The program below compiles (with gcc), but should it? I would have thought that V1(1.0) created below is a constant, and so a non const method could not be invoked on it.

class V{
  double v;
  V(double v1){ v = v1;}
  void clear(){ v = 0;}

int main(){

Compare this to a function "void f(int &t){}" which cannot be called as "f(1)", because 1 is a constant which cannot be a value for a non-const reference t.

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2 Answers2


V(1.0) calls the constructor, which initializes double v1 by copy. So you have a temporary with a copy of the literal.

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You seem to be confusing constants with r-values. f(1) would be illegal because 1 is not an l-value. V(1.0) is not a constant, but a temporary.

Luchian Grigore
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