Questions tagged [wgl]

53 questions
1 answer

OpenGL Anti-aliasing using GLEW with WGL

I am relatively new to OpenGL and I would like to add anti-aliasing to my C++ Win32 project. I currently get a device context in the window procedure when the WM_CREATE message is received, and then create an OpenGL context using a pixel format…
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Potential Misuse of WGL, crash in glDrawArrays

The below code creates a window, loads a few OpenGL procs with wglGetProcAddress, and then draws a red square in the center of a green background. On my machine the program works fine, but on a friend's laptop it crashed in the call to…
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ChoosePixelFormat crashes, even when LoadLibrary & GetProcAddress is used

On a single computer my app is crashing during OpenGL initialization, particularlu call to ChoosePixelFormat. I found this: wglCreateContext in C# failing but not in managed C++ Call to a GL function at the beginning of the app (gefore any DC…
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wglMakeCurrent fails on x64

I'm trying to create an OpenGL window on an x64 platform. My initalization code works for x86/Win32, but fails for x64 at "wglMakeCurrent". I guess the problem is either in the setting of the pixelformat or in getting the DC (getDC()). I've tried…
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How can i enable shaders using clean xlib with opengl

I haven't seen OpenGl for few years, and now i'm trying to code anything in new style, but I have problems to draw simple triangle. First of all i can't find any tutorial with good examples and without use of 'supporting libraries', but that's not…
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What do Windows DCs and GLRCs correspond to?

What does a DC correspond to in Windows? I know I can get an HDC from an HWND or an HMONITOR. Does that mean that a window's DC is an alias or proxy for its monitor's DC? Windows allows you to say that a window class should have its own DC, so it…
Sion Sheevok
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Is there a way to determine what CGLFlushDrawable is doing to the back buffer?

According to Apple's documentation, CGLFlushDrawable or it's Cocoa equivalent flushBuffer may behave in couple different ways. Normally for a windowed application the contents of a back buffer are copied to the visible buffer like it's stated…
Marcin Kaczmarek
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WGL bug in MinGW

I'm having issues with wglext.h in MinGW. The version from Visual Studio isn't working (compiler screams about missing defines). So I tried using mesa-dev and compiling it with MinGW - and I get bug Fatal error: glapi.h: No such file or…
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