Questions tagged [yaxis]

360 questions
0 answers

Why is my y-axis normalised between 0 and 1?

I am trying to plot some data using numpy and matplotlib but, the y-axis is normalised between 0 and 1 when I don't think any of my code suggests that it should be. Here's my code: wavelength, counts = np.loadtxt('filename.csv', delimiter =',',…
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Large values in ticks

I am making subplots in Python of 6 images and the y axis values are very high (range from 0 to 250 000). I want to show them in multiples of 1000, but not that they show up as 1K,10K,250K etc., but as 1,10,250 and at the top there would be 1e3 to…
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Python, plotly extrapolate graph to get Y-axis Intercept

Is it possible to extrapolate my plotly graph to get the Y-axis intercept? Here is my code, i used Plotly express but can also use other types: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import as px a = np.array([[0.5,1,2,3,5,7],…
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ggplot with two y-axis in R?

I have asked this question earlier but someone close it indicating that it has answer. I am pretty confuse how i can get the two variables plotted on two Y-axis. I want to plot Level on the left y-axis and Flow on the right y-axis (ie., secondary…
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How to show the legend for dual y-axis from 2 dataframe with different length?

I need help with showing the legend for the data I plotted on both axis - two data frames with common x-axis as date, I used scaling to plot them together. However, the show.legend = true, none of them are showing on the plot. It would be greatly…
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D3 chart - How can I put the X-axis below the Y-axis?

I want my X-axis to be at the bottom of the graph but when why data is set to zero then it comes to the center of Y-axis? How do I prevent it from going to the center?? let x = d3.scaleBand().rangeRound([0, width]).padding(1), y =…
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Multi-axis line chart with Chart.js

The following code I tried to display two y-axis on the line chart and I added yAxisID in both the data source. However, it is nothing to shown. May I know what's wrong with my code? Thank you. function BuildChart(labels, valuesa, valuesb,…
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3 answers

R ggplot2 y-axis scale

I tried to change y-axis scale range. I used the code to set the y scale: coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(value) - 0.05, max(value) + 0.05)) where value is a numeric column. I want the y-axis showing from the minimum of value minus 0.05 to maximum…
Peter Chen
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How to change y-axis label

How do you change the y-axis label using I see axis.title for changing the x-axis but nothing for changing the y-axis.
Sarah J.
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Fitting Axis and of Y and X in Excel

I have the following Graph: The Y values are located at X= 32,64,128,256, 512 and 1024. However, the graph shows different values. I would like to show for X-axis labels only the relevant values (i.e.32,64,128,256, 512 and 1024). In addition, I…
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Abline clip for secondary axis

With the ablineclip I can draw a straight line to any plot like: ablineclip(h = 2, x1 = 0,x2 = 5,lty = 2, col = "green") this draws a horizontal line where y=2 from x=0 to x=5. How can I draw a line for a second y axis?? (meaning a horizontal…
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Can Matlab plot first dot not fall on y-axis?

I want to plot using Matlab. There are several dots and they will be connected by line. I want my very first dot away from Y-axis instead of falling on y-axis so it will be more clear for me. What do I need to add? Or what's the key word can help me…
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How to add a spanning ylabel on tiledlayout plots?

I've got a tiled layout in MATLAB with 3 tiles and I want to add a vertical label left to the y-axis, spanning over all tiles. figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 0.4 0.91]) tlo =…
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How do I move player on y axis in python 3?

I'm trying to move my character through a maze using bitmap. I'm not very good with python yet, so I don't know if this is obvious or not. The code looks like this: # the code that works def movePlayerRight(self): next_tile_x =…
1 answer

How to plot multiple time series plots in a grid, where each plot has two y axes?

I need to plot several time series charts on the same page, each in its own panel in a grid 3x2 or similar. In the latter case I'd have 6 charts on a page in 3 rows and 2 columns. I need to use R, any popular plot library is fine. Further, each…
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