Questions tagged [xmpp]

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, standard protocol for near-real-time exchange of XML-structured data.

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, standard protocol for near-real-time exchange of XML-structured data. The protocol is commonly used in instant messaging (IM) applications, but can be used to exchange any kind of data. It can also be leveraged for multi-user chat, collaboration, voice and video, message-oriented middleware, and many other applications.

XMPP works by initiating a bidirectional XML stream between two entities. The stream is used to transport XMPP stanzas, which are small, well-defined blocks of XML.

An overview of XMPP protocol is available at

There are various XMPP servers available to use. For more comprehensive lists of server, client implementations as well as XMPP libraries, visit

5885 questions
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How to parse custom roster query response in Android XMPP client with SMACK

As for now I have very little understanding of XMPP and SMACK in general so please excuse me if my questions are imprecise. Upon login I receive packet with roster that looks as follows:
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can not identify the cause of error to connect xampp (openfire) server by java

I am new in xmpp. For a whole day i and my project member stuck in connecting xmpp server(openfire version 3.9.3) by java. I am using smack(version 4.0.7) library. Here is simple code... ConnectionConfiguration config =new…
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XMPPStreamManagement receive message acknowledgement from server

I am using XMPPFramework for iOS and have ejabberd as XMPP Server. I want to receive acknowledgement for a message i send to the server. XMPPStream *xmppS = [[XMPPStream alloc] init]; [xmppS addDelegate:self…
Vitul Goyal
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ERLANG Convert String to List of Tuples

I have a String of usernames in the form of "hello1@devlab, hello2@devlab, hello3@devlab" This String can have N number of usernames. I want to convert this into a Packet of the…
Dummy Bee
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XMPP Registration failure

I started to create an iPhone chat app using XMPP (using the robbiehanson/XMPPFramework available on GitHub). I am using a goDaddy VPS server, with openfire. On that I can able login and chat with the already existing users. But I can't able to…
Abhijith G
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Getting the sent message time from openfire to xmpp in IOS

How can I get the time and date of sent message from open fire to IOS simulator using XMPP framework? Right now I am getting the time in simulator when it is sent from simulator to open fire spark kit. But the time and date is returned nil when the…
2 answers

How can I transfer a file via XMPP using Python?

I'm using xmpppy library for my jabber remote administration bot, but I can't find how to send/receive a file and save it inside the directory specified. The documentation is poor and there isn't any examples, but I really want to make it. Can…
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Store chat history in xmpp server in rails web application?

I am using xmpp4r gem and i don't know how to get my chat history from xmpp server or don't know how to store all messages in mysql db.
Jigar Bhatt
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How to enable Stream Management (XEP-198) in Smack 4.1.0-beta1?

connection.isSmEnabled() is always returning false. Below is the code config=XMPPTCPConnectionConfiguration .builder() .setHost("host") .setPort(5222) …
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How to leave from group chat using node-xmpp

This doesn't work. Here cl is xmpp-client object of who wants to leave from group. cl.on('online', function (userData) { var userJid = userData.jid.user + '@' + userData.jid.domain + "/" + userData.jid.resource, roomJid = params.typeId +…
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Implement Sending Delivery Receipt to CCS

I am developing Android application using Cordova. Now I'm stuck with implementation about how to send delivery receipt to CCS (using XMPP endpoint). I have read this article: And can't find…
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GCM CCS Receive delivery receipt

I'm trying to write a 3rd party server .NET application for sending notifications to Android devices using GCM's CCS as outlined here. And I want to use Receive delivery receipts feature. I created a simple console app using agsXMPP library. My…
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How to create conference rooms in Openfire with XMPPHP?

I'm developing a system which at some point I'll have to allow users to create their own conference rooms. I was reading about create rooms and wrote some code with XMPP which results in the verbose log below. 1422017436 [VERBOSE]: Socket is ready;…
Alex M.
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Message Carbon Issue in Openfire 3.9.3 -Not getting carbon messages in all logged in devices

I am using openfire(3.9.3) with strophe.js I want to implement message carbon feature to support multidevice login . I have followed but when I fetch all features that time it does not show any carbon…
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How to get user's groups in xmpp on iPhone?

I hava implemented an iOS client based on xmpp, now I want to implement MUC, but I don't know how to get a list of groups a user is in, also a user gets out of the room every time he/she get offline. I know there are two ways: Save a user's groups…
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