Questions tagged [winrm]

Windows Remote Management server

Purpose of WinRM

Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol, a standard Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)-based, firewall-friendly protocol that allows hardware and operating systems, from different vendors, to interoperate.

The WS-Management protocol specification provides a common way for systems to access and exchange management information across an IT infrastructure. WinRM and Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), along with the Event Collector are components of the Windows Hardware Management features.


You can use WinRM scripting objects, the WinRM command-line tool, or the Windows Remote Shell command line tool WinRS to obtain management data from local and remote computers that may have baseboard management controllers (BMCs). If the computer runs a Windows-based operating system version that includes WinRM, the management data is supplied by Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

You can also obtain hardware and system data from WS-Management protocol implementations running on operating systems other than Windows in your enterprise. WinRM establishes a session with a remote computer through the SOAP-based WS-Management protocol rather than a connection through DCOM, as WMI does. Data returned to WS-Management protocol are formatted in XML rather than in objects.

The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) WMI provider is a standard WMI provider with classes that obtain BMC sensor data from computers with appropriate hardware. IPMI data can be accessed using the WinRM scripting API, the WMI Scripting, or COM APIs.

Basic Configuration:

First, to make WinRM work on the server we need the Windows Firewall to be enabled. Once that is done, open a command prompt and run the following command:

winrm quickconfig

This command performs configuration actions to enable this machine for remote management, which includes:

  1. Starts the WinRM service
  2. Set the WinRM service type to auto start
  3. Create a listener to accept requests on any IP address Enable
  4. firewall exception for WS-Management traffic (for http only)
462 questions
0 answers

Powershell New-PSSession issue

When I remote desktop to a box I will get a prompt like this: Once I select "Yes" I am connected to the box. When I try to login to the same box with the same credentials in PowerShell I get the error listed at the end of this post. $secPasswd =…
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1 answer

Negotiate authentication is currently disabled

I was trying yo use winrm in PowerShell and deactivate all the auth in client and service. After that I enabled them from GP and also in registry but it's still showing this message: The WinRM client cannot process the request. Negotiate…
1 answer

How to retrieve CIM instances from a Linux host using WinRM?

I'm using WinRM API in an attempt to collect some CIM instances from several hosts running either Windows or Linux. My code works fine when connecting to a Windows host, but an exception is thrown if I try to connect to a Linux machine, which is…
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1 answer

ANSIBLE Windows winrm 401

I follow the instructions on Ansible website, but I'm still facing an issue with a simple "win_ping" command when i try to communicate with a windows node: Ansible Version : 1.8.2 Windows machine OS : Windows Server 2012 Standard Powershell :…
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1 answer

test winrm connectivity on list of systems using powershell

I want to test whether or not winrm is running on a list of servers. winrm id -r:servername works for individual systems but I want to test recursively for a list from a csv or text file. With output to a file saying "working" or "not working" for…
1 answer

Remotely Start Powershell Script from c# Management.Automation.Runspaces

I am attempting to remotely execute a powershell script passing in a object parameter. I have successfully managed to do this, but now I would like to just start the script, disconnect my remote session and have the powershell script continue to…
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2 answers

Ansible copy fails

I was trying to copy a test file from a Linux control server to a Windows 7 client. my playbook is - name: Test Copy from Linux to Windows hosts: Windows gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Copy copy: src=/tmp/tmp.txt…
1 answer

PowerShell Invoke-Command from application

I have an asp .net webservice in c#, which execute powershell scripts in remote host, through invoke-command tools (winrm). If I execute the invoke-command from powershell directly, this works fine. Invoke-Command -ConnectionURI…
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1 answer

is there a way to use winrm locally to invoke an UI dialog on the remote machine

I'm using chef to deploy windows instance. In a situation, I need to run an "notepad.exe" (take notepad as an example) command on the newly launched machine and expect the notepad dialog pops up. Currently I use "knife winrm 'ip' 'chef-client' -m -x…
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1 answer

PowerShell enter-pssession

I'm using Windows 8.1. and I'm trying to execute commands on another Windows 8.1. by using PowerShell (enter-pssession or invoke-command). I usually have two types of error messages : one telling me that the access is denied and another one telling…
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1 answer

Winrm and SOAP service using Javascript

Please can anyone help me with sample codes that can utilize the WinRM protocol to get host information of a remote PC from a local PC using javascript and SOAP services? Thank you.
1 answer

Chef knife winRM interactive mode hangs in Jenkins

I've been stuck on this issue for the past 3 or 4 days. I am trying to run the attached command in a Windows batch file in Jenkins. This causes it to hang and it doesn't accept any further inputs: knife winrm…
0 answers

Losing Credentials when Invoking Command with WinRM

I have written a Console application that makes an HTTP POST to a ASMX Web Service (within Sharepoint) that I am looking to invoke remotely with WinRM. I have written a PowerShell process that bundles up the built application, moves it to the…
Isaac Levin
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PowerShell - Cannot remove profile created with Enter-PSSession unless winrm service is stopped?

I am using the remove-profile script from here to remove profiles which is working great until an interesting problem I came across is not letting me remove a profile. When a…
3 answers

Calling WinRS when using a password with spaces

I'm trying to call WinRS for some of our automated scripts. I've run into an issue when attempting to pass a password with spaces for the -p argument. For example, winrs http://server:5985 -p:my password -u:user dir fails with the…
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