Questions tagged [wdio-v5]

50 questions
1 answer

.click function passes When step, but isn't actually clicking the element in the browser

I'm currently trying to script some automation tests. I've hit a block with what should be a simple checkbox click... The issue is the test run passes the step, but in the browser the "click" hasn't actually occurred. POM …
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2 answers

WebdriverIO autocomplete in VSCODE

I am wonder, if it is way how to enable autocompletion for WDIO global variables ( $, $$, browser ) in VSCode. I know, that wdio has support for Webstorm, but it doesn't work for VSCode. Any idea, how to use autocompletion in VSCode? Without it is…
Vojtech Cerveny
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1 answer

When I am testing a GUI, an element appears and disappears too quickly

I am testing the GUI using the tools of and mocha. The tests themselves are written in CoffeeScript. Some interface elements are loaded for a long time, and a rotating loading indicator appears. In order to continue the testing process,…
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mobileEmulation capabilities for Firefox in webdriver IO

I am trying to write end to end test cases for mobile web browsers. So I am setting the configuration for google chrome as below and it runs fine. { browserName: 'chrome', 'goog:chromeOptions': { mobileEmulation: { deviceName: 'Apple iPhone…
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1 answer

How to create Step definition from BDD feature file in visual studio using WDIO

How to create step definition from BDD feature file using WDIO framework Scenario Outline: Verify the weatherForecast Application whether user can able to lunch the application for mentioned city When I open the url http://localhost:3000/ …
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