Questions tagged [yum]

yum is a software package manager that installs, updates, and removes packages on RPM-based systems.

yum is a software package manager that installs, updates, and removes packages on RPM-based systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur to install packages. yum makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm.

1679 questions
2 answers

How to resolve "Error code: sec_error_invalid_algorithm"?

I am failed to load Google in my Firefox and getting the following error : error Secure Connection Failed. An error occurred during a connection to security library: invalid algorithm. ** (Error code:…
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installation prompt through shell script

I am writing a shell script to automate the installation process. Through script, I am installaing mysql, mongoDb, Java , Tomcat etc. When mysql in being installed, it halts in between asking for "do you want to proceed ? " and I have to input 'y' .…
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Can't install MySQL 5.6 by RPM

I'm trying to install MySQL 5.6 community edition from the RPM package I downloaded. I'm running on cloudera's CDH 4.5 virtual machine, which is CentOS 6.4. The VM came with MySQL 5.1.73 installed, the old versions of files seem to be blocking me…
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Manual for RedHat Linux (RHEL) Terminal Commands

I've just got my first dev-box at work. We install linux ubuntu and then run RHEL via virtual box on these systems. I know a bit of linux commands, but I've totally lost touch. Is there any guide to the terminal commands in RHEL - when it comes to…
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Yum update --security subversion issue

I've got an inherited server in my estate that runs git, I'm just trying to perform security updates on it using # yum update --security and am running into an issue I'm not sure about, below is the tail of the output: --> Finished Dependency…
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rpmbuild BuildRequires not detecting package built from source

I'm trying to build an RPM from a spec file, and the spec file includes the following line: BuildRequires: ruby I actually have ruby installed, but I built it and installed it myself from source, rather than from a package. How do I get the spec…
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Where to get Yum-Folders?

I hope this is not off-topic, but I need to get these folders: etc/yum and etc/yum.repos.d from a CentOS6. Can anyone help me out here? EDIT: @ilent2: I'm Sorry, I didn't express myself right. I meant, I allready have yum installed on a RHEL6…
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Trying to update OpenSSL on my server... GLIBC errors

So, this started because I'm trying to update OpenSSL on my Amazon EC2 server. However, when I try run sudo yum update openssl I get: Error: Package: 1:openssl-1.0.1e-37.66.amzn1.x86_64 (amzn-updates) Requires:…
Mr. Monkey
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1 answer

CentOS yum update creates two kernels

I ran yum update on CentOS. Reboot. I now have two OS images/kernels? /lib/modules contains two kernel directories. The old one, and the new, updated one. When I restart the OS it asks me to boot from either the old one or the new updated os…
Dingo Egret
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1 answer

how to change the baseurl in yum .repo?

I am new to yum but I did RTFM and grepped all the available information and I still don't understand something basic. I have some foobar.repo file that yum uses that looks like this: [foobar] name=foobar baseurl=http://server/RPMS enabled=1 This…
Mark Galeck
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1 answer

Would like to replace openssl10 with openssl, but it gives me a conflict when using yum install

I have openssl10 install in my redhat enterprise 6 server. I would like to replace it with the latest version of openssl, but yum install fails with several conflicts (see below). If I uninstall openssl10 before trying to install openssl, then I…
2 answers

Redhat Linux 6.5 Perl GD CPAN Module yum

when i try to install "GD" (perl -e shell -MCPAN ->(next step) cpan[1]> install GD) on Redhat 6.5 i got the error: -> Building L/LD/LDS/GD-2.53.tar.gz UNRECOVERABLE ERROR Could not find gdlib-config in the search path. Please install libgd…
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2 answers

RPM Requires exact release tag

I'm working on a Java project were each module creates individual rpm packages that always have a 1.0 Version tag, but the Release tag adopts the build number injected by Jenkins CI. Each component uses the maven-rpm-plugin. There's also a main rpm…
2 answers

Yum broken on RHEL 6

Using 64-bit RHEL 6, receiving this error from Yum: [root /]# yum install [package_name] ---Start Error---

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 29, in yummain.user_main(sys.argv[1:],…
1 answer

Should yum update resolve dependencies?

I have foo-1.1 and foo-devel-1.1 both installed. Now I update my repo with foo-1.2 and foo-devel-1.2. After yum clean metadata, I simply type yum update, no problem. I get both foo-1.2 and foo-devel-1.2 reported as ready to update. However, if I…
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