Questions tagged [webproxy]

126 questions
1 answer

WebClient DownloadString gives error when using Webproxy C#

Im trying to use WebClient.DownloadString() but using proxy. Im doing this: WebProxy wp = new WebProxy(""); (here goes real proxy ip) WebClient wb = new WebClient(); wb.Proxy = wp; try { …
0 answers

Is there a graceful way to determine if I am behind a proxy when using WebClient?

Right now I am using a try-catch to handle a WebException in order to determine whether or not I need to use a proxy - it's ugly. Rather than use try-catch to control program execution, I'd like to know up front if I need to use a proxy. Here is…
Ian R. O'Brien
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2 answers

SMTP mail sending in C# (internet connection + WebProxy)

The goal is to send an email from a C# application. The code snippet below works for me, but when I run it at work (internet connection with a script configuration proxi.pac) it crashes. Can someone help me? string SendersAddress =…
2 answers

How to read an HTTP response from a server (as a web proxy) and send response to client

I am writing a web proxy and so far I can read a GET request from a client, format it, and send it to the server, I believe that I have been able to get the response back from the server, but am unsure of how to send the response to the client.…
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Can we use jQuery framework through an online web proxy

I include jQuery in my site with Google CDN: All works as expected, but when I try to access it with any web proxy online such as Zend2…
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2 answers

download data using web client through proxies on a C# console application

I have written a code to hit a particular URL and download data using a WebClient, and have set a proxy which I have purchased from to this webclient with credentials and other needed parameters through which it hits the…
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