A PHP script is sending to an Android app some data in the following format


I want to exact the 2 elements from this array into other arrays so I can easily manipulate the data. I got to the point in which the above response from the server is being converted into as string. What I can't seem to be able to do is to parse the data into arrays. I'm trying something on the following lines:

receivedData = new JSONArray(result); //result is the string response from the server  
JSONArray array1= receivedData.getJSONArray(0);  
JSONArray array2= receivedData.getJSONArray(1);  
int len = array1.length();

but lenis not giving me back anything :(
What am I doing wrong and how could I change it.
Many thanks

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1 Answers1


What if you start by invoking new JSONObject(result); and then pulling an array out of that? I suspect you're trying to pull an array out of something that is not an array. Your PHP should not return something wrapped in [ ] it should return it wrapped in { }... also I believe your third JSON element (the array itself) is just hanging about without a label, which I believe is illegal.

so... if your php produced this:

 {"event_id":"4","message":"test"},"people": ["person1","person2"]}

and your java was this:

JSONObject j = new JSONObject(result);

String [] people = j.getJSONArray("people");

I believe you'd have what you are after.

Yevgeny Simkin
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