
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions.

Python 2.7 is the last major version in the 2.x series, and is no longer maintained since January 1st 2020. Use the generic [python] tag on all Python questions. Do not add this tag simply to convey the version of Python you're using, unless the question concerns an issue specific to Python 2.7.
94665 questions
For questions pertaining to the measurement or improvement of code and application efficiency.
93482 questions
PowerShell is a cross-platform command line and scripting utility from Microsoft. Use this tag for questions about writing and executing PowerShell scripts ONLY. Programming questions specific to the cross-platform version PowerShell Core (Windows, macOS, and Linux) should be tagged [powershell-core]. Questions about system administration should be asked on Super User or Server Fault.
92669 questions
WinForms is the informal name given to Windows Forms, a GUI class library in the Microsoft .NET Framework and Mono. Questions in this tag should also be tagged with the target framework ([.net] or [mono]) and should ordinarily be tagged with a programming language tag.
92586 questions
DO NOT USE. Use specific tags like [google-cloud-platform], [facebook], [amazon-web-services] instead or [api-design] where applicable. Questions asking to recommend or find an API are off-topic.
91374 questions
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive programming environment for numerical computation and visualization developed by MathWorks. Don’t use both the [matlab] and [octave] tags, unless the question is explicitly about the similarities or differences between the two. When using this tag, please mention the MATLAB release you're working with (e.g. R2017a).
91040 questions
NumPy is an extension of the Python language that adds support to large multidimensional arrays and matrixes, along with a large library of high-level mathematical functions for operations with these arrays.
90394 questions
Use this tag (along with an appropriate programming-language tag) for programming questions relating to the Apache HTTP Server. Do not use this tag for questions about other Apache Foundation products. Note that server configuration questions are usually a better fit on https://serverfault.com
89576 questions
Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia and the web from a single codebase. Flutter apps are written in the Dart language.
89052 questions
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
88183 questions
Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language enabling developers to utilize POJO-style domain models in their applications in ways extending well beyond Object/Relational Mapping.
87503 questions
Selenium is a popular open-source tool for automating web browsers. When using this tag, also include other tags for the specific components you are using, e.g. selenium-webdriver for the language bindings, selenium-ide, selenium-grid, etc.
86972 questions
Entity Framework is a LINQ-based object-database mapper for .NET. It supports change tracking, updates, and schema migrations for many databases. Please add a version-specific tag, when applicable.
86622 questions
Facebook Platform lets developers integrate their apps directly into the Facebook social networking service. Use this tag for questions which may arise when developing FOR Facebook. This tag is NOT for support questions about using the Facebook website or the official Facebook app. It is also NOT for questions of the “I want to implement a feature similar to what Facebook has” variety.
85220 questions
REST (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web. It has increased in popularity relative to RPC architectures such as SOAP due to the intrinsic de-coupling of client from server that comes from having a uniform interface between heterogeneous systems.
83195 questions
The term 'shell' refers to a general class of text-based interactive command interpreters most often associated with the Unix & Linux operating systems. For questions about shell scripting, please use a more specific tag such as 'bash', 'powershell' or 'ksh'. Without a specific tag, a portable (POSIX-compliant) solution should be assumed, though using 'posix' in addition or 'sh' instead is preferable.
82895 questions
Loops are a type of control flow structure in programming in which a series of statements may be executed repeatedly until some condition is met.
81874 questions
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a Microsoft .NET Framework component that adds native data querying capabilities to .NET languages. Please consider using more detailed tags when appropriate, for example [linq-to-sql], [linq-to-entities] / [entity-framework], or [plinq]
81331 questions
Qt is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for the development of application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase, while having the power and speed of native applications. Qt is available with both commercial and open source licenses.
79389 questions
Apache Maven is a build automation and project management tool used primarily for Java projects. This tag is for questions that don't relate to a specific Maven version. Use the gradle tag instead for questions relating to Gradle.
79345 questions
Vue.js is an open-source, progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces that aims to be incrementally adoptable. Vue.js is mainly used for front-end development and requires an intermediate level of HTML and CSS. Vue.js questions are highly version specific and should always be tagged with [vuejs2] or [vuejs3] in addition to this tag.
78875 questions
Swing is the primary user-interface toolkit in Java and is shipped with the standard Java SDK. It is contained within the package javax.swing.
78220 questions
Use for questions about using Android Studio, an official IDE by Google targeted at Android app development. Do NOT use for questions about programming for Android in general; instead, use the [android] tag.
78109 questions
Comma-Separated Values or Character-Separated Values (CSV) is a standard "flat file database" format for storing tabular data in plain text, consisting of an optional header row that lists the table fields delimited by commas or tabs or other delimiter character, followed by one or more rows (newline separated) representing the table records as delimited lists of the values. Newlines and separator characters can appear within (quoted) fields.
77596 questions
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework providing a robust set of features for building web applications.
76920 questions
Unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit for use.
75201 questions
A block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, accessible by the string-based name or path. Files are available to computer programs and are usually based on some kind of persistent storage.
74744 questions
A template for creating new objects that describes the common state(s) and behavior(s). NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CSS CLASSES. Use [css] instead.
71255 questions
Directory-level configuration file used by Apache web servers. Use this tag if and only if .htaccess content is directly involved in the topic. We know many people are using .htaccess, but kindly ask the members of the community to not use this tag, unless you know it is on-topic in your question. Also notice what the "apache" tag has to say about questions about _configuring_ Apache httpd and their potential off-topicness on stackoverflow
70056 questions
TensorFlow is an open-source library and API designed for deep learning, written and maintained by Google. Use this tag with a language-specific tag ([python], [c++], [javascript], [r], etc.) for questions about using the API to solve machine learning problems. The programming languages that can be used with TensorFlow API vary, so you must specify the programming language. Please specify the application area such as [object-detection] as well.
69929 questions
Symfony refers to both a PHP framework for building web applications as well as a set of components on which the framework is built. This tag refers to the currently supported major versions 3.x, 4.x and 5.x. Alternatively you can specify an exact version using the respective tag. This tag should not be used for questions about Symfony 1.x. Please use the Symfony1 tag instead.
68963 questions
Apache Spark is an open source distributed data processing engine written in Scala providing a unified API and distributed data sets to users for both batch and streaming processing. Use cases for Apache Spark often are related to machine/deep learning and graph processing.
68705 questions
CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP. Created by EllisLab, fostered by BCIT it is now a project of the CodeIgniter Foundation. The framework implements a modified version of the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Use this tag for questions about CodeIgniter classes, methods, functions, syntax, and use. There are two major versions: 3.x and 4.x, addressing different system requirements
68242 questions
Sorting is the process of applying some order to a collection of items.
67842 questions
A date is a reference to a particular day represented within a calendar system, and consists of year, month and day.
67828 questions
[google-chrome] is for questions related to development with Google Chrome, a web browser that uses the Blink rendering engine. Warning! General support for the browser is off-topic: questions about using or configuring the browser should be posted on https://superuser.com. Chrome OS and Chromium are off-topic: questions about [google-chrome-os] or [chromium] should use those tags.
67223 questions