Questions tagged [webdev.webserver]

webdev.webserver.exe is a development web server included with Visual Studio.

72 questions
4 answers

Force visual studio to start development server using the hostname localhost. (with period at end)

Is it possible to change the hostname that the development server fires up in visual studio 2008? Ultimately I would like visual studio to start directly on http://localhost.:xxxx/ (note the period). As I am doing more ajax type calls I find that I…
Michael Gattuso
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1 answer

Why a program starts and exits right away?

This is kind of weird. Sometimes when I start my ASP.NET page in Visual Studio 2010 in debug mode, I can see IE starting, data initializing, controls loading and there is stuff in the output log. But then sometimes IE just exits, and at the end of…
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Is it possible to prevent VS2010 killing the WebDev.WebServer process?

Since I've starting using VS 2010 I've noticed that whne I stop the debugger it also kills the development web server. In VS 2008 I would regularly work without the debugger attached. Is it possible to do this in 2010?
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ASP.NET Development Server - is the source available?

I remember several years back it was called Cassini and the source was available for download. Is this no longer the case? Either my Google skills are lacking or I can't seem to find the source code for it anywhere.
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VS2010/Windows 7 -> can't connect to ASP.NET Development Server

I have a clean installation of Windows 7 with VS2010 RTM and am trying to get the ASP.NET Development Server to work. When I run the project, the WebDev server starts and shows that it's listening on port x on localhost. I've tried: telnet to…
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3 answers

How stops webdev.webserver.exe

how can stops WebDev.WebServer.exe process without kill it?? I can do this: taskkill /F /IM WebDev.WebServer.exe -works on Windows XP- but another solution without kill the proccess ???
Alhambra Eidos
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0 answers

PageSpeed Insights: Reason for long time of "Largest Contentful Paint"

I try to optimize the website When I use Lighthouse within the Google Chrome DevTool, I get really good results and a time of 0.9 seconds for the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) in desktop mode and a LCP of 2.3 s in mobile…
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2 answers

Restart WebDev.WebServer

How can I restart WebDev.WebServer in ASP.NET through code? I'm able to stop it, but I'm not able to start again.
Navin Leon
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1 answer

Multiple development server ports

I've got a few projects and websites in my solution. When I debug a website, ports are opened for all the websites. I'm thinking this slows down my debugging. How do I switch off these extra ports rather than excluding the websites from the…
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How do I make WebDev clean up its tooltray "tracks"?

After I've shut down a VS 2008 web project, well, a lot of times, I see many instances of the WebDev icon in the "tooltray" / system notification area: These are no longer active instances; they were shut down by VS. When I mouse over any of these,…
0 answers

Connecting to Oracle 10g (with the parenthesis bug) DB from VS Dev Server on a 64 bit machine

there's a known bug while connecting to an Oracle 10g database from MS Visual Studio on a 64bit machine because of the parenthesis in "c:\program files (x86)" directory where VS is installed. This can be overcome by starting VS…
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Start ASP.NET Development Server automatically in unit tests

In Visual Studio, if you begin debbuging on a webservice, the Development Server will start up for you. I have a series of unit tests that rely on this server being here. How can I find out how this Development Server is invoked? I would…
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1 answer

Webdev.Webserver40.exe crashes when using Code Contracts

Sometimes when debugging with my application I encounter Contract.Requires() failing due to the condition its evaluating returning false (all good so far). However, if I click the Abort button webserver crashes and I get the message: "... has…
Ɖiamond ǤeezeƦ
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1 answer

Why did my css not work until added to project?

I have an mvc project, and I replaced the default css the wizard built with the iui css and javascript package. They were placed in ~/Content/iui/ folder. When i ran the site through the dev web server, the css didnt get used. I managed…
1 answer

Web pages cannot be found when using Cassini

I have had trouble getting web pages to load within Cassini for about a week now. I'm able to open a telnet session to the server - assuming I'm hosting on port 8101, typing telnet localhost 8101 results in opening a connection. I can simply type…
Nicolas Webb
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