I want to be able to figure out what port a particular program is using. Are there any programs available online or that come with windows that will tell me which processes are using which ports on my computer?

PS - before you downmod this for not being a programming question, I'm looking for the program to test some networking code.

Lightness Races in Orbit
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12 Answers12


netstat -b -a lists the ports in use and gives you the executable that's using each one. I believe you need to be in the administrator group to do this, and I don't know what security implications there are on Vista.

I usually add -n as well to make it a little faster, but adding -b can make it quite slow.

Edit: If you need more functionality than netstat provides, vasac suggests that you try TCPView.

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Graeme Perrow
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TCPView can do what you asked for.

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    Thank you; netstat is more than enough for my needs but if I ever need something more hardcore I'll be sure to use TCPView. Should be added to the accepted answer but alas I don't have the right to Edit yet. – AlexeyMK Sep 19 '08 at 20:47
  • I've been using the Netstat utility that comes with XAMPP. But this standalone utility is much useful. Thanks. – Shiyaz Sep 13 '17 at 12:58

On Vista, you do need elevated privileges to use the -b option with netstat. To get around that, you could run "netstat -ano" which will show all open ports along with the associated process id. You could then use tasklist to lookup which process has the corresponding id.

C:\>netstat -ano

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
  TCP    [::]:49335             [::]:0                 LISTENING       1056

C:\>tasklist /fi "pid eq 1056"

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
sqlservr.exe                  1056 Services                   0     66,192 K
Jim Olsen
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You may already have Process Explorer (from Sysinternals, now part of Microsoft) installed. If not, go ahead and install it now -- it's just that cool.

In Process Explorer: locate the process in question, right-click and select the TCP/IP tab. It will even show you, for each socket, a stack trace representing the code that opened that socket.

Adam Mitz
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If your prefer a GUI interface CurrPorts is free and works with all versions of windows. Shows ports and what process has them open.

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"netstat -natp" is what I always use.

Steve Baker
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Windows 8 (and likely 7 + Vista) also provide a view in Resource Monitor. If you select the Network tab, there's a section called 'Listening Ports'. Can sort by port number, and see which process is using it.

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Windows comes with the netstat utility, which should do exactly what you want.

Adam Rosenfield
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At a command line, netstat -a will give you lots o' info.

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You can use the 'netstat' command for this. There's a description of doing this sort of thing here.

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Open Ports Scanner works for me.

Arne Evertsson
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most decent firewall programs should allow you to access this information. I know that Agnitum OutpostPro Firewall does.

Toby Mills
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