Questions tagged [advice]

Questions asking for advice on various mathematical matters. Be careful that your question is answerable, and also that it is not a polling question (e.g. "What is the best / your favorite way to...").

Questions asking for advice on various mathematical matters. Be careful that your question is answerable, and also that it is not a polling question (e.g. "What is the best / your favorite way to...").

855 questions
1 answer

Choosing a Master Thesis Topic in Topology

its my first time here. I’m a master student of mathematics and I’m trying to find a good topic for my thesis. I like it to be in Topology, but I don’t know exactly how to find one.
Jemi neu
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How do I get better at this?

In undergraduate studies, I always had such respect for the professors and TA's that seemed so impossible to stump. The people who seemed to know everything, whether it be an intricacy in Galois theory or the Proof of the Implicit Function Theorem…
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Where and how should I submit a math paper?

I've been working on a math paper on and off for years and I think I'm about ready to submit it to some Journal. I recently read that LaTex is preferred but I've already done $15$ pages with many equations and exhibits in MS Word. I think it looks…
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Can someone help? need to find the a and b for this function. Anything helps!!

enter image description here Function is $f(x)= ax^4-25x^3+2x^2+25x+b $ it passes through (7,E) E= 1296 and there is a zero of -1
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A simple reverse engineering of calculation.

I have a formula $x=\frac{1}{\frac{Y}{1000}}$ which is the calculation for converting Parallax to Parsec. I need to reverse it but can't remember how to reverse $1/$ . So for a Parallax of $49.56$, divide by $1000$ then divide $1$ by $0.04956$…
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Career path for a CS undergrad who wants to enter into mathematics research

I am a second year compsci undergraduate. My program is a 4 year program, so I have 2 more years left. However, I feel that I am not motivated enough, or not satisfied with the quality of teaching in my courses, and to top it off I am slowly falling…
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Looking into mappings

I'm interested in looking at mappings of functions. For example, how would I come up with a function $f:x\in[0,\infty)|\longmapsto\ (-\infty, 0]$ where $f(x)=x^2.$ Basically I want to glue every point to the right of this function to the left.
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How much time should I spend on a problem when preparing for a timed exam?

I'm preparing for a university entrance exam that has different subjects (like Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ,...). In the Math section, there are $30$ problems for $47$ minutes ($94$ secs per problem in average). I'm wondering when I'm…
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Thesis in Machine Learning BUT...

Context I am a final year Bachelor of Mathematics student and next semester I will write my Bachelor thesis. My interests are in Machine Learning (ML) and I will do a master in ML next year. More specific sub-fields I like are Deep…
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I am losing my motivation to study math, what should I do? (philosophy of axioms and formal math)

Update from since I first posted this question: just keep sticking with it. I think that I am through the thick of it now and am finally doing ok. I really want to add an answer to this question myself though when I get the time. TLDR; To…
Pineapple Fish
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Should I go into a master's program for math?

I'm currently in my undergrad for math and my school offers an expedited bachelor's to master's program. I liked a lot of my math classes, such as all the calculus ones, a symbolic logic course, discrete structures, and some probability stuff.…
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i'm 16 years old, what will I have to do from now on in the next few years to become a great mathematician?

I have 5 months to go to 17 years and I want to finish calculus 1 and in the other 5 months maybe finish lang linear algebra. I don't think I have talent or creativity (I'm so scared) but I want to commit myself to the maximum so that with hard work…
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Question about taking an exam in mathematics

When I attend to lectures I can gasp the ideas very quickly. When lecturer explaining something I can even think what is he going to teach next. Actually, in the class, I am faster than the student who gets the highest grades for exams. But the…
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I love maths but I am lazy to read maths undergraduate textbooks in the least

I started developing passion for mathematics back in 2013 when my Visual Basic Programming language tutor asked me and two other students to write a program to compute the factorial of any positive integer. I got home, tried the problem but couldn't…
1 answer

Do I really need to know number theory?

I'm an avid math student and have delved into the world of calculus, differential equations, and analysis. Now I am faced with number theory, and it looks incredibly dull to me. It seems as though it has no hold in the real world (except…
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