I am trying to implement two finger rotation in android however, it is not quite working as expected. The goal is to implement rotation like Google Earth does (two-finger rotating the image around the focal point). Currently my rotation listener looks like this:

 private class RotationGestureListener {
    private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID = -1;
    private float fX, fY, sX, sY, focalX, focalY;
    private int ptrID1, ptrID2;

    public RotationGestureListener(){
        ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
        switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                sX = event.getX();
                sY = event.getY();
                ptrID1 = event.getPointerId(0);
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
                fX = event.getX();
                fY = event.getY();
                focalX = getMidpoint(fX, sX);
                focalY = getMidpoint(fY, sY);
                ptrID2 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

                if(ptrID1 != INVALID_POINTER_ID && ptrID2 != INVALID_POINTER_ID){
                    float nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY;
                    nfX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                    nfY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                    nsX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                    nsY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                    float angle = angleBtwLines(fX, fY, nfX, nfY, sX, sY, nsX, nsY);
                    rotateImage(angle, focalX, focalY);
                    fX = nfX;
                    fY = nfY;
                    sX = nfX;
                    sY = nfY;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
                ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        return false;

    private float getMidpoint(float a, float b){
        return (a + b) / 2;
    private float angleBtwLines (float fx1, float fy1, float fx2, float fy2, float sx1, float sy1, float sx2, float sy2){
        float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2(fy1 - fy2, fx1 - fx2);
        float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2(sy1 - sy2, sx1 - sx2);
        return (float) Math.toDegrees((angle1-angle2));

However whenever I rotate the angle of rotation is much larger and it sometimes it rotates to the wrong side. Any ideas on how to fix this?

By the way I am testing it on a Motorola Atrix, so it does not have the touchscreen bug.


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  • Note some older devices (e.g. HTC Desire) will not correctly detect the positions of the two fingers—it’s liable to confuse their X- and Y-coordinates. – Lawrence D'Oliveiro May 21 '12 at 10:56
  • I would look into those classes: [GestureDetector](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/GestureDetector.html) ([source](http://omapzoom.org/?p=platform/frameworks/base.git;a=blob;f=core/java/android/view/GestureDetector.java;h=5c8b23639ba4e3a073577a5a064d17b02a7ab333;hb=HEAD)) [ScaleGestureDetector](http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/ScaleGestureDetector.html) ([source](http://omapzoom.org/?p=platform/frameworks/base.git;a=blob;f=core/java/android/view/ScaleGestureDetector.java;h=bbb5adef5f0ffc51c2437ae85e703784f63a795a;hb=HEAD)) They contain some nice tricks to – MeTTeO May 21 '12 at 09:10
  • ScaleGestureDetector can only be used for scaling (which I already implemented using the class) and GestureDetector can only be used for single touch gestures. Android does not have a default rotate gesture detector. – paulot May 21 '12 at 09:36
  • You have a problem with angles, not with GestureDection and handling. The symptoms you report are exactly the ones expected with the wrong Angle difference calculation. – Viktor Latypov May 21 '12 at 10:10
  • _pretomba_, I just suggested that you could look into those implementations of those built in classes and see how events from two fingers can be nicely handled. _Viktor_, Java has remainder operator '%' so you don't need to use method and while loop for that... – MeTTeO May 21 '12 at 10:33
  • Thanks, added your suggestion to the and of my answer. – Viktor Latypov May 21 '12 at 10:41

6 Answers6


Improvements of the class:

  • angle returned is total since rotation has begun
  • removing unnecessary functions
  • simplification
  • get position of first pointer only after second pointer is down
public class RotationGestureDetector {
    private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID = -1;
    private float fX, fY, sX, sY;
    private int ptrID1, ptrID2;
    private float mAngle;

    private OnRotationGestureListener mListener;

    public float getAngle() {
        return mAngle;

    public RotationGestureDetector(OnRotationGestureListener listener){
        mListener = listener;
        ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
        switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                ptrID1 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
                ptrID2 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());
                sX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                sY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                fX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                fY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                if(ptrID1 != INVALID_POINTER_ID && ptrID2 != INVALID_POINTER_ID){
                    float nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY;
                    nsX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                    nsY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                    nfX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                    nfY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));

                    mAngle = angleBetweenLines(fX, fY, sX, sY, nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY);

                    if (mListener != null) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
                ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
                ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        return true;

    private float angleBetweenLines (float fX, float fY, float sX, float sY, float nfX, float nfY, float nsX, float nsY)
        float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2( (fY - sY), (fX - sX) );
        float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2( (nfY - nsY), (nfX - nsX) );

        float angle = ((float)Math.toDegrees(angle1 - angle2)) % 360;
        if (angle < -180.f) angle += 360.0f;
        if (angle > 180.f) angle -= 360.0f;
        return angle;

    public static interface OnRotationGestureListener {
        public void OnRotation(RotationGestureDetector rotationDetector);

How to use it:

  1. Put the above class in a separate file RotationGestureDetector.java
  2. create a private field mRotationDetector of type RotationGestureDetector in your activity class and create a new instance of the detector during the initialization (onCreate method for example) and give as parameter a class implementing the onRotation method (here the activity = this).
  3. In the method onTouchEvent, send the touch events received to the gesture detector with 'mRotationDetector.onTouchEvent(event);'
  4. Implements RotationGestureDetector.OnRotationGestureListener in your activity and add the method 'public void OnRotation(RotationGestureDetector rotationDetector)' in the activity. In this method, get the angle with rotationDetector.getAngle()


public class MyActivity extends Activity implements RotationGestureDetector.OnRotationGestureListener {
    private RotationGestureDetector mRotationDetector;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mRotationDetector = new RotationGestureDetector(this);

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
        return super.onTouchEvent(event);

    public void OnRotation(RotationGestureDetector rotationDetector) {
        float angle = rotationDetector.getAngle();
        Log.d("RotationGestureDetector", "Rotation: " + Float.toString(angle));



You can also use the RotationGestureDetector class in a View instead of an Activity.

Asif Patel
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    This works well for me. I added some custom filtering for my own specific needs, but this saved me a lot of time. Thanks. – KnucklesTheDog Mar 12 '14 at 14:07
  • dragging my finger in one direction i get 178.33331, -177.07356, -177.14868, 131.9633 I mean values that make no sense at all. bogus – Tyler Davis Aug 26 '14 at 23:47
  • Anyway to implement this in a custom view class? that extends view? – Coova Sep 24 '14 at 02:50
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    Tyler Davis, I was having the same problem. See my answer below for a solution. – aaronmarino Nov 13 '14 at 14:03
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    just to be clear, this doesn't actually handle the rotation right? It just gets the angle that the object has been rotated so that it can be used in like a Matrix.postRotate call to actually rotate the view – BigBoy1337 Jun 03 '15 at 02:23
  • Great solution! One optimization that can be applied is to calculate the initial angle only when gesture is started and cache it. You can avoid calculating `(float) Math.atan2( (fY - sY), (fX - sX) );` every move this way. – Alexander Vakrilov Nov 18 '15 at 14:54
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    It is notable that angleBetweenLines() provides the accumulative angle. If you need delta angle, you should write (inside onTouchEvent()) mDeltaAngle = mAngle - mPreviousAngle and return mDeltaAngle. Also write mPreviousAngle = mAngle inside the "if (mListener != null)" block. Don't forget to initialized it to zero and also make it zero in other 'cases' in the switch block. – Kamran Bigdely Jul 28 '16 at 19:30
  • With this solution, can we get correct touch x,y coordinates? Because this solution does not use any Metrix. – isuru Mar 08 '17 at 10:50

Here's my improvement on Leszek's answer. I found that his didn't work for small views as when a touch went outside the view the angle calculation was wrong. The solution is to get the raw location instead of just getX/Y.

Credit to this thread for getting the raw points on a rotatable view.

public class RotationGestureDetector {

    private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID = -1;
    private PointF mFPoint = new PointF();
    private PointF mSPoint = new PointF();
    private int mPtrID1, mPtrID2;
    private float mAngle;
    private View mView;

    private OnRotationGestureListener mListener;

    public float getAngle() {
        return mAngle;

    public RotationGestureDetector(OnRotationGestureListener listener, View v) {
        mListener = listener;
        mView = v;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {

        switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE:
                Log.d(this, "ACTION_OUTSIDE");
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                Log.v(this, "ACTION_DOWN");
                mPtrID1 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
                Log.v(this, "ACTION_POINTER_DOWN");
                mPtrID2 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());

                getRawPoint(event, mPtrID1, mSPoint);
                getRawPoint(event, mPtrID2, mFPoint);

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                if (mPtrID1 != INVALID_POINTER_ID && mPtrID2 != INVALID_POINTER_ID) {
                    PointF nfPoint = new PointF();
                    PointF nsPoint = new PointF();

                    getRawPoint(event, mPtrID1, nsPoint);
                    getRawPoint(event, mPtrID2, nfPoint);

                    mAngle = angleBetweenLines(mFPoint, mSPoint, nfPoint, nsPoint);

                    if (mListener != null) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                mPtrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
                mPtrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                mPtrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
                mPtrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        return true;

    void getRawPoint(MotionEvent ev, int index, PointF point) {
        final int[] location = { 0, 0 };

        float x = ev.getX(index);
        float y = ev.getY(index);

        double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x));
        angle += mView.getRotation();

        final float length = PointF.length(x, y);

        x = (float) (length * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle))) + location[0];
        y = (float) (length * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle))) + location[1];

        point.set(x, y);

    private float angleBetweenLines(PointF fPoint, PointF sPoint, PointF nFpoint, PointF nSpoint) {
        float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2((fPoint.y - sPoint.y), (fPoint.x - sPoint.x));
        float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2((nFpoint.y - nSpoint.y), (nFpoint.x - nSpoint.x));

        float angle = ((float) Math.toDegrees(angle1 - angle2)) % 360;
        if (angle < -180.f) angle += 360.0f;
        if (angle > 180.f) angle -= 360.0f;
        return -angle;

    public interface OnRotationGestureListener {
        void onRotation(RotationGestureDetector rotationDetector);
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  • This is great! Thanks! The only problem I'm getting, though, is that after the first rotation, every rotation resets the angle to 0 first. I've been unable to fix this issue for awhile. Any ideas on how to implement delta-anglebetweenlines? – Erwin Lengkeek Dec 15 '14 at 15:28
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    I managed to fix it myself by saving the old angle in ACTOIN_POINTER_DOWN and adding it to mAngle in ACTION_MOVE (and using modulo 360 on that value). I hope this might be useful for someone that tries to do the same as me. – Erwin Lengkeek Dec 15 '14 at 20:49

I tried a combination of answers that are here but it still didn't work perfectly so I had to modify it a little bit.

This code gives you the delta angle on each rotation, it works perfectly to me, I'm using it to rotate an object in OpenGL.

public class RotationGestureDetector {
private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID = -1;
private float fX, fY, sX, sY, focalX, focalY;
private int ptrID1, ptrID2;
private float mAngle;
private boolean firstTouch;

private OnRotationGestureListener mListener;

public float getAngle() {
    return mAngle;

public RotationGestureDetector(OnRotationGestureListener listener){
    mListener = listener;

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
    switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
            sX = event.getX();
            sY = event.getY();
            ptrID1 = event.getPointerId(0);
            mAngle = 0;
            firstTouch = true;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
            fX = event.getX();
            fY = event.getY();
            focalX = getMidpoint(fX, sX);
            focalY = getMidpoint(fY, sY);
            ptrID2 = event.getPointerId(event.getActionIndex());
            mAngle = 0;
            firstTouch = true;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:

            if(ptrID1 != INVALID_POINTER_ID && ptrID2 != INVALID_POINTER_ID){
                float nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY;
                nsX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                nsY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID1));
                nfX = event.getX(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                nfY = event.getY(event.findPointerIndex(ptrID2));
                if (firstTouch) {
                    mAngle = 0;
                    firstTouch = false;
                } else {
                    mAngle = angleBetweenLines(fX, fY, sX, sY, nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY);

                if (mListener != null) {
                fX = nfX;
                fY = nfY;
                sX = nsX;
                sY = nsY;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            ptrID1 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
            ptrID2 = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
    return true;

private float getMidpoint(float a, float b){
    return (a + b) / 2;

float findAngleDelta( float angle1, float angle2 )
    float From = ClipAngleTo0_360( angle2 );
    float To   = ClipAngleTo0_360( angle1 );

    float Dist  = To - From;

    if ( Dist < -180.0f )
        Dist += 360.0f;
    else if ( Dist > 180.0f )
        Dist -= 360.0f;

    return Dist;

float ClipAngleTo0_360( float Angle ) { 
    return Angle % 360.0f; 

private float angleBetweenLines (float fx1, float fy1, float fx2, float fy2, float sx1, float sy1, float sx2, float sy2)
       float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2( (fy1 - fy2), (fx1 - fx2) );
       float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2( (sy1 - sy2), (sx1 - sx2) );

       return findAngleDelta((float)Math.toDegrees(angle1),(float)Math.toDegrees(angle2));

public static interface OnRotationGestureListener {
    public boolean OnRotation(RotationGestureDetector rotationDetector);
Jorge Garcia
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There are still some mistakes, here is the solution that worked perfect for me...

instead of

float angle = angleBtwLines(fX, fY, nfX, nfY, sX, sY, nsX, nsY);

you need to write

float angle = angleBtwLines(fX, fY, sX, sY, nfX, nfY, nsX, nsY);

And angleBetweenLines should be

private float angleBetweenLines (float fx1, float fy1, float fx2, float fy2, float sx1, float sy1, float sx2, float sy2)
       float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2( (fy1 - fy2), (fx1 - fx2) );
       float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2( (sy1 - sy2), (sx1 - sx2) );

        return findAngleDelta((float)Math.toDegrees(angle1),(float)Math.toDegrees(angle2));

Then the angle you get is the angle you should rotate the image by...

ImageAngle += angle...
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Nir Hartmann
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You have a problem here:

private float angleBtwLines (float fx1, float fy1, float fx2, float fy2, float sx1, float sy1, float sx2, float sy2){
    float angle1 = (float) Math.atan2(fy1 - fy2, fx1 - fx2);
    float angle2 = (float) Math.atan2(sy1 - sy2, sx1 - sx2);
    return (float) Math.toDegrees((angle1-angle2));

You must clip the angles to the [0..2*Pi] range and than carefully calculate the angular difference in the (-Pi..+Pi) range.

Here's the code for 0..360 angle range

float FindAngleDelta( float angle1, float angle2 )
    float From = ClipAngleTo0_360( angle2 );
    float To   = ClipAngleTo0_360( angle1 );

    float Dist  = To - From;

    if ( Dist < -180.0f )
        Dist += 360.0f;
    else if ( Dist > 180.0f )
        Dist -= 360.0f;

    return Dist;

In C++ I would code the ClipAngleTo0_360 as

float ClipAngleTo0_360( float Angle ) { return std::fmod( Angle, 360.0f ); }

where the std::fmod return the floating-point remainder.

In java you may use something like

float ClipAngleTo0_360( float Angle )
    float Res = Angle;
    while(Angle < 0) { Angle += 360.0; }
    while(Angle >= 360.0) { Angle -= 360.0; }
    return Res;

Yeah, careful floating-point arithmetics is much better than the obvious while() loop.

As MeTTeO mentioned (java reference, 15.17.3), you can use the '%' operator instead of C++'s std::fmod:

float ClipAngleTo0_360( float Angle ) { return Angle % 360.0; }
Viktor Latypov
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I tried a lot of examples. But only this one works good.:

public class RotationGestureDetector {

  public interface RotationListener {
    public void onRotate(float deltaAngle);

  protected float mRotation;
  private RotationListener mListener;

  public RotationGestureDetector(RotationListener listener) {
    mListener = listener;

  private float rotation(MotionEvent event) {
    double delta_x = (event.getX(0) - event.getX(1));
    double delta_y = (event.getY(0) - event.getY(1));
    double radians = Math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x);
    return (float) Math.toDegrees(radians);

  public void onTouch(MotionEvent e) {
    if (e.getPointerCount() != 2) {

    if (e.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
      mRotation = rotation(e);

    float rotation = rotation(e);
    float delta = rotation - mRotation;
    mRotation += delta;

    if (mListener != null) {

In your callback:

view.setRotation(view.getRotation() + deltaAngle));
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