Questions tagged [windows-terminal]

Microsoft's official new terminal app for Windows, released May 2019.

Windows Terminal is the Terminal app for Windows made by Microsoft, released in May 2019. See the Windows Terminal GitHub

191 questions
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Windows Terminal vs Ubuntu.exe

What's the difference between using an Ubuntu tab on Windows Terminal vs using the Ubuntu app for Windows (ubuntu.exe)? I've only noticed that each start at a different directory: WT: :/mnt/c/Users/username Ubuntu: /home/username
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Adding MySQL to Windows Terminal profiles

I just started using the relatively new Windows Terminal, but while adding my profiles (Git, etc.) I stumbled upon a problem I couldn't add MySql.
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How to open script inside Windows Terminal

I have shortcut which under the hood performs something like that: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C "powershell D:\ssh.ps1" it executes ssh.ps1 script which inside opens SSH to ssh user@$ip where $ip comes from variable but it executes inside cmd,…
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Windows Terminal not changing directory via script

I have file assist.cmd, which is within my %path% with the contents pushd m:\Documents\Code\assist When I type assist on windows terminal (the new one) I get: PS C:\Users\User> assist C:\Users\User>pushd m:\Documents\Code\assist PS…
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Passing arguments to PowerShell with "-Command" parameter using AutoHotKey and Windows Terminal

My question pertains more toward PowerShell, but for completeness I am using AutoHotKey to run the PowerShell command. I'm trying to pass some arguments to PowerShell with the "-Command" parameter, but running into issues if the arguments contain…
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How to use CTRL+C CTRL+V keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste in Windows Terminal

Is there any easy way to be able to use CTRL+C for copying selected text and CTRL+V for pasting in Windows terminal, just like how we use those keyboard shortcuts in notepad, word etc. CTRL+SHIFT+C does copy, but I wouldn't prefer that. Hitting…
Sunil Purushothaman
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What have I missed in Windows Terminal settings.json?

I just start to customize Windows Terminal. I would like to add Git and it opens the git-bash.exe outside of the program. What have I missed in the settings.json? That's the settings.json "profiles" -> "list" array { "guid":…
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'\' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. when issuing a git rev-list

Whenever I try to run this command in windows terminal. I get a '\' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. git rev-list --all --objects | \ sed -n $(git rev-list --objects --all | \ cut -f1 -d'…
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How to show file and folder names along with terminal icons without showing current directory?

I want to remove the space/ area taken up in showing the Directory: C:\Users\varun\Desktop\Projects\advanced-react-patterns-v2 when I run the command: Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide Additional details: Using Windows Terminal & Powershell Font…
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How to expand the new Windows Terminal to support AWS?

Loving the new Terminal but often I need to SSH into an EC2 instance on AWS. Right now I open an Ubuntu tab and then SSH into EC2. I see in the dropdown Azure Cloud Shell. Is there a way to directly SSH into AWS in a similar way?
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How to add a profile entry to Windows Terminal with C#?

I would like to add some profile entries to the Windows Terminal profiles.json file. This is my current profiles.json file: { "$schema": "", "defaultProfile":…
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Add XAMPP shell to new 'Windows Terminal'

I know that in the new Windows Terminal I can add any custom profile, so I want to start XAMPP shell from there. In the settings json file I add the profile but I have a problem adding the right "commandline" variable value. I've tried…
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Windows Terminal keeps flickering for c++ snake game

The terminal windows keeps flickering when i run the snake game, below i will share my draw function I'm not sure if its a windows issue because of 'cls' or i made a mistake somewhere void Draw (){ system("cls"); for (int i=0; i
0 answers

Windows Terminal resizing

I find that often the bottom of a new console is pushed off the bottom of the screen so I put the below into my $Profile to fix that. I have tried to start using the new Windows Terminal for PowerShell work and have discovered that none of the…
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How to rebind ctrl-space in vim running inside Windows Terminal Preview?

So it seems like ctrl-space is being incorectly translated into ctrl-@ by the Windows Terminal and I was wondering if there's any workaround for this? I've seen answers to this similar problem for other terminals but they don't seem to work.
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