Questions tagged [wcftestclient]

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) is a GUI tool that enables users to input test parameters, submit that input to the service, and view the response that the service sends back. It provides a seamless service testing experience when combined with WCF Service Host.

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) is a GUI tool that enables users to input test parameters, submit that input to the service, and view the response that the service sends back. It provides a seamless service testing experience when combined with WCF Service Host.

You can find the WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) in the following location: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\

How to use

1.Double click on the WcfTestClient.exe

2.Select File->Add Service and enter the endpoint address of the service. This will connect to the service and populate all the methods.

3.Double click a method, fill required fields, and click Invoke button.

4.Results will be displayed in the bottom panel.

YouTube Video

Use WCF Test Client to test WCF Service Application

Updating Config file

To update the configuration parameters, right click on the "Config File" on the left panel and select Edit with SvcConfigEditor.

enter image description here


MSDN - WCF Test Client

101 questions
1 answer

Listing service operations alphabetically in WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe)

I often use WCF Test Client. Unfortunately this tool does not order alphabetically nor in "order of appearance" (order in which operations are declared in service contract class). This make it quite difficult to find specific operation if there are…
Sebastian K
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2 answers

Entering values for a Byte array in WCF Test client

I'm trying to use the WCF test client to debug a web method and the method expects 2 byte arrays as part of its input. For now, I've just been using the debugger and placing breakpoints right before the passed values get used, and setting them with…
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2 answers

WcfTestClient, "The client was unable to retrieve service metadata ..."

I get this error when I attempt to run the wcftestclient application: "The client was unable to retrieve service metadata..." What is odd that this happens when I load the program; before the UI to choose which service to connect to is loaded. I…
Chris Meek
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1 answer

WcfTestClient.exe not able to handle circular reference?

I'm working on a wcf project. Some of my services return objects that contain circular references. The serialization of these objects is handled through setting IsReference to true on DataContract attribute, so everything works fine if i write code…
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1 answer

wcftestclient - can i connect to a specific endpoint?

This should be a straightforward question. I am unable to connect to a specific endpoint using WCFTestClient tool. I have a service config. like this:
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1 answer

WCF Test Client - Any way to save the services/settings to a file to reload easily later?

The WCF Test Client is a really powerful tool. I can avoid creating a new console app to test my services. However, what is annoying is that I can't seem to save the services/config I add to the client. If I close it and open it again it starts…
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4 answers

WCF test client after windows 10 and svcConfigEditor

Been using the WCF Test Client for years now, testing externally hosted webservices that I consume. I have often cursed about the inabillity to save a standard confuguration with settings about the bindings, as I for some of the methods needs to…
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1 answer

WCFTestClient exception on deployed service

I use the WCFTestClient that is provided with visual studio to test my service. The thing is that the tool is working for the service that is deployed in wisual studio with my aplication. But if I try to connect to a deployed instance on another…
Radu D
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1 answer

This operation is not supported in the WCF client

Why I start my wcf service at localhost:53776/MyService.svc I get this error in the wcf test client. This operation is not supported in the WCF client: [ServiceContract] public interface ILSKTicketService { [OperationContract] Task…
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1 answer

What determines the order of methods in WCF Test Client?

WCF Test Client doesn't seem to put methods in any logical order. However, the order is consistent. It remains the same in every environment. It's not alphabetical. It's not the order of the methods in the class. The order in WCF Test Client does…
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1 answer

Failed to invoke the service, WCF Test Client?

I have a WCF service. I have a problem with it. Whenever I call a method with large response data (e.g: GetUserByUsernameWithAllRelations()) from service (with WCF Test Client) the following error occurred. An error occurred while receiving the HTTP…
Mohammad Dayyan
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1 answer

WCF test client and proxy settings

I am trying to run WCFTestClient and generate configuration for service. Unfortunately I am behind proxy and I receive 407: Proxy Authentication Required How can I run WCFTestClient to connect beind proxy
Piotr Stapp
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1 answer

WCF Test Client - Sort service functions by name

When I add a service reference in WCF Test Client all of the exposed service functions are listed but in no order I could figure out... Is there a way to sort the exposed service functions alphabetically? Weather in WCF Test Client or in the…
Miljenko Barbir
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1 answer

Failed to launch application "WcfTestClient.exe"

when i add more than 38 service and try to run my WCF project from visual studio. It gives following Error. Failed to launch application "WcfTestClient.exe" After clicking on yes it stop. and after clicking on no it show itself in running mode but…
Rahul Rajput
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1 answer

WCF - Cannot obtain Metadata, but works when the XML Endpoint is removed?

I'm having a problem with the WCF Test Client. I cannot connect to my WebService because it keeps hitting this error: Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from If this is a Windows (R) Communication Foundation…
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