Questions tagged [wow.js]

WOW.js is a JavaScript plugin that reveals animations when you scroll. It is used in conjunction with Animate.css.


WOW.js is a JavaScript plugin that reveals animations when you scroll.


  1. Link to the CSS animation library

Link to (You can link to another CSS animation library by changing WOW.js settings)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/animate.css">
  1. Link and activate WOW.js
<script src="js/wow.min.js"></script>
    new WOW().init();
  1. Add rule in CSS to begin with hidden elements:
.wow {
    visibility: hidden;



130 questions
1 answer

Animsition and Wow JS

I’ve created a new version of my website. I have two problems with the final version. First problem: To sum up, I use the Animsition plugin to start the CSS fade transition between pages and when I scroll, I use the WOW library and Animate.css to…
1 answer

Javascript start another animation after fade in

I'm using wow.js ( wow = new WOW( { boxClass: 'wow', // default animateClass: 'animated', // default offset: 0, // default mobile: true, //…
0 answers

Why CSS animation running twice or jerking?

I used wow.js on my website, the problem is that every time when I refresh the page, it's animate twice instead of one time. Here is video demo how it's happening on my system Demo Here is the page link…
Usman Arshad
  • 828
  • 5
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1 answer

use of wow.min.js with jquery.fullpage.js

I am using two famous plugins wow.min.js and jquery.fullpage.js but when I use both at same page one of them is not working, help me please. I am using these two scripts to call both of them.