Questions tagged [schemes]

The concept of scheme mimics the concept of manifold obtained by gluing pieces isomorphic to open balls, but with different "basic" gluing pieces. Properly, a scheme is a locally ringed space locally isomorphic (in the category of locally ringed spaces) to an affine scheme, the spectrum of a commutative ring with unit.

An affine scheme $X$ is a locally ringed space that is isomorphic to $\mathrm{Spec}R$, which is the spectrum of a commutative ring $R$. That is, for our commutative ring $R$, the closed subsets of $X$ correspond to the ideals of $R$, with the points of $X$ corresponding to prime ideals. Then $X$ being a locally ringed space means that it's equipped with a structure sheaf $\mathcal{O}_X$ that assigns to each open set $U$ the ring of regular functions on $U$.

A scheme then, is a locally ringed space that admits a open covering $\{U_i\}$ such that each $U_i$ is an affine scheme.

2441 questions
2 answers

Pullback and Pushforward Isomorphism of Sheaves

Suppose we have two schemes $X, Y$ and a map $f\colon X\to Y$. Then we know that $\operatorname{Hom}_X(f^*\mathcal{G}, \mathcal{F})\simeq \operatorname{Hom}_Y(\mathcal{G}, f_*\mathcal{F})$, where $\mathcal{F}$ is an $\mathcal{O}_X$-module and…
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Intuition for étale morphisms

Currently working on algebraic surfaces over the complex numbers. I did a course on schemes but at the moment just work in the language of varieties. Now i encounter the term "étale morphism" every now and then (in the book by Beauville). I know…
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Diophantine applications of Spec?

Let $f(\bar x)$ be a multivariable polynomial with integer coefficients. The zeros of that polynomial are in bijection with the homomorphisms $\mathbb Z[\bar x] \rightarrow \mathbb Z$ that factor through $\mathbb{Z}[\bar x]/(f)$. As I understand it…
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1 answer

Quasi-coherent sheaves, schemes, and the Gabriel-Rosenberg theorem

In the context of commutative rings, a ring is completely determined by its category of modules. That is, two commutative rings $R$ and $S$ are isomorphic if and only if the category of $R$-modules is equivalent to the category of $S$-modules. In…
1 answer

Scheme of finite type over a field $K$ v.s. $K$-scheme

I'm lost in some definitions about schemes. I have some trouble about two definitions of a scheme of finite type over $K$, for an alg.closed field $K$. Version 1 (Hartshorn) : a scheme of finite type over $K$ is a scheme $X$ together with a morphism…
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What *is* affine space?

In my recent reading of various books and notes on algebraic geometry and scheme theory, I have come across three definitions of affine $n$-space over a field $k$: $\mathbb{A}_k^n$ is $k^n$ 'without an origin'; $\mathbb{A}_k^n$ is simply $k^n$ with…
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1 answer

On limits, schemes and Spec functor

I have several related questions: Do there exist colimits in the category of schemes? If not, do there exist just direct limits? Do there exist limits? If not, do there exist just inverse limits? With more generality and summarizing, with which…
4 answers

When is the pushforward of a quasi-coherent sheaf quasi-coherent? Hartshorne proof

In the following we have $f:X \rightarrow Y$ morphism of schemes, $\mathcal{F}$ a quasi-coherent sheaf on $X$ and I am referring to proposition 5.8 page 115 in Hartshorne. To prove that the pushforward of a quasi-coherent sheaf is quasi-coherent,…
1 answer

Show that in a quasi-compact scheme every point has a closed point in its closure

Vakil 5.1 E Show that in a quasi-compact scheme every point has a closed point in its closure Solution: Let $X$ be a quasi-compact scheme so that it has a finite cover by open affines $U_i$. Let $z \in X$, and $\bar z$ its closure. Consider the…
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What are normal schemes intuitively?

A ring is called integrally closed if it is an integral domain and is equal to its integral closure in its field of fractions. A scheme is called normal if every stalk is integrally closed. Some theorems on normality: A local ring of dimension 1 is…
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1 answer

Studying Deformation Theory of Schemes

Versal Property Local Deformation Space Mini-versal deformation space I came across these words while studying these papers a) Desingularization of moduli varities for vector bundles on curves, Int. Symp on Algebraic Geometry by C. S. Seshadri…
1 answer

Can an integral scheme have closed points of both positive and zero characteristic?

Background Recall that an integral scheme $X$ is a scheme which is both irreducible and reduced; equivalently, its ring of functions is an integral domain on every open subset. Given any point $p$, there is a local ring $R_p$ at $p$, which is given…
Greg Muller
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Why does the definition of an open subscheme / open immersion of schemes allow for an "extra" isomorphism?

After taking an algebraic geometry course last year, I've been reviewing the material this year, and I remembered something that struck me as odd, but which I'd neglected to ask about at the time: Hartshorne's definition of an open subscheme and…
Zev Chonoles
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Intersection of open affines can be covered by open sets distinguished in *both*affines

Suppose $X$ is an arbitrary scheme and $U \cong \operatorname{Spec} A$ and $V \cong \operatorname{Spec} B$ are affine upon subsets of $X$. It's not true in general that $U \cap V$ is affine, so if we want to prove basic results about general…
Daniel McLaury
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2 answers

Geometric interpretation and computation of the Normal bundle

My question concern the definition, geometric meaning, and usage of the normal bundle in algebraic geometry. Let $X$ be a nonsingular variety over an algebraically closed field $k$, and $Y\subseteq X$ a nonsingular closed subvariety. Let…
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