there have already been lots of questions asked for Sorting of an NSMutableArray still am unable to find the exact solution for my problem.Kindly follow up:

I have an arrMasterArray which is something like this:

    //This is an array of dictionaries with each element having dictionary at its index and key-value for the same.
    <__NSArrayM 0x8bbaca0>(
        "Brand_Description" = Accolate;
        "Medication_DateStart" = "5/5/2012 12:00:00 AM";
        "Brand_Description" =Trisenox;
        "Medication_DateStart" = "5/5/2012 12:00:00 AM";
    }, {
        "Brand_Description" = Ultiva;
        "Medication_DateStart" = "5/5/2012 12:00:00 AM";
    } ,{
        "Brand_Description" = Accretropin;
        "Medication_DateStart" = "5/5/2012 12:00:00 AM";

I apply sorting on arrMasterArray which returns me an sorted array but with only elements of that particular keyPath:

NSArray *arrNameCompare= [[arrMasterArray valueForKeyPath:@"Brand_Description"] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; 

which outputs something like this:

<__NSArrayI 0x10e0efb0>(

Now i want arrMasterArray to get sorted according to **arrNameCompare**.

I searched a lot but no luck. Thanks for your patience and sorry for my english. Thanks Again.

Aniket K.
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2 Answers2


i thnk you may read this thread. it will help you

How to sort NSMutableArray using sortedArrayUsingDescriptors?

also for more thisone

How to sort an NSMutableArray with custom objects in it?

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I think what you're looking for is the NSMutableArray method, sortUsingDescriptors:. This method sorts your (mutable) array "in place" rather than creating a new array like sortedArrayUsingSelector:. So, if I understand what you're trying to do, then these lines will sort arrMasterArray according to the values of Brand_Description:

 NSSortDescriptor *sorter = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"Brand_Description" ascending:YES];
 [arrMasterArray sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sorter]];
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