Questions tagged [wordpress-gutenberg]

Gutenberg is the visual editor for WordPress. A question tagged wordpress-gutenberg should be related to usage or modification of the Gutenberg editor. These are best asked on Stack Exchange WordPress Development.

Gutenberg is the new visual editor for WordPress. Introduced in WordPress 5.0, it provides tools for creating more flexible and media rich posts/pages. Gutenberg posts are composed of "blocks" which can be inserted, rearranged, and styled to create more complex layouts and formats, while not requiring as much technical knowledge from your average user. Gutenberg utilizes the WordPress REST API and React.

A basic understanding of JavaScript frameworks, specifically React, is recommended for Gutenberg development, and more in-depth editing may require a primary knowledge of state management patterns, such as Redux.

Questions with this tag should be related to either using the new Gutenberg editor or modifying and extending the editor's default functionality (blocks, filters, formats, etc).

General Information:

Gutenberg Handbook:

Block API:



795 questions
1 answer

Gutenberg additional block attributes

I’m building an application in React and for the first time I want to use WP REST. I am using gutenberg, and I’m successfully getting the blocks in rest. I have a problem with building my own blocks though, I need to append additional data to them,…
0 answers

Gutenberg withAPIData HOC not fetching on page reload

Followed this example from Gutenberg handbook It's fetching post normally on block add. But after saving and reloading post edit page there is no data and stuck in 'loading' state {get: ƒ, isLoading: true, path: "/wp/v2/posts?per_page=4", create:…
1 answer

Embed one page in another one (Shortcodes?)

I designed a page with Gutenberg (+kadence blocks) and I would like to insert it into another page (product description of Woocommerce), where Gutenberg is not supported. Is it possible to get the shortcode of the page I designed?
1 answer

Add extra attributes to link in wordpress gutenberg editor

I would like to add a couple of custom attributes to the link popup on the Gutenberg editor in wordpress. Would like to have something in the following lines: There is currently a pending issue for the same on the Gutenberg's Github page:…
Shashi Deshetti
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How to add an image dynamically to post title if it is published today or less than 2 days

I was trying to add an image like a "new" image to the posts which are just published and are less than 2 days old. I tried using a function like this within a WP_Query but it is applying to all posts. add_action('the_title',…
1 answer

Post title height changes depending on text length

I am new to gutenberg. The height of my post titles block changes depending on the length of the post title. I want the post titles blocks to be the same height. I have tried changing the CSS but was wondering is their a PHP solution to this or any…
2 answers

ApiFetch pass variable from function JS

I make an api call to an endpoing and inside the apiFetch I get a value. I want to display this value from outside the function but it doesn't get updated. Any ideas why it does this? save: () => { var newValue="default"; …
Jay ww
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wordpress can alignwide image be fullscreen on mobile only?

I'm using Wordpress Gutenberg image blocks with align wide. Ideally, I would like them to be edge-to-edge on mobile (like the alignfull style). I've tried playing with removing the padding and margins from everything I can find, but still get a…
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1 answer

WordPress Gutenberg handling CSS in the editor

I've created my website that compiles my scss (boostrap, node_modules, my own custom css) to a single file. Now I'm wondering what would be the best way of styling gutenberg blocks in the editor? I want to keep the responsive nature of my blocks…
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1 answer

Want to make Script constant on every Page load in WordPress site

I have media player on a WordPress site which based on a script . Issue is that, when go to other menu the media player(script) is reloaded and starting from beginning again. I want to make that media player script constant on every page load so…
2 answers

How can we hide the Gutenberg editor Wordpress 5

I am using the Wordpress 5 for my site and I want to hide the Gutenberg editor and want to use the classic editor for the page and post creation. how can I hide the Gutenberg editor? So far I have tried the following code to do this…
Sukhjinder Singh
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1 answer

Organizing arrays within arrays

I'm having trouble finding a clue to this. I have a function that takes a list of JSON data and forms it into a php multidimensional array. I'm trying to plug this array into an add_theme_support function for Wordpress to add some color options. For…
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1 answer

How do I remove spacing at the bottom of my site

I am creating a website for our company. I wanted the homepage to be like a simple landing page. Something similar to this site ( The challenge I am having is, the page has a white spacing at the bottom that just doesn't…
1 answer

How to Remove URL from to in a WordPress website?

In My WordPress website, lots of URLs automatically generated; I want to remove these URLs:
2 answers

How can I solve a WordPress publishing problem?

I encounter a problem on WordPress as soon as I try to publish a page. A message appears telling me, t that the publication failed I do not understand I uninstall my extensions. and call 1 & 1, my host I have enough memory ... I even changed wifi…
Lo Gard
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