Questions tagged [wp-editor]

WP Editor refers to the visual WYSIWYG editor of Wordpress.

The WP Editor refers to the visual WYSIWYG editor of Wordpress. Usually, this is TinyMCE, which allows you to manage the content of a certain page or post by easily modifying, creating and managing the content HTML elements in a way similar to most visual editors.

There is also a built in function with the same name - wp_editor(), which can display a custom WYSIWYG editor with certain parameters.

65 questions
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Front end wp_editor not saving in visual mode only working in text mode

I added wp_editor custom field in woocommerce, all working except wp_editor not saving any value in visual editor mode. but only able to save value in text mode. Also when using text mode, all html code will gone. Any idea on how to fix this? // Add…
2 answers

How to add style formats to WordPress wp_editor()

I am trying to apply styles to all images that are inserted into my wp_editor() textarea using PHP. I have tried the following but had no success: array( array( …
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making the editor more WSWYG

I need to remove the title from the twentytwenty theme - no problem doing this by removing it in the template of my child theme. However it still shows in the WP editor. Since it is in a divider as below:
I have…
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Remove toolbar from single wp_editor

I have the following code to remove toolbar, media buttons, and visual buttons on my wp_editor. The code is working, but I want it to only remove the items from one wp_editor, not all. Any help is appreciated. Wp_editor code $content =…
Darth Mikey D
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WordPress Editor Erea very small issue

I don't know who is the genious developer made wp editor, but I can't edit the page content because the edit box is very norrow. How can I fix this issue: I am using: Wordpress version & Theme: WordPress 5.0.2 running The WP theme. Plugins : …
1 answer

Wordpress Editor drop hyperlinks when editing post

This is not a default post or page, it's a custom page using wp_editor as the WYSIWYG along with standard html formfields (start date, end date, start time, end time, etc). The custom form posts to a custom table (this table is shared with a 3rd…
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How to detect mouse click on element inside WordPress Visual Editor

How to detect click on element inside WordPress Visual Editor using javascript?
1 answer

wp_editor not sitting in table cell?

I am making a custom options page for WordPress and making use of wp_editor. Here is the code I have: $settings = array('wpautop' => false, 'textarea_name' => $editor_id); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; …
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How to read content of wp_editor using jquery

I am using wp_editor. I added require class as editor_class. Here is the rendered html:
Abdus Sattar Bhuiyan
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Can WordPress the_content() strip the number format style?

I have such a scenario where I want to restrict to users to show the phone number format. In brief I have a listing website in WordPress where users can add their own listing with description and other fields. Users add their business address in the…
Aakanksh Patel
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wp editor settings array autosave function onchange

I'm trying to set up an autosave for dynamic wp editors in case my users forget to click save. (Currently set up with AJAX button to save.) Users can have 0 to 20 separate entries. It seems that something should be added to the wp_editor settings…
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wordpress - mark wp_editor required field in form

I am working on a frontend form for wordpress and I have added wp_editor for text area in my form, below is the code I have added. Is there any way I can mark this field as a Required field just like HTML5 required parameter?
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Replacing a plugin created textarea by WP editor

Need your help guys. I have a page where by Private Content plugin I create a simple textarea field. What I need to do is to improve that textarea by adding rich text editor to it, I think standard WP one should be fine. Can you please provide…
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How can I add a image with php in Wordpress Editor?

I use a wordpress theme. This theme contains wp_editor on the editor panel. My codes are: 1, 'tinymce'=>1, 'media_buttons'=>0, 'textarea_rows'=>10,…
Cris Denolatter
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Wordpress custom plugin. wp_editor() shows html tags after saving

All text saves correctly. But after save the editor shows html tags. Take a look at pictures first please. Screen befor saving custom post data. WP editor correctly renders bold text. befor saving screen Screen after saving custom post data. wp…