Questions tagged [nonstandard-analysis]

Non-standard ordered fields are fields which have infinitesimals, that is, positive numbers which are smaller than any positive *real* number. Non-standard analysis is analysis done over such fields (e.g. hyperreal fields). Please specify the exact framework for non-standard analysis you are using in your question (e.g., what definition of "hyperreal number" you are using).

A non-zero element $\varepsilon$ of an ordered field is infinitesimal if $|\varepsilon| < \frac{1}{n}$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$. Nonstandard analysis is analysis done in fields with infinitesimals.

There are many ordered fields which contain infinitesimals, but the most common is the hyperreal field. Denoted by ${}^*\mathbb{R}$, the hyperreal field has a subfield isomorphic to $\mathbb{R}$ and is therefore the perfect setting for formalising the arguments of Leibniz and Newton (without the need for limits). This came to fruition in the 1960's thanks to the work of Abraham Robinson.

See also .

456 questions
1 answer

Another question on the Hyperreals - regarding the monad at infinity...

I'm interested in exploring whether there is a monad at infinity. I guess we would define the infinitesimal space surrounding infinity as "A number that is greater than any Real number, but smaller than infinity". I can see some problems with it…
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Cardinality, Logarithms, and Hyperreals

Take some infinite hypernatural number, $M$, and consider the integers (finite and infinite) less than or equal to $M$. There are uncountably many. Then consider $\log_2 M$. Is there a straightforward way to understand the cardinality? Could it be…
Richard S.
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Modified division, hyperreal numbers and transfinite derivatives

Suppose we are shooting from a cannon and measuring the speed of the projectile. The shorter period of time it takes for the projectile to reach the target, the faster it is. If the projectile hits the target simultaniously with the shot, we will…
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1 answer

Can numbers smaller than infinitesimals exist?

I have a good idea of infinitesimals to some extent.( A bit of non standard analysis) I am reading the book of keisler on non standard analysis and calculus. I am okay with them all but, if "a" is an hyperreal number then 2a,3a.... Are also…
2 answers

Is there in anyway possible to prove that 0.999 recurring does not equal to 1

I know that the reason why 0.999 recurring equals to one because it's goes on forever, and the difference between 0.999 recurring and 1 is 0 since it's infinite. But is it possibly to prove otherwise? I read online articles about surreal numbers and…
2 answers

Is an infinitesimal patch of a curved surface flat?

Consider the unit 2-sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$. Let there be an infinite cone with its vertex at the center of the sphere. Let the symmetry axis of the cone intersect $\mathbb{S}^2$ at the point P within the cone. My question regards an infinitesimal…
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