After the Chrome extension I'm working on is installed, or upgraded, the content scripts (specified in the manifest) are not re-injected so a page refresh is required to make the extension work. Is there a way to force the scripts to be injected again?

I believe I could inject them again programmatically by removing them from the manifest and then handling which pages to inject in the background page, but this is not a good solution.

I don't want to automatically refresh the user's tabs because that could lose some of their data. Safari automatically refreshes all pages when you install or upgrade an extension.

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  • Looks like Safari 7 (at least) no longer automatically refreshes the page when an extension is installed – baseten Aug 12 '14 at 14:48

6 Answers6


There's a way to allow a content script heavy extension to continue functioning after an upgrade, and to make it work immediately upon installation.


The install method is to simply iterate through all tabs in all windows, and inject some scripts programmatically into tabs with matching URLs.

Obviously, you have to do it in a background page or event page script declared in manifest.json:

"background": {
    "scripts": ["background.js"]


// Add a `manifest` property to the `chrome` object.
chrome.manifest = chrome.app.getDetails();

var injectIntoTab = function (tab) {
    // You could iterate through the content scripts here
    var scripts = chrome.manifest.content_scripts[0].js;
    var i = 0, s = scripts.length;
    for( ; i < s; i++ ) {
        chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {
            file: scripts[i]

// Get all windows
    populate: true
}, function (windows) {
    var i = 0, w = windows.length, currentWindow;
    for( ; i < w; i++ ) {
        currentWindow = windows[i];
        var j = 0, t = currentWindow.tabs.length, currentTab;
        for( ; j < t; j++ ) {
            currentTab = currentWindow.tabs[j];
            // Skip chrome:// and https:// pages
            if( ! currentTab.url.match(/(chrome|https):\/\//gi) ) {


The upgrade method relies on the fact that the content scripts are left injected after an extension is disabled, uninstalled or upgraded.

When the port connection is made, an onDisconnect handler is added. This waits a second after the disconnect event, then attempts to reconnect. If it fails, another onDisconnect is fired so the process happens again, until a connection is made. It's not perfect, but it works.

The content script:

var port;

// Attempt to reconnect
var reconnectToExtension = function () {
    // Reset port
    port = null;
    // Attempt to reconnect after 1 second
    setTimeout(connectToExtension, 1000 * 1);

// Attempt to connect
var connectToExtension = function () {

    // Make the connection
    port = chrome.runtime.connect({name: "my-port"});

    // When extension is upgraded or disabled and renabled, the content scripts
    // will still be injected, so we have to reconnect them.
    // We listen for an onDisconnect event, and then wait for a second before
    // trying to connect again. Becuase chrome.runtime.connect fires an onDisconnect
    // event if it does not connect, an unsuccessful connection should trigger
    // another attempt, 1 second later.


// Connect for the first time
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    I'm not sure this will work anymore because of http://crbug.com/168263 (`Don't let orphaned content scripts communicate with their extension.`). `chrome.runtime.sendMessage` doesn't. I could be wrong but if people have trouble that change is probably why. – vaughan Feb 26 '14 at 09:54
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    in chrome 46 you need to use `chrome.runtime.getManifest()` rather than `chrome.manifest`. – Lee Nov 23 '15 at 23:43
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    To execute chrome.tabs.executeScript you have to add permissions "tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*" to your manifest.json – cnmuc Dec 16 '15 at 14:59
  • What happens say user is watching a video by execution of content script of v1.0 in a web page and Google Chrome upgrades to v.2.0? Does v1.0 execution halt? Or as with this answer, including new and old content scripts at the same time for the tab should not create issue? – John Sewell May 10 '16 at 00:33
  • Hi, can you tell me where do you do the getAll and InjectIntoTab? Since in manifest.json I have 'background.js' and content_scripts.js file, but I can't figure out what is executed first time on install. Thanks, Mirko – mirkobrankovic Mar 06 '17 at 23:10
  • I tried the upgrade code and it works on Firefox but not Opera, and presumably not on Chrome. – carlin.scott Oct 11 '18 at 17:54
  • "http://*/*" permission is not required if you only inject content scripts on specific pages. Make sure to just add your domain as permission in order to inject on your own pages only. Using "http://*/*" actually triggers a manual review by google which might take a while. – Jespertheend Nov 04 '18 at 00:25
  • but connectToExtension and reconnectToExtension are running in infinite loop. What can be wrong? onDisconnect shoudn't listening only when extension is upgraded / reloaded? – Przemo Sep 24 '20 at 05:01

The only way to force a content script to be injected without refreshing the page is via programatic injection.

You can get all tabs and inject code into them using the chrome tabs API. For example you can store a manifest version in local storage and every time check if the manifest version is old one (in background page), if so you can get all active tabs and inject your code programmatically, or any other solution that will make you sure that the extension is updated.

Get all tabs using:

and inject your code into all pages
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {file: "content_script.js"});

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  • Thanks, but I don't want to use this method – programmatic injection requires a lot more code and increases complexity. – Tom Ashworth Jun 22 '12 at 13:25
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    I'm pretty sure that's the only way to do it. I implemented a similar thing, using both the manifest injection and programatic injection so all tabs that are open when the background script is first loaded are injected, and all new tabs are handled by the normal manifest injection. The thing you should watch out for, however, is anything you leave behind in the DOM or page context for e.g. reloading or upgrading, so you should have a function that undoes everything you've done, but also need to get the new context to talk to the old one. – Adam M-W Jun 25 '12 at 04:14
  • Thanks @AdamM-W - I'd been thinking similar things. Ideally there'd be an event that could trigger an 'exit' script that would undo all the DOM changes. – Tom Ashworth Jun 26 '12 at 13:34

Try this in your background script. Many of the old methods have been deprecated now, so I have refactored the code. For my use I'm only installing single content_script file. If need you can iterate over chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts array to get all .js files.


function installScript(details){
    // console.log('Installing content script in all tabs.');
    let params = {
        currentWindow: true
    chrome.tabs.query(params, function gotTabs(tabs){
        let contentjsFile = chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts[0].js[0];
        for (let index = 0; index < tabs.length; index++) {
            chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[index].id, {
                file: contentjsFile
            result => {
                const lastErr = chrome.runtime.lastError;
                if (lastErr) {
                    console.error('tab: ' + tabs[index].id + ' lastError: ' + JSON.stringify(lastErr));
Prateek Jha
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Chrome has added a method to listen for the install or upgrade event of the extension. One can re-inject the content script when such an event occur. https://developers.chrome.com/extensions/runtime#event-onInstalled

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Due to https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=168263, the connection between your content script and background script is severed. As others have mentioned, one way to get around this issue is by reinjecting a content script. A rough overview is detailed in this StackOverflow answer.

The main tricky part is that it's necessary to "destruct" your current content script before injecting a new content script. Destructing can be really tricky, so one way to reduce the amount of state you must destruct is by making a small reinjectable script, that talks to your main content script over the DOM.

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can't you add ?ver=2.10 at the end of css or js you upgraded?

"content_scripts": [ {
      "css": [ "css/cs.css?ver=2.10" ],
      "js": [ "js/contentScript.js?ver=2.10" ],
      "matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ],
      "run_at": "document_end"
   } ],
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