I want a single thread of business process to run continuously in .net. For which can I am thinking of making a window service that will run continuously. If this service fails i want web based control for administrator.

Problem 1: If this service fails how can I check this through web based application(I can check by SC command using command prompt but how to move this to web based environment).

Problem 2: I m thinking of making service run continuously by using while(true) loop. Is this is correct way to address this problem.

Problem 3: How can I make sure only one instance run at time?

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2 Answers2


Problem 1: Why not just use exception handling to fire off an email, or write to an XML file that you could transform using XSLT

Problem 2: The service can run the application every 30 minutes. What do you mean by have the service run continuously what is the service for?

Problem 3: You can put check in the code to check if there is another instance running, see singleton pattern

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  • hi burt my problem is i need to respond in quickest way possible. so i need to have something which will either monitor or listen and perform action within fraction of seconds so i am keeping it in continuous loop.. could you please tell me where can i look for singletone pattern as i must process files one after another as data in files is in incremental order... Thanks :) – Icarus Cool May 16 '12 at 17:10

Problem 1: see here

Problem 2: Not a great idea. What is the service doing? Usually it will fire on an event like a Filesystem Watcher, or sleep for a while and wake to perform necessary tasks.

Problem 3: A Windows service is not like other executables in that there will only be one copy of the service if you only install one. You start and stop it as required.

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  • hi bukko you solved my first problem. ya for second problem yes its watcher but its not file system watcher but database watcher. i want to read file as soon as its gets updated in database. but simillar time i dont want to process more than one file as data in files are in incremental order so what approach should i follow – Icarus Cool May 16 '12 at 17:05
  • Sounds like you either need a trigger in the database, or if it doesn't need to be instant, maybe a windows service based on a timer. Can your logic be built into the database? If not, are you using SQL Server? You could call a function in an assembly from the trigger maybe. – CompanyDroneFromSector7G May 16 '12 at 18:19
  • how can i ensure that only after processing first file i will go for another(as data is incremental)? if i update lock somewhere that i m currently reading some file and failed to update that lock in that case it will create problem... if i used timer i will have to make sure i finish my previous task within that time limit – Icarus Cool May 16 '12 at 19:05
  • By "file" I assume you mean "table". I would definitely use a trigger, probably a CLR trigger, which should give you all the control you need at both database and Windows levels. There's loads on the net about them, example [here](http://geekswithblogs.net/rajap/archive/2009/08/04/implementing-sql-clr-triggers.aspx). – CompanyDroneFromSector7G May 16 '12 at 19:20