Questions tagged [transcendental-numbers]

Transcendental numbers are numbers that cannot be the root of a nonzero polynomial with rational coefficients (i.e., not an algebraic number). Examples of such numbers are $\pi$ and $e$.

Let $\mathbb{A}\subset \mathbb{C}$ be the set of algebraic numbers: $$ \mathbb{A} = \{ z\in \mathbb{C}: p(z)=0, p(z)\in \mathbb{Z}[x] \} $$The set of transcendental numbers is $\mathbb{A}^c$. The first construction of a transcendental number, $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 10^{-n!}$, was due to Liouville in 1851.

If we fix a degree of polynomials in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$, there are only countably many such polynomials, each with finitely many roots. Then $\mathbb{A}$ is countable, whence $\mathbb{A}^c$ is uncountable. Put crudely, 'most' complex numbers are transcendental, though showing a particular number is transcendental is usually rather difficult.

All transcendental numbers have an irrationality measure of at least 2; see for more information.

748 questions
2 answers

Find the range of a variable with an inequality being true for any value of another variable.

1) function $f(x)=\ln x-ax$ has two zeros $x_1, x_2$ and $x_10$, $1+λ < \ln x_1+λ\ln x_2$ is true for any $x_1, x_2$, find the range of $λ$. 2) $\dfrac 2 {e^x+e^{-x}} \geq e^{ax^2}$ is true for any $x$, find the range of $a$.
2 answers

How do you prove $\pi^5$ is transcendental?

How do you prove $\pi^5$ is transcendental? You may assume $\pi$ is transcendental
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If $x$ is transcendental and $y$ is algebraic, what about $x+y$ and $xy$?

I have a field extension $E/K$ and $x,y\in E$ where $x$ is transcendental and $y$ is algebraic. I want to know whether $x+y$ and $xy$ are algebraic or transcendental. I do not know how to begin.
1 answer

Complex transcendentals not known in component form?

Are there any transcendentals whose real or imaginary components have not been found in exact form?
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Integration/Fundamental Calculus/Transcendental Numbers

Given $\int\sqrt{1 + \frac{-x}{\sqrt{4-x^2}}} dx$, how would this be integrated? On a universally-calculus side of things, do all functions have integrals? And is it easier to evaluate definite integrals as opposed to indefinite integrals? I would…
2 answers

If $a$ is a transcendental number, then is $a^n$ also a transcendental number?

If $a$ is a transcendental number (i.e., a number s.t. there does not exist a polynomial $P(x)$ s.t. $P(a) = 0$), is $a^n$ also transcendental? It would seem to me that it should be, but I can't figure out why. How would I prove this?
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positive(?) definition of a transcendental number - as opposed to negative def. not an algebraic number

Does this make sense? What's the formal definition of a transcendental number, but without saying it's not an algebraic number?
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Given two numbers a, b transcendent and algebraically dependent and c one number, if a, b and c are algebraically dependent, then c is transcendent

Given two numbers a, b transcendent and algebraically dependent and c one number, if a, b and c are algebraically dependent, then c is transcendent. Is this result true? If so, how can I prove it?
1 answer

How can I prove this question?

We know that it is not proved that $e^e$ is transcendental, so neither is the number that $e^{e\sqrt{2}}$. My question is, if one turns out to be, how can it be proved that the other is? Because there may be some connection between the two...
2 answers

Transcendental number that can be writen without "symbols"

I know that : $e$ and $\pi$ are transcendental numbers, yet I was wondering is there transcendental numbers that are written without any "symbols" ? I mean we use the symbol $\pi$ to denote the real number : $3.14...$ and $e$ the real number :…
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2 answers
1 answer

A countable set of transcendentals

Let $S$ be a countable subset of $\mathbb{R}$. Prove that there is a real number $c$, such that $s+c$ is transcendental for all $s\in S$. Any hint? Edit: I was trying in vain to solve this by seeking algebraic properties of transcendental numbers.
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$ \pi + e $ or $ \pi - e $ is transcendental

I know how to proof that either $ \pi + e $ or $ \pi * e $ is transcendental, but I don't know how to tackle this problem. We must assume that we don't know if either of the expressions are transcendental. But we have to proof that one of them is.
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