
Does not clear the entity collection. Any idea why?

Any solution?

How should i clear the EntityCollection?

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2 Answers2


Because ToList() creates a copy of the EntityCollection as a List<T> and then you just clear that list and not the EntityCollection itself.

Edit 1: Use the Clear() method from EntityCollection: http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/bb302707.aspx

Edit 2: Oh I see. So it's this class: http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ff422654(v=vs.91).aspx ? Seems you have to enumerate all items and delete them one by one.

foreach( var item in EntityCollection.ToList() )

Here you need ToList() to create a copy because most of the collection classes don't like it when you delete items from them during enumeration.

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Torben Schramme
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  • EntityCollection does not have Clear() – ove May 02 '12 at 05:50
  • As I said with the Clear() method from EntityCollection. Just postet the msdn link. – Torben Schramme May 02 '12 at 05:50
  • The EntityCollection is part of this namespace: System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.Entity .. DO not have Clear() – ove May 02 '12 at 05:53
  • Then it's not the ADO.NET EF although the classes have the same name and simelar members. Think about retagging your question with http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/wcf-ria-services – Torben Schramme May 02 '12 at 06:10

ToList() generates a new list (you are clearing that).

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