

"The only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics." Paul R. Halmos.

On a scale from $1$ to $10$, with $1$ being the worst and $10$ being the best, I'm about $-i$.

I have an MPhil in combinatorial group theory from the University of Essex. My supervisor was Prof. Gerald Williams.

You can find a copy of my award-winning MMath dissertation on inverse semigroups and inductive groupoids here. My supervisor was Prof. Victoria Gould at The University of York.

For my use:

[Here's a MathJax tutorial]( :)

Tableaux generator:

On Mathematics Stack Exchange on 28/10/2014:

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and I don't have much to show for it!

On Mathematics Stack Exchange on 16/01/2015:

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and most of them were because people didn't provide any context with their questions.

On Mathematics Stack Exchange on 27/11/2018:

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(The stats are all divisible by $11$.)

On Mathematics Stack Exchange on 16/04/2022:

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