Questions tagged [xmpp]

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, standard protocol for near-real-time exchange of XML-structured data.

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, standard protocol for near-real-time exchange of XML-structured data. The protocol is commonly used in instant messaging (IM) applications, but can be used to exchange any kind of data. It can also be leveraged for multi-user chat, collaboration, voice and video, message-oriented middleware, and many other applications.

XMPP works by initiating a bidirectional XML stream between two entities. The stream is used to transport XMPP stanzas, which are small, well-defined blocks of XML.

An overview of XMPP protocol is available at

There are various XMPP servers available to use. For more comprehensive lists of server, client implementations as well as XMPP libraries, visit

5885 questions
3 answers

what's the best open protocol for chat room software?

I'm comparing between IRC, XMPP and a third proprietary server I have. what are the pros and cons of each and suggest others if you know any mentionable ones.
Bassel Alkhateeb
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XMPP aSmack - How can I get the current user state (offline/online/away/etc.)?

I am new to xmpp/asmack in android. Can anyone please help me in getting the presence of the user's friends ( roster list) I am using this : Presence availability = roster.getPresence(user); Mode userMode = availability.getMode(); What else should…
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1 answer

How to force xcode to use ARC on a specific file?

My project contains XMPPFramework which contains a file that has to be used with ARC. But my project is Non ARC and cannot be converted due to certain other libraries linked to it. How do I force the compiler to use ARC only on a certain class ?
Maduranga E
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5 answers

how to add roster with subscription mode "both"

i'm using smack 3.1.0, and when i add a roster,i can't get subscription "both". who can help me? below is my code: Roster.setDefaultSubscriptionMode(Roster.SubscriptionMode.accept_all); Roster roster =…
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Opensource .Net Jabber/XMPP server?

I've seen quite a few examples of XMPP clients in .Net, and I've seen quite a few servers in various languages, but I'm looking for a .Net version (opensource if possible) of a XMPP server. It doesn't particularly have to be stable, or full of…
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3 answers

How do I integrate chat with nodejs and xmpp into my existing web application?

I have read a lot of questions relating this, but none of them are satisfying. Existing App A minimalist social network implemented using Expressjs as an API.Using MySql as for notifications and ember.js as a frontend…
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2 answers

Smack 4.1 Re-connection issue

I am developing a Chat application in which I have a background service that is continuously running. The Application is running smoothly and I am able to receive and send messages without any issue. I am using default Smack 4.1 Re-connection…
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4 answers

How do you create a simple Google Talk Client using the Twisted Words Python library?

I am interested in making a Google Talk client using Python and would like to use the Twisted libraries Words module. I have looked at the examples, but they don't work with the current implementation of Google Talk. Has anybody had any luck with…
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2 answers

How To get Old Messages (Chat History) from XMPP

I am new to XMPP. and I need to get chat history from Openfire with XMPP. I did Googling but didn't get satisfactory Answer. Any link or idea will be great help.
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2 answers

send push notification to ios for chat to offline user, openfire xmpp

I have an ios chat application that uses openfire, what I need to do is send push notification when the message (1) can't be delivered for any reason, (2) app is in suspended state, i.e. can't generate a notification on its own. I have read most of…
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1 answer

Access Google Talk chat history

I'm looking for a method to access Google Talk chat history. Method to be used for an android device but does not have to be specific to it. I am looking for preferably an official method, but this is not required. AFAIK there is no official method.…
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1 answer

xmpp login fails after authentication

I've been seeing this behavior for some time now, but it wasn't really a problem. After I successfully authenticate in xmpp with my own app, an error close my connection:
5 answers

Wrangling up XMPP

Wikipedia defines XMPP as: open-standard communications protocol for message-oriented middleware based on XML. defines XMPP as: The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open XML technology for real-time…
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1 answer

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 when adding CocoaAsyncSocket

I am trying to use XMPPFramework with an iOS5 project (ARC) under xcode 4.2.1 but I am facing this problem. Once I add CocoaAsyncSocket to my project as part of preparing my project to use XMPPFramework as in 1I get the following error. I have seen…
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5 answers

Integrating Facebook chat

I have written a program to integrate Facebook user chat in C#, however I always get after sending the response to the server. I've checked the API key and the App secret,…
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