Questions tagged [loops]

Loops are a type of control flow structure in programming in which a series of statements may be executed repeatedly until some condition is met.

A loop is a fundamental programming idea that is commonly used in writing programs.


A loop can be categorized in two different ways,

1. Entry Controlled Loops

A loop which checks for the condition before the iteration is known as Entry Controlled loops - for example

  • while loop - iterates while a certain condition is true
  • until loop - iterates while a certain condition is false
  • for loop - iterates through numbers in a certain range. Note: not the same as C++ for loop
  • foreach loop - iterates through the elements of a collections.

2. Exit Controlled Loops

A loop which checks the condition after the iteration is knows as Exit Controlled loop - for example

  • do-while loop - iterates while a certain condition is true (the first iteration will run regardless of the condition)
  • do-until loop - iterates while a certain condition is false (the first iteration will run regardless of the condition)

Most languages provide only a subset of loop types described above. For example: in Python there are only foreach (keyword for) and while loops.

Break and continue

In some languages, there are two keywords that simplify the task of implementing a more advanced control flow: break and continue. The former allows you to jump to the operator immediately after the loop, the latter allows you to jump to the end of the current iteration.

Example: implementation of do-until loop in Python using the break keyword:

while True:
    // loop body
    if condition:

Tag usage

The tag can be used for programming related problems in implementing loops feature of any programming language. Please avoid theoretical questions related to tag on stackoverflow.

See also:

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81874 questions
3 answers

use existing variable in for loop

Is it possible to leave out the variable assignment from a for loop and do something like this…? otherVar = 3; for ( otherVar > 0; otherVar-- ) { stuff }
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Objective-C NSString for loop with characterAtIndex

I'm trying to loop through a NSString, character by character, but I'm getting a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error. Do you have an idea how to do this right? I've been googling for hours now but can't figure it out. Here is my code (.m): self.textLength =…
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2 answers

How does this for loop work? for ( ; i < length; i++ )

How does this for loop work? It doesn't make sense to me. for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
Jackie Chan
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3 answers

PHP: Best way to iterate two parallel arrays?

As seen in this other answer, there are several ways to iterate two same-sized arrays simultaneously; however, all of the methods have a rather significant pitfall. Here are some of the caveats with the methods suggested: You can't use FALSE…
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1 answer

how to set counter of loop inside loop correctly inside jmeter?

I have jmeter flow like this: ThreadGroup --Sampler to get the number of items and store to vars("numItem",XYZ) --LoopController on $numItem -----Sampler to get number of subItem and store to vars("numSubitem", ABC) -----LoopController on…
Sean Nguyen
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2 answers

How to create update/draw loop appropriately with android opengl?

I wanted to write some simple game in android using opengl es but immediately ran into trouble with the main game loop. As I read here: the app calls public void…
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5 answers

How to implement subtraction using only loop and increment

This is an interview question. We have only two constructs loop(a) means loop for a times. increment(a) increments a. Thus to implement a+b one could write loop(a) {inc(b)} return b; The question is how to implement a-b.
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1 answer

Iterating through each text element in a page?

I'm trying to write a script in jQuery that would iterate through each text element inside a page. Then I need to change the color of each letter one by one. For example, for a page such as this one:

Some text and

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8 answers

Manually increment an enumerator inside foreach loop

I have a nested while loop inside a foreach loop where I would like to advance the enumerator indefinitately while a certain condition is met. To do this I try casting the enumerator to IEnumerator< T > (which it must be if it is in a foreach loop)…
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3 answers

Java BufferedReader check next lines of a loop before looping

I'm parsing a .cvs file. For each line of the cvs, I create an object with the parsed values, and put them into a set. Before putting the object in the map and looping to the next, I need to check if the next cvs's line is the same object as the…
André Perazzi
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8 answers

php looping through multiple arrays

okay so I have two arrays $array_one([a]=>2,[b]=>1,[c]=>1); $array_two([a]=>1,[b]=>2,[c]=>1); I want to be able to loop through both of these arrays simultaneously so I can make simple comparisons. I looked at using a foreach loop but I can only…
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3 answers

JS ArrowDown addEventListener for several elements in loop (demo)

Have following listener for keyboard ArrowDown event(it's key code is 40): window.onload = function() { var itemsContainer = document.getElementById('cities-drop'); document.addEventListener('keyup',function(event){ if (event.keyCode == 40 &&…
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5 answers

Optimizing a Loop vs Code Duplication

My dilemma concerns how to best handle long heavy loops which can accept parameters. Consider the following method: void HeavyLoop(byte* startingAddress, bool secondaryModification) { for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { byte* b =…
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1 answer

Limiting the time that a function processes in an R for loop

I want to apply a function ("foo" for this explanation) to tranform a vector of data into another value. This function takes the data as an input, and needs submit forms to webpages. Sometimes, this goes quickly, and other times, it can a long…
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4 answers

Java - How do I refer to the previous and next element during an iteration?

When I have a for loop, I use the i to refer to the elements of my array, objects, etc. Like: Current item: myArray[i] Next item: myArray[i+1] Previous item: myArray[i-1] But at the moment, I'm using a foreach loop ( for (Object elem : col) {…
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