My team is using feature branches to implement new features and continuously deploys snapshot builds into a remote repo for our users to use. Thus 'deploy' really only means 'distributing to a remote Maven repository'. We're currently only running continuous integration builds for the master branch and not the feature branches for the following reason: we're using Maven to build our projects and distribute the JavaDoc and sources alongside the JAR.

My plan was now to add a classifier to each feature branches build and expected that one to be used when creating and deploying the artifacts like this:

  • Branch: master
  • Classifier: none
  • Artifacts: foo-${version}.jar, foo-${version}-sources.jar, foo-${version}-javadoc.jar

  • Branch: feature-X

  • Classifier: myfeature
  • Artifacts: foo-${version}-feature.jar, foo-${version}-sources-feature.jar, foo-${version}-javadoc-feature.jar

I don't really care about the exact naming of the artifact, I just need separate main, source and JavaDoc artifacts for the feature branch. It turns out, neither the JavaDoc plugin nor the source plugin consider the classifier configured and thus effectively overwrite the artifacts created for my master build.

I don't really want to change the artifactId although this would probably solve the issue. How do you approach feature branches and continuous integration with Maven?

Oliver Drotbohm
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  • How static are your topoc branches? How often do you expect to setup a new job and how often are they going to be teared down? What do you use in the CI Server to help you with that? This is one of the things which stops me from thinking about such a build. Maybe a gatekeeper model or developer local CI server is better suited. – eckes Jul 10 '12 at 12:52
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    you should not use the classifier to reflect the difference in branches, as you will have nasty side effect with some other plugins. Classifiers are supposed to be sources, javadocs, etc... For your need you should either change the artifactId or version. – Farid Jul 10 '12 at 12:54
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    @eckes - We use Bamboo which supports automatically triggering a build job against a different branch based on a regular expression on the branch name. As soon as it detects a branch matching that expression, it pretty much clones a build job if generally instructed to do so. – Oliver Drotbohm Jul 10 '12 at 14:06
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    @Farid - Yeah, that seems the only solution right now. Your comment would make a good answer, even if I wished there was a better solution :). – Oliver Drotbohm Jul 10 '12 at 14:07
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    This question deserves many more views, and up votes. – axiopisty Dec 29 '15 at 20:59
  • We're having similar issues in our development lifecycle that we are trying to resolve. Did you find a functional solution finally? Did you add the qualifier to the version number? Is there a specific version # format that you found that works best? – Eric B. Jan 25 '16 at 20:10
  • I just stick to 1.2.0.$issuenumber-SNAPSHOT for now and that hasn't created any issues so far. – Oliver Drotbohm Jan 26 '16 at 20:17

4 Answers4


I would suggest to add the branch-qualifier into the version component, as it is more related to that part. This also allows your snapshot dependencies on those versions alongside the main branch.

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    While this seems like a good approach, it leads to problems when using version number ranges (f.e. for continuous integration). See my answer. – Eduard Wirch Feb 19 '15 at 08:48
  • Not only version number ranges, putting alphas into the version and also putting snapshot, does not make this a snapshot, as noted [in my comment](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11413624/how-to-continuously-build-and-deploy-feature-branches-with-maven/11414236#comment113478625_11414236) a `feature-SNAPSHOT` is no longer a snapshot, the qualifier is now the feature name and SNAPSHOT. – Brett Ryan Oct 02 '20 at 13:55

I would suggest to use an appropriate version which represents the branch as well as the version things like:

1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for master


1.0.0-F1-SNAPSHOT for feature F1


This give also an indicator from which release 1.0.0 the feature branch has been made.

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    *1.0.0** is equivalent to * . . - *. *-SNAPSHOT* is part of Maven. Furthermore is there any problem with that? Simply no. – khmarbaise Apr 30 '13 at 17:08
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    how would you instruct mercurial or maven to not include pom version when merge back to master? I mean I don't think you want to resolve this manually every time you merge, right? – Asgard Mar 08 '14 at 22:11
  • We have a feature branch setup script that creates a first commit with only the changes to the version numbers. On merging we simply drop this commit and squash and merge all subsequent ones on this branch (or simply cherry pick it if there's only a second commit). – Oliver Drotbohm May 09 '14 at 09:25
  • I've been using this approach. using maven versions plugin. mvn versions:set -DallowSnapshots=true -DnewVersion=0.1-$branch-SNAPSHOT -Pall – digao_mb Mar 07 '16 at 12:34
  • @OliverGierke I am just wondering if you can share that script with the public? We also ran into the same issue. Merging branches with pom files containing different component version numbers has become very challenging. For e.g. my master might have 1.4, and my release branch might have 1.1., but when we try to merge release branch with master, this becomes a sticky point. – endless Aug 05 '16 at 05:49
  • @endless — The script can be found [here](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-build/blob/1c23418cf38970b86cd1fbb8d806a0defa24f4d6/etc/scripts/new-issue-branch). It creates a dedicated commit for the setup which we simply drop when merging the branch. That way, the version customization never makes it into master. – Oliver Drotbohm Aug 07 '16 at 02:20
  • @OliverGierke thanks for sharing that. We will customize this to our needs and let you know how it goes. – endless Aug 15 '16 at 02:33
  • @khmarbaise, in your comment `F1` is not a qualifier, the qualifier is actually `F1-SNAPSHOT`. Maven versions have multiple schemes depending on if you have a qualifier or not. `1.2.3-SNAPSHOT` is `..-`, `1.2.3-4` is `..-`, and; what I see a lot that's not valid is `` becomes ``. – Brett Ryan Oct 02 '20 at 13:47
  • @BrettRyan This schema is based on Maven 2... in Maven 3 you can define versions more or less you like (but usually it does not make sense). I can simply define a version like `1.0.0-F1-SNAPSHOT` and it will work.. A version like `` is simply a version ? I don't see any relationship to qualifier etc. See also https://blog.soebes.de/blog/2017/02/04/apache-maven-how-version-comparison-works/ and also https://maven.apache.org/pom.html#version-order-specification apart from that I have not claimed that `F1` was an qualifier?...The comment was at 2012... ? related to Maven 2. – khmarbaise Oct 03 '20 at 14:54
  • @khmarbaise, you said `-F1 is equivalent to [> - . -SNAPSHOT is part of Maven`, if after the `-` the remaining part as a whole is a qualifier (when alpha), otherwise it's a build number if numeric. Therefore `-F1-SNAPSHOT` is a qualifier and is NOT treated as a snapshot. – Brett Ryan Oct 03 '20 at 17:25

Using the version number to store the branch name, as suggested by others, is a quick win, but leads to problems if you use version ranges. The version number was not meant to be used like that. We use them in a continuous integration process to make the integration tests depend on the tested artifact:


The qualifier part inside the version number denotes different incremental stages of the same code base:


This is why the version range above will capture the above and Maven will order them in this order:


Any artifact carrying the feature branch name in the version number (1.8-featureA-SNAPSHOT) will be ordered newer than the snapshots without qualifier. But a feature branch is a 'different' code base, not a newer representation of the same code base. For our integration test scenario this led to useless test failures. The feature branch was not ready yet to be tested by integration tests.

We now follow this rule: if you have to change something anyway, why not the artifact id? We change the artifact id for feature branches and it works just fine.

Eduard Wirch
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  • while it's true that the feature branch is a 'different' code base, it is still the same project as the main build. It seems there should be a solution other than modifying the artifact id. I don't have one though =( Maybe maven versions are either too feature-full (supporting ranges) or too inflexible (only supporting 3 dotted versions a.b.c as numbers and defaulting to strings for a.b.c.d) – Stan Kurdziel Jun 16 '15 at 20:34
  • FWIW: I'm going with completely different versions on feature branches. `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`... on master and `featureA-001`, `featureA-002`, ... on feature branches. Considered `featureA-SNAPSHOT` also, but seemed like a more complicated approach. – Stan Kurdziel Jun 16 '15 at 23:15
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    This is true - however, using version ranges in Maven has various problems anyway (such as the requirement to stick to Maven's version number format), so I don't think they are used a lot in practice. If you never use version ranges, this problem does not apply. – sleske Feb 05 '16 at 09:09
  • @Eduard Wirch - exactly how do you update the artifactId? I agree with your statements (feature branches are different code bases) and therefore it is appropriate to update artifactId, but I'm struggling to find a way to do this automatically at build time (so that feature branch builds generate new/unique artifacts) – trebor Mar 19 '18 at 20:48
  • We modified them manually, which had its own drawbacks, but worked out for a while. My answer is pretty old now. In the meantime we moved to not installing artifacts into the artifact repository but build Docker images intstead to test feature branches. – Eduard Wirch Mar 20 '18 at 08:04
  • I would stay away from version ranges. If you use mutable version snapshots, only change them if different dependencies are required. – eckes Feb 12 '19 at 17:12
  • This is absolutely the correct answer. As noted on [my comment above](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11413624/how-to-continuously-build-and-deploy-feature-branches-with-maven/11414236#comment113478625_11414236) the versioning scheme offered by maven simply does not allow for features in the version. – Brett Ryan Oct 02 '20 at 13:53

Instead of altering the maven coordinates of the artifact you could use maven-branch-extension to effectively create a separate SNAPSHOT namespace for each of the feature branches. Quote from the project page:

Instead of changing the version number when on a feature branch, we change the repository. Each feature is deployed into a subdirectory, based on their branch name, in a remote repository that is only for feature branches. There is no risk of artifacts being overwritten. Version numbers do not change. Branching and merging with Git stays simple (like it was meant to be!).

The extension gets the current Git branch and resolves a property in the URL of the repository so that artifacts can be stored and retrieved correctly. It also manages caching and fetching of artifacts to the local repository so that artifacts are taken from the feature branch repository, if they exist, when working from a feature branch.

The beauty of this is that external users of the SNAPSHOT dependencies are completely isolated from the internal work on topic branches.

Bogdan Calmac
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  • I think this is the best approach, much cleaner than messing around witch changing the GAVs of artifacts. Also, the "feature" repo can be optimized specifically for the feature branch lifecycle (auto-cleaning when the feature branch has been deleted...etc) – sola Oct 21 '20 at 09:15