Questions tagged [xcode9.1]

Xcode 9.1 is the release of Xcode Tool. Xcode is the complete developer toolset used to create apps for Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, and Mac. The Xcode development environment bundles the Instruments analysis tool, Simulator, and the OS frameworks in the form of tvOS SDKs, watchOS SDKs, iOS SDKs, and macOS SDKs.

93 questions
1 answer

Error: Storyboard references before ios 8.0

I upgraded my XCode to 9.1 and all of a sudden my project stopped compiling for Deployment Target 7.0 and start giving this error Class unavailable: 'Storyboard references before ios 8.0'. My app has to give support to iOS version 7.0 and…
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Handle Pan Gesture on UITableView cell

I added MARKRangeSlider to UITableViewCell and its working as expected. While dragging handle, the table view controller is also popping up to previous view controller. How could I avoid or prevent the action of popping up? I tried following code by…
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Automatic adjustment of UILabel height according to content

I'm using Xcode 9.1 I want a simple thing. I want to have a UILabel that adjust its size to show its content. For that, I'm doing the next things. First, I add 3 constraints. 1.- Center it horizontally. 2.- Fix it a distance 10 from the left…
1 answer

Xcode 9.1 Error when i try installing cocoapods on macOS High Sierra

so i typed in: sudo gem install cocoapods in my terminal and I got the following error, does anyone have an idea why this is happening? thank you in advance! ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String
1 answer

App Icons Not showing while converting iPhone app to Universal App

This is a self ask and answer article, hoping to benefit somebody else. I have an iPhone app and want to enable it for both iPads and iPhones (as a Universal app). I've updated the app general app drop down menu to set my app as Universal app, but…
Peter Brockmann
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Will changing the provisioning profile in XCode 9.1 force me to upload a new app (instead of updating an existing one) and lose my App Store history?

I recently upgraded to XCode 9.1. When I go to upload my app to iTunes in order to test under TestFlight, it will not let me upload after archiving because the name of the provisioning profile begins with XC, indicating that the profile is managed…
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UINavigationBar Custom Title View not centered on iOS11

I just updated to Xcode 9 and run to an iOS11 simulator. My custom view for the navaagation bar title is shifted down. This code was working before i updated; it was vertically centered before companyCountryView = CompanyNameView(frame: CGRect(x:…
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2 answers

Get current Hour/Minute/Secong/Millisecond using timezone of some specific city like America/Mexico_City in swift 3 xcode

Here, I want to get current Hour/Minute/Secong/Millisecond using timezone of some specific city like America/Mexico_City using swift 3 xcode. I tried to get current Time-hrs/min/sec/millisec of Mexico city like, let date = Date() var…
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lldb: How to remove a symbolic breakpoint?

I've created breakpoint per this lldb breakpoint on all methods in class objective c (lldb) breakpoint set -r '[UINavigationController popViewControllerAnimated:]' Breakpoint 100: 5 locations. but (lldb) breakpoint delete…
Anton Tropashko
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updated Xcode to 9.1 but it keeps saying 9.0.1

I have updated my iPhone to 11.1.1 and Xcode to 9.1, but Xcode keeps saying that I am using 9.0.1 which is against what I have done and what the App Store says ( updated done to 9.1 ). Any idea on how to fix that ? I cannot compile my project to my…
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1 answer

Swift stdlib tool error when building to iPhone X - Xcode 9.1

When I am trying to build to my iPhone, I am getting a "Swift stdlib tool Error, Task failed with exit 1 signal 0" When I double click on it, it takes me to the following in the Activity…
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Avoid "Could not attach to pid" error on IOS Simulator

When deploying a build to IOS simulator most often I end up receiving an error Could not attach to pid : errNumber unable to attach Stopping build and re-running deploys it without any error. I would like to know why this error is being…
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1 answer

XCode 9.1 Simulator Crashes macOS System

I'm running macOS Sierra, but same experienced on High Sierra. When I open the Simulator in XCode 9.1, it doesn't load anything (sometimes a red screen), however crashes the whole system. I can move the mouse, but everything is unclickable. Really…
Dombi Bence
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1 answer

How can I create a shortcut to archive in Xcode?

I have to create many Xcode archive to upload IPA on HockeApp and iTunes Store. Whenever I have to do it, I have to choose device as 'Generic iOS device' and the item Archive from Product Menu of Xxode. Is there a way in Xcode to create a shortcut…
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Xcode 9.1 - Autolayout bug with "Align Horizontally"

In my project, I have a XIB which contains a view with its hierarchy like this: As you can see from the screenshot, my imageView is centered based on its superview, but visually it doesn't seem like so. Further more, given the same view hierarchy…
hoang Cap
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