wall-of-text for copy n' paste instructions! **tl;dr** – kmiklas Jun 01 '20 at 20:49

You can copy into vim by gnome-terminal's shortcut for paste. Make the file in insert mode and use


Remember beforehand to

 :set paste 

to avoid messing with the indentation.

Azat Ibrakov
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    this mess up with indentation if there are multiple line like python for loop – Moj May 06 '14 at 16:37
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    Use a paste toggle for insert mode. E.g. set pastetoggle= Then in insert mode, hit and then insert your python code. – Jan Weitz May 18 '14 at 11:30
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    if tabs/white spaces, eols etc. are shown as a visible character (via the listchars option), then those substitute chars will be copied instead of the hidden ones. – Dmitry Koroliov Jan 18 '16 at 13:04
  • When the question seems to be about _direct_ yanking/pasting from/to `vim`, then I'm not sure putting the text through the terminal's naive copy/paste layer really answers that question. The OP probably knew about this but didn't bother mentioning it because it's often so useless in practice. ;) To the problems others mentioned, I'd add that copying from `vim` naively into the system clipboard is also practically useless if you have line numbers on, which many of us find indispensable: they get dumped out too. – underscore_d Oct 29 '16 at 00:55
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    This should be the selected answer given its concise answer – Aidin Oct 17 '17 at 22:59
  • Update for vim 8+ (Linux and Mac), just do system paste in Normal Mode. No more Insert Mode or `:set paste` needed. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11489428/how-to-make-vim-paste-from-and-copy-to-systems-clipboard/57085290#57085290 – wisbucky Jul 17 '19 at 23:43

I believe that this question deserves a more objective and graphical answer:

Entering Paste Mode

  • ESC
  • :set paste
  • press i
  • SHIFT + Insert (with a text copied on your clipboard)

Leaving Paste Mode

  • ESC
  • :set nopaste
  • press i

You pasted the text and you're able to type again.

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    I got this to work, but `:set nopaste` does nothing. What is it supposed to do? Why do I need it? – Marko Avlijaš Apr 26 '18 at 15:57
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    Well, actually, it does. When you perform `:set nopaste`, you're telling the editor that you don't want to paste anymore. And whe you hit `i`, you're returning to the edit mode :). – ivanleoncz Apr 26 '18 at 16:51
  • Sorry I am a vi noob. Is there any reason for not permanently leaving `:set paste` enabled? – Marko Avlijaš Apr 30 '18 at 18:23
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    To be honest with you, Marko, I don't know. – ivanleoncz Apr 30 '18 at 18:35
  • @Marko One good reason to not leave `:set paste` enabled all the time is that in paste mode you don't get the automatic insertion of tabs and comment characters (compare putting your cursor on a line with a comment and pressing `o` in paste mode and not in paste mode). – jellyberg Jun 19 '19 at 21:28
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    This worked like a charm for me. Every time I come back to vim I always end up having to look something like this up. – benjaminadk Jan 30 '20 at 04:04
  • This is the best answer that works perfectly without going too much deep to the details. Thx Ivanleoncs. – Ahmad Dec 14 '20 at 08:13
  • Best answer ! thanks – Benmoshe Jan 15 '21 at 17:09


On my Linux system, the + and * registers map to an X11 selection, which can be pasted with the middle mouse button. When :set clipboard=unnamed and :set clipboard=unnamedplus are used, then the registers map to the clipboard, and can be pasted with CTRL-V.

The specifics seem to be somewhat configuration and system dependent, so your mileage will definitely vary. It should definitely get you pointed in the right direction, though.

See Also


Todd A. Jacobs
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    Only `*` maps to X11 primary register (which is normally pasted by mouse). `+` maps to X11 clipboard register normally pasted by shortcuts. – ZyX Jul 15 '12 at 06:45
  • @ZyX Not on my system, but your mileage may certainly vary. It's best to configure the behavior you want explicitly if you want a consistent experience across platforms and software versions. – Todd A. Jacobs Jul 15 '12 at 06:52
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    I believe it means you have clipboard manager like klipper/glipper, they are able to synchronize two buffers. It does not change the fact that *vim* uses `*` for primary and `+` for clipboard X11 registers, you can see this in the vim source: [these](http://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/src/ui.c?r=11d40fc82f1154673baca2327796f5152b0df6f5#1964) values are set there and never modified, and `clip_star` and `clip_plus` are always used for `*` and `+` registers respectively. – ZyX Jul 15 '12 at 07:23

For my that configuration works for copying and pasting

" copy and paste
vmap <C-c> "+yi
vmap <C-x> "+c
vmap <C-v> c<ESC>"+p
imap <C-v> <ESC>"+pa
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  • into what did you paste? – StarWind0 Aug 11 '16 at 19:35
  • This IMHO is a better solution that setting clibboard to unnamed - not to mess with the OS clipboard with every x/dd/y etc actions. And on a Mac it may be a better idea to change the C(ctrl) modifier to D for mapping cmd+c/x/v combinations. – mindex Dec 07 '16 at 11:28

This would be the lines you need in your vimrc for this purpose:

set clipboard+=unnamed  " use the clipboards of vim and win
set paste               " Paste from a windows or from vim
set go+=a               " Visual selection automatically copied to the clipboard
Martijn Pieters
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There is a special register for storing this selection, it is the "* register. Nothing is put in here unless the information about what text is selected is about to change (e.g. with a left mouse click somewhere), or when another application wants to paste the selected text. Then the text is put in the "* register. For example, to cut a line and make it the current selection/put it on the CLIPBOARD:


Similarly, when you want to paste a selection from another application, e.g., by clicking the middle mouse button, the selection is put in the "* register first, and then 'put' like any other register. For example, to put the selection (contents of the CLIPBOARD):


registers E354

> There are nine types of registers:                      
> 1. The unnamed register ""
> 2. 10 numbered registers "0 to "9
> 3. The small delete register "-
> 4. 26 named registers "a to "z or "A to "Z
> 5. four read-only registers ":, "., "% and "#
> 6. the expression register "=
> 7. The selection and drop registers "*, "+ and "~ 
> 8. The black hole register "_
> 9. Last search pattern register "/

Paste from clipboard

1. Clipboard: Copy
2. Vim insertmode, middle mouse key

Check for X11-clipboard support in terminal

When you like to run Vim in a terminal you need to look for a version of Vim that was compiled with clipboard support. Check for X11-clipboard support, from the console, type:

% vim --version

If you see "+xterm_clipboard", you are good to go.


The X server maintains three selections, called:


The PRIMARY selection is conventionally used to implement copying and pasting via the middle mouse button. The SECONDARY and CLIPBOARD selections are less frequently used by application programs.


The Demz
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Didn't have +clipboard so I came up with this alternative solution using xsel:

Add to your ~/.vimrc:

vnoremap <C-C> :w !xsel -b<CR><CR>

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    Thanks for this great idea! I ended up using: `vnoremap :w !xclip -i -sel c` – andy Dec 03 '15 at 11:05
  • That works, both xsel and xclip, but visual selection extends to whole lines. However pressing C-C twice does the work properly! I do not why... – nickkzl Aug 30 '20 at 13:49

I tried the suggestions above and none of them worked in my environment. (Windows PuTTY clone over ssh)

Some additional googling turned up: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/110684/copy-paste-into-sshd-vim-from-local-windows-clipboard

One of the comments suggested using SHIFT+INSERT which did the trick for pasting from my desktop's clipboard into Vim's buffer. Ctrl-C was already working to copy to the desktop's clipboard from Vim.

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    i'm working on vim inside cmder tool [windows 8.1]. when you go into cmder settings > keys and macros > paste, there i got shift+insert command for multiline paste and ctrl+v for single line paste. – Zubair Alam Sep 21 '14 at 11:07
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    for me a simple right-click works like a charm!! Just a right-click! – Fr0zenFyr Oct 16 '14 at 09:37
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    Because you're using a terminal and ssh vim cannot reach your native system's clipboard through SSL. `SHIFT+INSERT` works because it is the paste option for your terminal (or in your case PuTTY); however, indentation will likely be wrong. Check out the last paragraph of my answer about the `paste` option to correct this. – Conner Jan 21 '15 at 14:59
  • @jinksPadlock shift+insert works well in this case, but I have yet to be able to copy from ssh vim to my client's X clipboard. Could you share what your is mapped to please? – tuk0z Sep 21 '15 at 20:51
  • Have been struggling with this. Trying to understand what is your environment: Are you using Putty on Windows to log into a linux server via ssh, then starting VIM via putty terminal? Then in the VIM terminal you are pressing shift + Insert? I am using bash on windows (WSL) to do the same.. but Shift + Insert doesnt work? – alpha_989 Jul 24 '17 at 12:02
  • Any idea why this might be happening? I have also tried cntrol + Shift + V and a whole bunch of other commands.. – alpha_989 Jul 24 '17 at 12:03
  • @lliseil, did you figure out how to paste from VIM to windows? – alpha_989 Jul 24 '17 at 12:13
  • @alpha_989, you are correct that was my environment at the time. Sorry I couldn't answer lliseil b/c I no longer have that environment to check the settings. Here is a question that might relate to your WSL configuration: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38832230/copy-paste-in-bash-on-ubuntu-on-windows#38925880 –  Jul 24 '17 at 12:33
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    @jinksPadlock. thanks.. yeah.. I can copy/paste via mouse.. was trying to figure out how to do that by "keyboard only". Copying from windows to VIM is possibly by Keyboard-only using Putty, but not in the reverse direction. In bash for windows.. its not possible to do so in either direction ATM. Compiled a list of resources to point people in the right directions and also for us.. if you have anything to add..maybe you can add them here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45271895/how-to-copy-paste-from-windows-application-to-vim-gnome-running-via-ssh-to-linu – alpha_989 Jul 24 '17 at 14:59
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    @alpha_989 later-better-than-never ;) I cannot add to jinksPadlock' as I presently don't have a Windows OS under my fingers. `SHIFT+INS` works from a linux host to ssh vim as well as does the mouse third click. – tuk0z Jul 26 '17 at 22:29
  • I am using PuTTY on Windows 10 over SSH to Linux Server 16.04.6 LTS and without System Clipboard in the compiled version of VIM. I liked the simple explanation given on https://advancedweb.hu/working-with-the-system-clipboard-in-vim/ see Plan B. In short, copy text from source with the usual CTRL-C and in the VIM window press (Left) Shift + Insert keys. In reverse, highlight text in the VIM window, press RETURN and in the destination use CTRL-V – Tommy Gibbons Aug 07 '20 at 15:09

A quick note for people whose vim installation does not support the * and + registers. It is not necessary to download a new vim installation to paste from the clipboard. Here is an alternative method:

1) Install parcellite (a clipboard manager with a low memory footprint);

2) In your .vimrc file, add the following:

command Clip r !parcellite -c

3) Restart vim.

Now when you type in :Clip as an ex command, the contents of the clipboard will be pasted in at the cursor. You can also map the new command to a function key so as to be able to do this with one keystroke.

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Copy To OS Clipboard

Select text in visual mode, press "*y

Paste From OS Clipboard

Press "*p

Muhammed Ozdogan
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The simplest solution to this, that also works between different Linux machines through ssh is:

  1. Check whether vim supports X-11 clipboard: vim --version | grep clipboard. If it reports back -clipboard and -xterm_clipboard you should install either vim-gtk or vim-gnome (gvim on arch linux)

  2. Add the following lines to your .vimrc:

set clipboard=unnamedplus
set paste
  1. If you login on a different machine via ssh, use the option -Y: ssh -Y machine

Now copying and pasting should work exactly as expected on a single, and across different machines by only using y for yank and p for paste. NB modify .vimrc on all machines where you want to use this feature.

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  • I think, X server should be available in server as well for this to work. Yeah! it might be installed by vim-gtk. I think, xvfb will be an alternate option for running X server. – Ajeeb.K.P Dec 27 '18 at 08:53

This works for me: Ctrl+Shift+V

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    @neel's answer already stated this. This should only be a comment, or better an up vote, if you want to say it also worked for you. – ericbn Sep 07 '16 at 15:11

If you are using a mouse first do

 :set paste 

Then right click mouse and the contents in buffer will be pasted

Mohammed Rafeeq
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I ran into this issue on a mid-2017 Macbook Pro running vim within iTerm2 as my primary development environment.

As other answers have suggested, I ran vim --version and noticed that it returns -clipboard, which means that the version of vim that shipped with my machine hasn't been compiled with the clipboard option.

The homebrew package for vim appears to compile with the clipboard option, so the fix for me was to:

  1. Run brew install vim
  2. Add set clipboard+=unnamed to my ~/.vimrc file
  3. Close and reopen iTerm2
NM Pennypacker
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Following on from Conner's answer, which was great, but C-R C-p + and C-R C-p * in insert mode is a bit inconvenient. Ditto "*p and "+p from command mode.

a VIM guru suggested the following to map C-v to what C-r C-p + does.

You could have :inoremap <C-v> <C-o>"+p for insert mode only

if you really wanted to override blockwise visual mode (not recommended by him as visual mode is good) you could have map <C-v> "+p

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If you are using vim in MAC OSX, unfortunately it comes with older verion, and not complied with clipboard options. Luckily, homebrew can easily solve this problem.

install vim:

brew install vim --with-lua --with-override-system-vim

install gui verion of vim:

brew install macvim --with-lua --with-override-system-vim

restart the terminal to take effect.

append the following line to ~/.vimrc
set clipboard=unnamed

now you can copy the line in vim with yy and paste it system-wide.

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On top of the setting :set clipboard=unnamed, you should use mvim -v which you can get with brew install macvim if you're using vim on Terminal.app on Mac OS X 10.9. Default vim does not support clipboard option.

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The other solutions are good if you want to change your vimrc, etc... However I wanted an simple way to copy from vim to my system keyboard. This is what I came up with.

  • Select the text you want to copy with visual mode v
  • Press : (it will automatically expand to show :'<,'>)
  • Type y * or y + (depending on your system) to yank the selected text to the system clipboard
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Since vim 8 right click enables visual mode by default. This prevents the "normal" copy & paste (call it a "defect by design" https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1326). Fix it by doing:

echo "set mouse-=a" >> ~/.vimrc .

Exit and restart vim.

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It may also be worth mentioning, on OSX using Vim, you can select text with the mouse, Cmd-C to copy to OSX system clipboard, and the copied text will be available in the clipboard outside of Vim.

In other words, OSX treats it like it were a regular window, and this is where the much-maligned Apple "Command" button comes in handy.


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    This is also true for any half-decent terminal emulator on any other OS. Apple have no advantage here whatsoever. – underscore_d Oct 29 '16 at 00:59

Based on @lis2 answer, I use a simpler configuration that will not force Insert mode at the end:

" Copy and paste
if has('clipboard') && !has('gui_running')
  vnoremap <C-c> "+y
  vnoremap <C-x> "+d
  vnoremap <C-v> "+p
  inoremap <C-v> <C-r><C-o>+

Mind that all these override default Vim mappings:

  • v_CTRL-C: stop Visual mode
  • v_CTRL-X: subtract [count] from number
  • v_CTRL-V: blockwise Visual mode
  • i_CTRL-V: insert next non-digit literally, which is also mapped to i_CTRL-Q

As an alternative, one can use keys inspired in the "yank", "delete" and "put" Vim verbs: <C-y>, <C-d> and <C-p> respectively. These would only override one default mapping:

  • i_CTRL-P: backwards search keyword for completion
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What you really need is EasyClip. It will do just that and so much more...

Scott Wade
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With Vim 8+ on Linux or Mac, you can now simply use the OS' native paste (ctrl+shift+V on Linux, cmd+V on Mac). Do not press i for Insert Mode.

It will paste the contents of your OS clipboard, preserving the spaces and tabs without adding autoindenting. It's equivalent to the old :set paste, i, ctrl+shift+V, esc, :set nopaste method.

You don't even need the +clipboard or +xterm_clipboard vim features installed anymore. This feature is called "bracketed paste". For more details, see Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim

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If you have it, try removing this from your vimrc: set mouse=a

It messes with the paste functionality.

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When I use my Debian vim that is not integrated with Gnome (vim --version | grep clip # shows no clipboard support), I can copy to the clipboard after holding the Shift key and selecting the text with the mouse, just like with any other curses program. As I figured from a comment by @Conner, it's the terminal (gnome-terminal in my case) that turns off its mouse event reporting when it senses my Shift press. I guess curses-based programs can receive mouse events after sending a certain Escape sequence to the terminal.

eel ghEEz
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If you are on windows and you want to paste contents of system clipboard using p then type this command.

:set clipboard = unnamed

This solved my problem.

vincent mathew
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There are two simple ways to do this. Make your file in insert mode and 1) press the middle button (the scroll wheel) in your mouse, or 2) Ctrl + Shift + V


For some international keyboards, you may need to press "+Space to get a ".

So in those case you would have to press "Space+y or "Space*y to copy.

And "Space+p or " Space*p to paste.

Arthur F
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I used the answer of NM Pennypacker and installed vim via homebrew for an early 2011 MacBook Pro:

brew install vim

Now I can also use the "* register to copy and paste text within vim. I even didn't have to change something within my ~/.vimrc file or the $PATH. Homebrew added symlinks in /usr/local/bin, e.g. vim -> ../Cellar/vim/8.1.2350/bin/vim.

The alternative, which worked before, is to copy some lines of text within vim by marking it with the mouse and using copy and paste (cmd + c, cmd + v) on a mac. This option only works if the text you want to copy and paste is less in size than the window size of vim. If you want to copy all text within vim by marking the whole window or using cmd + a, this will copy other parts of the console, written before starting vim, which is very annoying.

So, I am happy having found the new method using the clippboard register.

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After entering the vim window, press I to enter into insert mode. Then move your cursor to the desire location and press Ctrl + Insert button simultaneously to paste from the clipboard.

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What simply worked for me in Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

  • Copying to system clipboard:

    1. Select what you want to copy in Visual mode.
    2. Type "+y
    3. Press Enter
  • Paste something form system's clipboard:

    1. Move to the place where you want to paste the copied text in vim.
    2. Just type "+P to paste before cursor / "+p to paste after cursor.

To know more how this works: Copy and Paste to/from Vim from/to Other Programs!

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