My mobile site, http://hoagfrm.orangegrids.com/index.php?id=51, is developed with 320px size. Still i can see an extra white space to the right in an iPhone. Can someone hep to figure this out please

Mehul Mistri
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  • I checked your site from Safari browser. It still has a white space when you scroll the site from right to left. May be it's a problem with your site. Did you check your WebView width?. – Damitha Raveendra Jun 06 '12 at 08:44
  • hi: this is an HTML page and is developed using standard HTML/CSS. Appreciate if you can let me know which area i need to look if this is a problem with my site – saj Jun 06 '12 at 09:03
  • Hi:I finally solved this by using the META vieport plugin and restricting the page width using CSS to 320px. – saj Jun 07 '12 at 04:57

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