Questions tagged [web-applications]

Do NOT use alone. Do NOT use with web-frameworks or libraries like [reactjs], [django] or [flask]. Use for questions about web applications, where a more specific tag isn't applicable. Use with a appropriate language tag([java]) and the specific aspect of web-application, the question is about: http method([post],[get]), errors([http-status-code-404]), client-server communication ([client-server]) or server errors.

A web application is a client-server application that bases the communication on the HTTP () protocol. Often a third layer implements data persistence through a database.

The client side runs in a web browser that sends the http requests, receives the responses, renders the response's content (usually a html page, but also video streams, or applets). The heavy-lifting is done by scripts or compiled code on the server side. Some examples of web applications include Google Calendar (), Zimbra (), and Office Outlook Web Access.

21301 questions
12 answers

How do you implement UI for the non computer savvy?

I have been support a web app that is used by a user base who's age range if from 40-65. The app is very good and has the latest ajaxy stuff etc. What we would now call very user friendly and responsive. I am amazed as to how this app is not so…
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1 answer

How to serve multiple domains which share the application back-end in Flask?

I have two web domains, call them and I want to run two different public facing websites on these two different domains, but from a shared server and within the same flask app and application context. These websites will both…
Bob Jordan
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2 answers

Add date on image while uploading in c#

I am adding date and image to the database. I want to add the date as the footer to the uploaded image. HTML for image upload
@Html.Label("Photo", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label" })
Alsamil Mehboob
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1 answer

How to obfuscate a webapp using Maven and ProGuard

I use Maven and the maven-war-plugin to to build my WAR. All JSPs are pre-compiled using the jspc-maven-plugin and all classes are put into a JAR (WEB-INF/lib). So far everything works fine. Now I try to configure the proguard-maven-plugin to…
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1 answer

Properties file changes are not reflecting unless restarting Glassfish server

I am using JSF2.0 and Glassfish v3. I have a file under WEB-INF>Classes folder of my project. When I make any changes to messages in this file, through my project, its changes are not reflected. I access this messages…
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3 answers

How can I create a PDF file in classic ASP?

Is there any way to generate PDF files from classic ASP? I have a bunch of user-entered data that needs to be turned into a PDF that the user can download. How can I do this? OpenOffice allows exporting documents to PDF, so could this somehow be…
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1 answer

How to tell if a web app uses code splitting

How can a web developer tell if a web app at a given URL is using code splitting, such as that provided by webpack, rollup or other libraries?
Dan Dascalescu
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1 answer

How can jFrames be used inside of JavaFX?

I just saw a article on Swing being used in JavaFX. How can an application that uses a jFrame to display graphics be ported into JavaFX? Also, will the jButtons and jSliders work in the normal manner? I know this is a generic question but I know…
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3 answers

Changing application root?

So, has the concept of an 'application root'. It is the path part of the URL that corresponds to the root directory that is set for an application in IIS. The tilde character (~) maps to that path in URLs, so if thinks my…
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1 answer

Building a web application using WebSockets and AWS

I'm trying to create a collaborative web application where multiple users can work together on various (shared) projects. So far I have a JavaScript client and one local jWebSocket server. To remain scalable upon deployment, I thought of two…
Double M
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5 answers

File Access Strategy in a Multi-Threaded Environment (Web App)

I have a file which is an XML representation of some data that is taken from a Web service and cached locally within a Web Application. The idea being is that this data is very static, but just might change. So I have set it up to cache to a file,…
Rob Cooper
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4 answers

How to scan in/to a Webapplication

I have contemplating how to handle paper document input in Webapps for some time. The main problem is how to unify metadata and a scanned PDF. For the sake of this example I will present a hypothetical Expense Claim Application. Approaches I have…
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1 answer

App install banner not works

I have been working on a web app. A week ago i have added the App install banner feature from chrome web works well while testing it from chrome developer tools Application mobile it works well when i enabled the Bypass user…
Dinesh Kannan
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4 answers

How to specify jetty-env.xml file for Maven Cargo plugin for Jetty?

I am migrating from Maven's jetty plugin to the Cargo plugin (cargo-maven2-plugin) because Cargo will happily run WARs from dependent Maven modules. Within out web-app we have taken great pains to externalize all configuration through JNDI. These…
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4 answers

Mitigating the 'firesheep' attack in the application layer?

What methodologies do people recommend for mitigating the 'Firesheep' method for website applications? We have thought about this and from a usability perspective, other than encrypting all traffic to a site, mitigating the attack can be somewhat of…
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