What are some options for getting really fast 'Find in Files' searching in VIM?

Our codebase is large enough that searching needs to work off an index. grep/vimgrep/etc are too slow.

Indexing doesn't need to be particularly fast; I can index overnight.


[EDIT] I'm also working in a Windows environment.

Ira Baxter
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Christopher Stott
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6 Answers6


If it's source code (rather than full text search), then ctags with the TagList plugin should work well for your needs. See, for example:


EDIT: TagList and ctags will work on Windows as well (that's what I use). See the TagList install page and FAQ. The following links might prove useful:

There's also a TagList forum where you can get further help:


I set it up on my windows machine a while back, but I don't remember encountering any problems.

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Something that I use, but not through vim, is ack: http://betterthangrep.com/

It is a perl based tool, and it should be usable in Windows.

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  • This works very well for me. We have thousands of files, and a normal grep (or even ack) can take tens of seconds. But something like `:Ack --ruby *something*` will generally return in a second or two, since it is searching only a subset of files – Adam Batkin Dec 07 '11 at 19:03

If you're working with a large codebase, then it might be time to look for a more powerful solution than conventional tools. OpenGrok is a very fast source code search and cross-reference engine. On top of its great performance, it integrates with Subversion, Mercurial, and ClearCase, among other source revision control software. It sounds a lot like something you could use.

If you want support to use OpenGrok from within Vim, you could easily write a vim function that would call system() to start the search for you. To read more about writing new vim commands, look up :help 40.2 within vim.

I hope that's what you were looking for.

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Zachary Murray
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I don't know how I found this, but looks like someone has written a plugin for google desktop

Sam Saffron
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Try to install https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim, http://beyondgrep.com/ ,

then make a link

ln -s /usr/bin/ack-grep /usr/bin/ack 

and add

noremap <C-f> :copen<CR>:Ack -aQi --ignore-dir someignoringdir

to your .vimrc, after you can find in files through Ctrl+F, enjoy

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You can try this

:vimgrep /something/ */

and dont forget to open search result window after


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