Questions tagged [yii2-basic-app]

Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small projects.

Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small projects.

The template contains the basic features including user login/logout and a contact page. It includes all commonly used configurations that would allow you to focus on adding new features to your application.


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769 questions
1 answer

Yii2 full calendar AjaxEvents not working properly

Hi everyone i am using this extension in my project and i am having problem with the ajaxEvents,i want to know what is wrong i am doing here?? Here is my code of view file and controller action
Mike Ross
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1 answer

How to use bower installed widget in yii2

Hi everyone this might be a stupid question but i am not sure how to proceed thats why i am asking the question here. I wants to use bootstrap-calendar in my yii2 project. I installed all the necessary files using the command given on the project…
Mike Ross
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1 answer

Handle Image update in yii2

Hi everyone i am using FileInput kartik widget in yii2 project and uploading and saving works fine but i am having problem while updating the images I can get the images path on the update form and create and array and display in as initialpreview…
Mike Ross
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1 answer

Define rules for multiple user login in yii2

In my project i have 2 users Organiser and User with 2 different tables. I want to define rules for Event table for both users. For example if Organiser is logged in which i can see as Yii::$app->user->isGuest and if User is logged in which i can…
Mike Ross
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1 answer

Why is the button page on my gridview not shown?

i have model from "feedbackmodel" : public function search($params) { $query = Feedback::find(); $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => $query, 'sort'=> ['defaultOrder' => ['TANGGAL'=>SORT_DESC]], …
1 answer

How to set value to phonenumber in register.php from the signup.php in Yii2?

This is my field in signup.php (view file) 'post','id' => 'form-signup','action' => 'http://localhost/basic1/web/index.php?r=site/reg']);?> field($model, 'PhoneNumber') ?> How to set value in…
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2 answers

Yii2 archive installation symbolic link issue

I am trying to install Yii framework via archive file in Windows 7...after downloading the file I tried extracting it into a folder in my C:\wamp\www\bid location, however, I encounter an error saying this: ! …
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1 answer

How to make search filters work with formatted dates in Yii2?

$query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'date_of_birth', date('d-m-Y',strtotime($this->date_of_birth))]); It's not working..
1 answer

How to access the attributes of the joined tables in yii2

I have two models(User, ReferralsForm) joined together in my controller. The join works fine but I am having a problem in accessing the attributes in ReferralsForm. Here's the code in my controller: public function actionReferrals() { …
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Yii2 How to hide sub-menu items from other users

I am working on yii2. I have a menu named SIM Management in which there are some sub-menus like shown below. There are 3 Roles added in the system which are SIM Manager with role id 6 Production Manager with role id 7 SIM Tester with role id…
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1 answer

Yii2 ~ How do you setup Mpdf?

after installing Mpdf via composer. and reading the documentation over and over agian, I still don't understand how to use Mpdf... could someone please tell me how this extention is used? maybe with some examples or maybe you have a great video…
1 answer

what is need of password hash, token, auth key in yii2 login

what need of all three in yii2 login,i am new to yii2 framework and i want to know use of all these three. thanks in advance.
1 answer

Json_encode and json_decode not working in yii2

i want to insert value through Json_encode through controller but json_encode() not working in yii2. json_encode();
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How to convert below sql query into yii2 code

SELECT student_subjects.student_id,student_subjects.subject_id,student_subjects.amount FROM student_subjects where NOT EXISTS(SELECT subject_id from payment_history where student_subjects.subject_id=payment_history.subject_id)
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1 answer

Widget error undefined $model

I'm new in yii2... I need to use this widget in yii2 app: But when I install it, throw this error: Undefined variable: model There is a screen: Any suggession? --…
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