Questions tagged [www-mechanize-firefox]

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox - use Firefox as if it were WWW::Mechanize

A Perl module to use Firefox as if it were WWW::Mechanize

This module will let you automate Firefox through the Mozrepl plugin. You need to have installed that plugin in your Firefox.

Note that the module only supports Firefox up to Firefox version 54 . After that, Firefox does not support the mozrepl plugin anymore. That plugin is needed for the functionality of this module.

Also see the Troubleshooting FAQ.

60 questions
0 answers

Perl WWW::Mechanize::Firefox trigger onchange event

I am trying to manipulate the form at The code uses JS to populate the options for the next element based on the current element. While I have been able to select the element for district I am not able to trigger…
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1 answer

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox put content into input by id

I am using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox. How to put content into input by id and after that to press link witch, using JS, submit page? Press me How to do…
1 answer

How to get an HTML table from the document using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox

I don't understand how to access an HTML table from a document. I am playing with this link: Scotia Bank Jobs The idea is to click on "Next page" button several times and gather all small HTML tables into one. When I open the link with…
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1 answer

cant locate in @INC

I have a Perl script which uses WWW::Mechanize::Firefox which works well before its been converted into Executable file by using PAR::Packager. it shows an error as Can't locate in @INC Need some suggestion to solve this issue, Thank…
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2 answers

Downloads in Firefox using Perl WWW::Mechanize::Firefox

I have a list of URLs of pdf files that i want to download, from different sites. In my firefox i have chosen the option to save PDF files directly to a particular folder. My plan was to use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox in perl to download each file (in…
Pawan Samdani
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WWW::Mechanize::Firefox in a high-traffic website

I have a website where I would like to the user to enter a search term and then scrape two other websites and show the user some parsed results. Since both websites use a lot of JavaScript to return data, I thought of using…
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How to install Firefox on a VPS through command line?

I need to make use of Firefox for web scraping. I am using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox. So I will need to install Firefox and Mozrepl however I am installing on a vps that does not have a GUI desktop environment and I am running into problems that…
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1 answer

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox click button in

I got a big problem. I have 12 elements with the same class - "comment". In every is button to click. I need to know how to select (eg. 3 of 12) and click button only there. Is exist any selector or something? Please give me some advice about…
1 answer

Selecting only from a specific table on a page WWW::Mechanize and CSS Selectors?

Good day, I am scraping a number of pages that display the data I require in tables. On the page there are multiple tables with the following: The items I want scraped are in table…
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2 answers

WWW::Mechanize::Firefox CSS Selector with multiple elements?

When using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to select an item, is it possible to iterate through a number of selectors that have the same name? I use the following code: my $un = $mech->selector('input.normal', single => 1); The response is 2 elements found…
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3 answers

How do I install the Perl module WWW-Mechanize-Firefox?

Can you tell me where to find a guide on how to install a perl module? I am trying to install the perl module: I am stuck at step 7. I am not sure where the problem lays exactly,…
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1 answer

This Python program isnt working and their is no apparent reason

I found this code online and I tried my best to patch it. I don't understand whats wrong with this program. This code takes in Netflix accounts and outputs the working accounts. import mechanize import sys import time from colorama import init,…
1 answer

Download web page using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox

I'm trying to scrape a website using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, but whenever I try to get the data it is displaying JavaScript code and the data that I need is not there. If I inspect the element on Mozilla, the data that I need is there. Here's my…
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How to find a word beginning with specified letters then remove everything else in the string?

my @buildno = $mech->xpath('/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/table /tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/table/tbody/tr[1]/td', type => $mech->xpathResult('STRING_TYPE')); I have the above code which contains a string. I need to capture the…
1 answer

How do you remove indentation from a single element in an array - perl?

@para_text[2] = $mech->xpath('/html/body/form/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/table/tbody/tr[4]', type => $mech->xpathResult('STRING_TYPE')); I have the above code which returns the following in this format: …
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