Questions tagged [woff]

a cross-browser, web-only font format that uses gzip compression. IE9+, FF3.6+, Chrome 5+

146 questions
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Browser does not render WOFF fonts (@font-face)

Ok, I have an issue that I cannot figure out, I am trying to research usage of WOFF fonts in Internet Explorer 10. I downloaded kit from fontsquirrel, and based on the included CSS and HTML files I added fonts to web application. (ASP.NET MVC on IIS…
Sebastian K
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2 answers

Converting Webfonts to ttf / otf format - is it even possible?

I have a font i'm using in a website, i have it in the following formats: woff, eot, svg. Now, there's a designer i'm working with and he wants to create mockups with this font, but i can't find the original ttf file. Is it possible to convert back…
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FileReader.readAsDataURL() reader result is empty for font files such as .ttf, .woff, and .woff2

I am building a web interface that allows the user to upload a custom font. The problem is that I am unable to convert the font files (specifically, .ttf, .woff, and .woff2 files) to base64 via the FileReader.readAsDataUrl() so that I can then PUT…
0 answers

Failed to load resource: fontawesome-webfont.woff2 Laravel 5.5

I am writing a web application and trying to use font-awesome icons. The fonts are imported to the right directories but when I load the page the icons appear as blank squares. (Example in attached picture). When I press F12 this is the error I…
0 answers

Compare WOFF files

I wonder if it's possible (in windows or ubuntu) to compare woff font files. Is there a way to find out if two files contain the samy glyphs etc.? I take a .ttf file and compress it to .woff using fontforge on Ubuntu. A ttf file with a size of 220…
Bernhard Döbler
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WOFF fonts not working in Internet Explorer

I have a page which uses the font Avenir. It works in all browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome) – but DOES not display this FONT in Internet Explorer 11. I am using this code to attach the fonts (it seems to care for Internet Explorer):
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SVG icon looks different after being converted to woff

I am using gulp-iconfont to convert a set of svg icons to a woff font. Before the icon is converted into the font it looks as follows: How it appears in the woff file: My gulp task is as follows: gulp.task('icon-font', function() { …
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finding all other formats for a Google font beside "woff2"

In a previous question of mine it was pointed out to me that "woff2" format doesn't work on Microsoft Edge. So I have to use an alternative syntax of @font-face if I want my website to look good in Microsoft Edge. Original…
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OTS parsing error: incorrect file size in WOFF

When you try to download the font woff format, I received an error: OTS parsing error: incorrect file size in WOFF header What am I doing wrong ?
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Phantomjs 2.0.1 and woff

Neither current windows nor linux binary (build on Ubuntu 14.04 with accept woff-fonts (via @font-face in CSS). Is there some kind of magic trick to switch woff support on? SVG and TTF font are accepted, but (i used…
2 answers

Why isn't woff2 in the mimetype directory?

I see support for woff2 in the Chromium source code but I don't see the mimetype registered with the IANA. Think about the correct mime type for WOFF 2.0 files (Google uses font/woff2.…
Elijah Lynn
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Multiple font weights in woff file?

I uploaded a .ttc font file containing several weights to and got a .woff file. Does it contain all weights? How can I use them with CSS? With the following declaration I can only use normal and bold, although there…
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5 answers

Why do my icons show up as blank squares?

I've created a new (simple) website in IIS8. I've created a simple Index.html and put in jQuery, Bootstrap3 and Font-Awesome 4.0.0 to start playing with. However my Font-Awesome icons show up as nothing (squares): My folder structure is / -…
Rowan Freeman
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1 answer

IIS 500 error - failed to execute URL on .ttf, .svg and .woff font files?

I'm trying to deploy a web application which references Everything works great locally, but when I deploy I receive several 500 errors. > GET >…
Sean Anderson
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1 answer

CSS: How to set a fallback for bold font families?

I am using an own custom font which I embed like this: @font-face{font-family:myFont;src:url(css/fonts/myFont.woff);} @font-face{font-family:myBoldFont;src:url(css/fonts/myBoldFont.woff);} So, when ever I want to use bold font, I…
Timo Ernst
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