Questions tagged [web-deployment-project]

Web Deployment Projects provides developers with advanced compilation options for ASP.NET projects. A Web Deployment Project is an extensible MSBuild script, enabling web developers to create pre-build and post-build actions.

Web Deployment Projects provides developers with advanced compilation options for ASP.NET projects. A Web Deployment Project is an extensible script, enabling web developers to create pre-build and post-build actions.

Web Deployment Projects have been deprecated since Visual Studio 2012, as equivalent functionality is available through the Web Publishing Pipeline ()

339 questions
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VS 2010 Publish using Web Deploy

I'm trying to deploy my ASP.NET MVC 3 web application using VS2010 Publish feature. I'm using Web Deploy as Publish method, but I'm getting this error: Error 1 Web deployment task failed.(Remote agent (URL …
2 answers

Web.config Transform variables

Is it possible to include variables in a web.config transform file? For each environment, I have basically the same transform, just with different values. For example, for the development environment, I'd have...
2 answers

Is there a way to get rid of aspx placeholder files in a ASP.NET web deployment project?

I'm using a web deployment project in order to precompile my ASP.NET 3.5 web project. It creates a single extra DLL for the code in aspx and ascx files. And, for every aspx file there is a placeholder aspx file (empty) which needs to be copied to…
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Is the ASP.NET Web Deployment Project alive?

The latest link I can find is from last may and that's Beta 1. Did Microsoft give up on this? I realize they are just basically MSBuild templates, but curious nonetheless.
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1 answer

Web.config transformation with SlowCheetah and ASP.NET Web site project

I'm trying to use SlowCheetah XML Transforms with an ASP.NET Web site project (not an ASP.NET Web Application Project) in Visual Studio 2010. When I right click on the Web.config file in my ASP.NET Web site project, I don't see "Add Transform" item…
4 answers

nginx + FastCGI for django application---run two webservers or one?

I'm about to deploy a Django application on a nginx web server, and want to make sure I'm building the system correctly. It seems to be common wisdom that if you are deploying Django on an apache server, then you should still put an nginx server in…
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Any recommendations for deployment from SVN, with version numbers written into my code automagically?

I've gotten comfy with SVN, and now I need a way to deploy my code to staging or live servers more easily. I'd also like some method for putting build info in the footer of this site to aid in testing. Site is PHP/MySQL.
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4 answers

Using VS 2008 Web Deployment Projects with ASP.NET MVC

Has anyone got a Web Deployment Project to work with ASP.NET MVC? When I open the "deployed" project, a lot of the files are missing that MVC requires and makes it tough to Publish to the server with all the missing files in the project. Or... Is…
Daniel A. White
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3 answers

How to disable warnings in Visual Studio for a Visual Basic Web Deployment Project

For our VB.NET websites we use SVN for Source Control and CruiseControl.NET for continuous integration. To use the SVN build number in the compilation by CruiseControl.NET we need to use Web Deployment Projects. We then replace in the configuration…
David A Gibson
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1 answer

Web deploy and folder permissions

I'm using VS 2010 to build the deployment package for a web application. I manually deploy it to the IIS 6.0 server using the deployment ccommand script it generates. All the stuff gets copied under the Inetpub default website properly. The only…
3 answers

Web Deployment Project: Publish without Precompilation

The Question Is it possible to publish a web application project using a web deployment project without precompilation? Notes In order to split out web controls and pages into a separate assembly, I am using a custom VirtualPathProvider to load…
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1 answer

Create an web app installation package, that includes "everything"?

Would it be possible, with the tools in VS2010, to create an msi-package that includes everything needed, and installed "on demand" for a mvc 3 app? It should include IIS, SQL-Server Express, .NET 4, and the mvc3 assemblies. That would be very…
4 answers

Web Deployment Project builds files that are no longer part of the project

This is the error I get: Error 101 Could not load type 'control'. /Test.vbproj/x.ascx 1 1 WebDeployProject This is a left over file that was part of the project last week, but one of the developers deleted it from the project. I have to…
5 answers

Weird issue with Web Deployment projects 2010

i'm in the process or upgrading my CI configuration to Web Deployment projects 2010 (from 2008) i'm geting a really strange issue durin build as shown below - i've been looking into it a a few hours to no resolve, and am starting to think the issue…
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Is it possible to deploy an ASP.NET application as desktop application (with server component)

Question: I created an ASP.NET web application. Now it originally was meant for deployment on a webserver. That is working, so, so far so good. My question now is: Is it possible to deploy it as a desktop-application, too? That is to say the…
Stefan Steiger
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