Questions tagged [wia]

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) is the still image acquisition platform in the Windows family of operating systems starting with Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) and Windows XP.

See details on MSDN: Windows Image Acquisition (WIA).

268 questions
2 answers

Scanning with WIA automatic feeder scanner fails for second page

I'm trying to scan multiple pages using a scanner which has an automatic feeder. My code is very simple at the moment: WIA.CommonDialog dialog = new WIA.CommonDialog(); WIA.Device device =…
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WIA Automation for scanner color intent is not working

I cannot get my Canon Pixma MP150 to scan a color scan from c# code. The following code is resulting in a black and white image, or if I change the value of 6146 to 2 then a grayscale image is created. I would like to be able to have a color scan…
Mike Nicholson
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Safari problems accessing Windows Integrated Authentication (aka NTLM) protected web site

Our web application uses Windows Integrated Authentication (aka NTLM Auth) for security. It's working fine for both IE and Firefox users, but Safari users are seeing intermittent problems. Browsing the site will work fine, but every once in a while…
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Scaning multiple pages using WIA on windows 7

I am trying to scan a few pages from the feeder, although the scanner automatically scans all the pages when I call ShowTransfer function (without using a loop), I am getting back only the first page. what am I doing wrong? here's my code: …
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Wia 2.0 duplex scanning throw exception "System.outofmemoryException" C#

I'm using WIA on C#. When I set the properties "pages" to 1 and "docuemnt handling select" to 5 (to enable AFD and Duplex scaning), I get an exception at the method "wiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer". The exception is "System.OutOfMemoryExcepion". Can…
3 answers

Cannot read second page scanned via ADF

I have a Brother mutlifunction networked printer/scanner/fax (model MFC-9140CDN). I am trying to use the following code with WIA, to retrieve items scanned in with the document feeder: const int FEEDER = 1; var manager=new DeviceManager(); var…
Zev Spitz
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4 answers

Which is the best .NET image capture API for me to use?

I have been tasked with integrating image acquisition into a .NET application and I have been looking for an API to use for performing this function. I have come across several "standard" APIs, some have been in existence for a long time, some not…
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1 answer

Windows image acquisition - setting device properties in C#

I have a C# (WinForm) program that supports scanning using WIA. I am trying to set device properties before scanning one or more documents. Primarily I want to set the paper size for the scanner. Following is a snippet of the code: foreach…
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1 answer

scanning pages using WIA or TWAIN

Edit: Are there any tutorials on how to use WIA or TWAIN in c++, that explain how to scan pages, adjust settings (DPI, using automatic feeder etc.) and save them as PNG files? I'd like to use WIA to scan pages and store them as png files. If the…
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1 answer

Scan multiple pages using WIA automation

I'm playing around with WIA Automation and I`m struggling to scan more than page at a time. Can anyone give me some hints on how to achieve this? Below is a sample of code I use to scan a document/image: public static byte[] ScanImage(int…
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1 answer

WIA 2.0 Duplex scanning

Since Vista, Windows is shipped with WIA 2.0 (wiaaut.dll). According to the following KB article and many of my findings on various forums, duplex scanning is no longer possible using WIA 2.0. Yet, the article mentions the use of native WIA 2.0,…
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How To Wait On WIA CommonDialog.ShowAcquisitionWizard Method to Finish?

I am trying to use WIA for scanning and am running into a little trouble. I am using the CommonDialog.ShowAcquisitionWizard method as documented on MSDN. The problem is, there is no object returned from the method. I need to know when the…
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7 answers

Scan multiple pages with ADF scanner using VBA

I am writing a Microsoft Access application and I want to enable the user to scan multiple pages to a single PDF format. The conversion to PDF works fine once I have all the pages scanned. Here's my code: Option Compare Database Option…
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1 answer

Twain or WIA? A bit lost between this two interface

I need to write a c# assembly (DLL) in order to scan documents. I don't know if I need to use TWAIN or WIA. Anyone could help me please ? What are the différences? What are your advices ? Is there a c# Library ?
Walter Fabio Simoni
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1 answer

Automate scanning from multiple scanners on the same computer using WIA and VB

Hello Stack overflow ! I'm the ultimate beginner in programming. I have some experience in php and vba, doing my own scripts as I need them, especially in excel. Recently, for a project at works, I need to be able to scan AUTOMATICALLY (say every 2…
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