I am new to Omnet++. I installed Omnetpp-3.3p1 and am having trouble opening it. I tried creating a makefile within the project which has simulation codes with command opp_makemake -f -N, but I am getting command opp_makemake not found error. Am I missing something here?

Sadiksha Gautam
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  • Check Pages 11 to 19 in [Omnet++ Installation Guide](http://omnetpp.org/doc/omnetpp/InstallGuide.pdf) and make sure you have followed all the steps. It also needs a lot of packages to be installed for support. – Maverick Apr 30 '12 at 22:54
  • This documentation is for version 4.2.2 I need one with version 3.3p1. I figured out that the installation for the versions are different! – Sadiksha Gautam Apr 30 '12 at 23:14
  • @SadikshaGautam: Which compiler are you using? Which version? There is OMNeT++ 3.3p2 patch, that applies to OMNeT++ 3.3p1 and contains fixes for GCC 4.4. I remember that I was able to compile the sources by using this patch. – enzom83 May 01 '12 at 18:33
  • @enzom83: I was installing Omnet-3.3p1 in ubuntu 11.10. I had previously installed omnet 4.2 without any problem but due to academic reasons I had to go down to 3.3p1. – Sadiksha Gautam May 01 '12 at 19:34
  • @SadikshaGautam: Try to apply the patch. – enzom83 May 01 '12 at 19:42

1 Answers1


The error might raise if OMNeT++ is not properly installed or the lib is not properly linked. This PDF should be what you are looking for, since it explains how to properly install version 3.3p1. - Hope to help!

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  • Actually I was having problem with "make" in omnet. It was giving me error with filetokenizer.cc. I had to add "#include " in that file. Anyways thanks for trying to help! – Sadiksha Gautam May 01 '12 at 09:58
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    Ok, glad you have fixed your problem. Next time try to be even more specific! People might answer way faster than I did, with a better answer. :) – ForceMagic May 01 '12 at 10:07
  • @SadikshaGautam Oh and please next time try to be more specific with your question. I don't see where was mentioned the filetokenizer.cc error. Regards – ForceMagic May 08 '12 at 18:17
  • I didn't know that the error was caused because of filetokenizer.cc. So it is not mentioned in the question. I had to figure out on my own! – Sadiksha Gautam May 08 '12 at 20:58