There is simple JSON serialization module with name "simplejson" which easily serializes Python objects to JSON.

I'm looking for similar module which can serialize to XML.

Stephane Rolland
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5 Answers5


There is huTools.structured.dict2xml which tries to be compatible to simplejson in spirit. You can give it hints how to wrap nested sub-structures. Check the documentation for huTools.structured.dict2et which returns ElementTree Objects instead if the strings returned by dict2xml.

>>> data = {"kommiauftragsnr":2103839, "anliefertermin":"2009-11-25", "prioritaet": 7,
... "ort": u"Hücksenwagen",
... "positionen": [{"menge": 12, "artnr": "14640/XL", "posnr": 1},],
... "versandeinweisungen": [{"guid": "2103839-XalE", "bezeichner": "avisierung48h",
...                          "anweisung": "48h vor Anlieferung unter 0900-LOGISTIK avisieren"},
... ]}

>>> print ET.tostring(dict2et(data, 'kommiauftrag',
... listnames={'positionen': 'position', 'versandeinweisungen': 'versandeinweisung'}))
        <anweisung>48h vor Anlieferung unter 0900-LOGISTIK avisieren</anweisung>
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    > http://code.activestate.com/recipes/415983/ This one doesn't serialize to XML only to marshal format. And also I don't like sys.exit on Exception. > http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyxser/ This one is not BSD. Sorry I forgot to mention, I'm looking for python module or BSD, so I can distribute with my BSD software. The last 2 - for webservices, I'm looking for regular XML serializator. – tefozi Jun 19 '09 at 21:04
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    zdmytriv: you can distribute a LGPL library with your BSD code without liabilities. – nosklo Jun 21 '09 at 13:49
  • @nosklo: I didn't know that you can do that. Now I know, thanks. – tefozi Jun 27 '09 at 01:45

try this one. only problem I don't use attributes (because i dont like them)
dict2xml on pynuggets.wordpress.com
dict2xml on activestate

from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import copy

class dict2xml(object):
    doc     = Document()

    def __init__(self, structure):
        if len(structure) == 1:
            rootName    = str(structure.keys()[0])
            self.root   = self.doc.createElement(rootName)

            self.build(self.root, structure[rootName])

    def build(self, father, structure):
        if type(structure) == dict:
            for k in structure:
                tag = self.doc.createElement(k)
                self.build(tag, structure[k])

        elif type(structure) == list:
            grandFather = father.parentNode
            tagName     = father.tagName
            for l in structure:
                tag = self.doc.createElement(tagName)
                self.build(tag, l)

            data    = str(structure)
            tag     = self.doc.createTextNode(data)

    def display(self):
        print self.doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    example = {'auftrag':{"kommiauftragsnr":2103839, "anliefertermin":"2009-11-25", "prioritaet": 7,"ort": u"Huecksenwagen","positionen": [{"menge": 12, "artnr": "14640/XL", "posnr": 1},],"versandeinweisungen": [{"guid": "2103839-XalE", "bezeichner": "avisierung48h","anweisung": "48h vor Anlieferung unter 0900-LOGISTIK avisieren"},]}}
    xml = dict2xml(example)
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    Here is some problem with creating another instance of dict2xml `xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr: two document elements disallowed`, so I added unlink method: `def unlink(self): self.doc.unlink()` – Valentin Kantor Mar 14 '13 at 19:41

I wrote a simple function that serializes dictionaries to xml (under 30 lines).


mydict = {
    'name': 'The Andersson\'s',
    'size': 4,
    'children': {
        'total-age': 62,
        'child': [
                'name': 'Tom',
                'sex': 'male',
                'name': 'Betty',
                'sex': 'female',
print(dict2xml(mydict, 'family'))


<family name="The Andersson's" size="4">
        <children total-age="62">
                <child name="Tom" sex="male"/>
                <child name="Betty" sex="female"/>

The full source (including an example) can be found on https://gist.github.com/reimund/5435343/

Note: This function will serialize dictionary entries as attributes rather than text nodes. Modifying it to support text would be very easy.

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Most objects in Python are represented as dicts underneath:

>>> class Fred(object) : 
...    def __init__(self, n) : self.n = n 
>>> a = Fred(100)
>>> print a.__dict__ 
{'n': 100}

So this is similar to asking how to convert dicts to XML. There are tools for converting dict to/from XML at:


Here is a simple example:

    >>> import xmltools

    >>> d = {'a':1, 'b':2.2, 'c':'three' }
    >>> xx = xmltools.WriteToXMLString(d)
    >>> print xx
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

There is a lot of documentation at the web site showing examples:

XML Tools Manual

It is difficult to convert "exactly" between dicts and XML: What is a list? What do you do with attributes? How do you handle numeric keys? A lot of these issues have been addressed and are discussed in the XML tools documentation (above).

Does speed matter to you? Or does ease of use matter? There is a pure C++ module (all written in C++), a pure Python module (all written in Python), and a Python C Extension module (written in C++, but wrapped so Python can call it). The C++ and the Python C Extension module are orders of magnitude faster, but of course require compiling to get going. The Python module should just work, but is slower:

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