Questions tagged [web-testing]

Software testing that focuses on web applications. Before the system becomes public, complete testing of a web-based system can help to address issues.

Software testing that focuses on web applications. Before the system becomes public, complete testing of a web-based system can help to address issues.

677 questions
2 answers

Transferring excel data into text fields and buttons on a webpage

I want to transfer my text data (From Excel) into a form and submit it. It takes lot of time to perform this operation. So I'm looking into automation tool which can do this task for me. Basically this webpage consists of Text fields and button. Is…
1 answer

How to take the lower value from webpage with Selenium + Java?

sorry for stupid question. I`m new at selenium with Java and trying to learn it. I have 4 price values on the page and should choose the lower one and memorize it. I tryed .getText() but it not working as I expected. Could you please help…
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Is there a way to use burp repeater using any condition?

I intend to use burp repeater on a site. Its content changes after a interval. And that interval is not exact. I want to use burp repeater on loop continuously until a new response comes. Is there a way to do that?
1 answer

How do you put space in between parts of the website?

Hello I was making a website for a friend and for some reason when you run it doesn't show space in between it. If you run it in HTML it shows a space but if you go to the website he published it doesn't show that. The website he published it on is:…
1 answer

Is it possible to merge or integrate wordpress website with a normal website?

I am trying to build my own personal website. i want to implement a blog system and a photo gallery in my website. i just imagined about the website and I want to complete my site by myself. suppose, I have created a normal HTML website. now, I…
2 answers

Search title, click on its icon - protractor

I'm using protractor (jasmine, typescript) and need a help with this case: I have a structure like this:
name close
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Web page Font verification

Recently our web application font has been changed and it is having around 50 pages. Is it possible verify the Font Property of a web page using Selenium or any automation tools Thanks
3 answers

How can I access form post parameters from a web test recorder plugin

Using Visual Studio 2012 to create web tests. How can I access form post parameters from a web test recorder plugin? Most aspects of a recorded webtest are visible via Visual Studio's intelisense or from MSDN, but I cannot find the form post…
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Could not find fixture: fitlibrary.spider.SpiderFixture

I try to set up Fitnesse with FitLibraryWeb for Selenium based web tests. The tutorial test at /FitLibraryWeb.SpiderFixture.SpiderTutorial.StartingWithSpider works (I changed the driver from firefox to chrome but that should not matter), but if I…
Fabian Schmengler
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Website Layout Issue (HTML5)

I'm designing my first website (for a start-up IT support company) and I have run into some issues in my learning. Problems are: When I try to put a border around my nav element, it moves the nav box down the side to where it's still on the left,…
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How to test the client of a web application, especially for automation test for commercial product?

My situation is i will do the development of the client-side of the web application. It means i will develop all the GUI(HTML,CSS), and all the javascript code which will communicate with the server done by others. My only respobsibility is testing…
1 answer

Why is my wordpress not able to add new themes or plug-ins? Im missing some features aswell but i dont know why

I have not downloaded Wordpress, im only using a link given to me by the person who was the designer. Im only logging in with wp-admin. I have watched tutorial videos on wordpress but still im not seeing the features that are meant to be there…
2 answers

Loading website content and images according to the time

I am sorry for the theoretical question. Just need to have some idea about loading the website content according to what time the user checks the website. For example, it's a restaurant website and its morning time then it shows images of…
1 answer

Any solution for making full screen image slider with responsive design

I'm making a website for a photographer and he want full screen image slider with responsive ssettings . I'm using wordpress + elementor for it . I am trying a lot but its not working propely in all devices . In some devices it looks smaller and in…
1 answer

How to traverse website, get all console

Say I have a website with the following pages: page1.html, page2.html, page3.html for each one of these pages, load the page, and get the console logs.
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