Questions tagged [algorithmic-game-theory]

Algorithmic game theory is an area in the intersection of game theory and algorithm design, whose objective is to design algorithms in strategic environments. (Def:

Algorithmic game theory is an area in the intersection of game theory and algorithm design, whose objective is to design algorithms in strategic environments. Reference: Wikipedia.

Typically, in Algorithmic Game Theory problems, the input to a given algorithm is distributed among many players who have a personal interest in the output. In those situations, the agents might not report the input truthfully because of their own personal interests.

257 questions
3 answers

A non-losing strategy for tic-tac-toe $\times$ tic-tac-toe

Consider a $9 \times 9$ matrix that consists of $9$ block matrices of $3 \times 3$. Let each $3 \times 3$ block be a game of tic-tac-toe. For each game, label the $9$ cells of the game from $1$ to $9$ with order from left to right, from above to…
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1 answer

What is the optimal strategy in the "Factor Game"?

Edit (Nov 1, 2015): Bounty awarded, but the full question (i.e., what is the optimal strategy) remains open at the time of this update. Consider the Factor Game played as follows: Given a list of positive integers $1, \ldots, n$, two players (red…
0 answers

"Infinito", a combinatorial game with infinite width game-tree

I recently designed a combinatorial game (sequential game of perfect information) with an infinite branching factor, that is it has a game-tree of infinite width. I'm wondering how is it possible to solve this game? How can I find the best move each…
3 answers

$3$ scorpions are chasing $1$ ant on the edges of a cube. The ant is $3$ times as fast than any scorpion. Can the ant survive?

The problem: Three scorpions are chasing a single ant on the edgegraph of a cube. The scorpions have the same speed ($v$), while the ant is $3$ times as fast ($3v$). They can move in any direction and instantly turn around. Additionally, the…
4 answers

perfect play in 1-dimensional Minesweeper

In 1-dimensional Minesweeper with a known number of mines (that are distributed uniformly), is there a known somewhat-simple strategy for perfect play? When there are n cells and [0 or n-1 or n] mines, the strategy is utterly trivial. When…
4 answers

How do you create a nonlinear game that the player can always win?

I thought a lot about this question — and initially, I intended to ask this on — but due to its rather theoretical aspects, I think it might be more appropriate to address a rather mathematical spectrum of readers. Imagine…
2 answers

Prime one heap Nim

I have been working on an interesting problem my lecturer mentioned recently. Prime Nim is a variant of the Nim game where you have a single pile with an arbitrary number $n\in \Bbb N+\{0\}$ of elements and players can take away a prime count of…
0 answers

Is there a Sokoban level with such conditions

First of all, let me explain what Sokoban is. It is a logic game created in Japan and it literally means "warehouse keeper". It is a type of transport puzzle, in which the player pushes boxes or crates around in a warehouse, trying to get them to…
4 answers

Guess the number despite false answer

This is the Guess-The-Number game with a twist! Variant 1 Take any positive integer $n$. The game-master chooses an $n$-bit integer $x$. The player makes queries one by one, each of the form "Is $x$ (strictly) less than $k$?". The game-master…
3 answers

A Nim-like game with conditions and strategies

The game: Given $S = \{ a_1,..., a_n \}$ of positive integers ($n \ge 2$). The game is played by two people. At each of their turns, the player chooses two different non-zero numbers and subtracts $1$ from each of them. The winner is the one, for…
0 answers

Optimal Strategy for "I'm Thinking of a Number" Game

This question is inspired by one of the classic ways of breaking ties: the "I'm thinking of a number" game. In this game, one person thinks of a number in some range, say from $0$ to $100$ (inclusive), while the others go around guessing numbers in…
1 answer

Unexpected hanging paradox maxmin strategies

I have a question about strategies of the players of Unexpected hanging paradox (I am very sorry for a long topic, topic exist already for a while, during this time I try to develop idea how to solve the problem, recently I decided to seek solution…
1 answer

A game problem- double or increment by 1

Its a two player game. Initially $P=1$, and there is some fixed integer $Q>1$. A valid move consists of either increasing $P$ by $1$ or doubling it iff on doing so $P$ does NOT exceed $Q$.The players move alternatively. The game ends when $P=Q$.…
1 answer

Flip all to zero

I have a square grid of size $N$, with rows numbered from $0$ to $N - 1$ starting from the top and columns numbered from $0$ to $N - 1$ starting from the left. A cell $(u, v)$ refers to the cell that is on the $u$-th row and the $v$-th column. Each…
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3 answers

Finding Pareto optimal solution set in $O(n \log n)$ time says: For two points in 2-dimensional space, point ($x_i$, $y_i$) dominates ($x_j$, $y_j$) if $x_i > x_j$ and $y_i > y_j$. Given a set of points, a maxima is a point that is not dominated…
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