Questions tagged [w3c-geolocation]

The W3C Geolocation API provides scripted access to geographical location information associated with a hosting device.

See also:

123 questions
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Google Maps Walking Directions replace Exact Coordinates with nearest road. Is there a workaround?

Long story short, I have a HTML5 GeoPositioning enabled map on a phone. I have the current location, I want to show directions to specific coordinates. Google maps is replacing the exact coordinates with the nearest road. This is not close enough…
2 answers

Why is geolocate failing in safari desktop?

I trying to use geolocation and it's working for all my browsers except for safari. Here is the script that I'm running. if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (location) { console.log('success'); …
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How to use WatchPosition() function Geolocation to watch other coords

Hello I was wondering if there is a way to feed WatchPosition() function specific Lat/Lon that are supplied from an array of coordinates. I am having trouble creating a callback function that utilizes something like the default coords. lat coords.…
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Identifying Geolocation of user behind proxy

I am writing an web application that requires the current geolocation of user. For identifying geolocation I have used the following code that uses HTML5 geolocation api. I have taken this code from W3schools.
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How is HTML5 geolocation API implemented in browsers?

Does every browser implement geolocation API in it's own way? Or is there some standard way all browsers do it? And how do they do it? When can they fail to geolocate?
Piotr Perak
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Combining google places api, and directions-map api v3

I have the following code in my page (based at the moment around the google examples. I have however hit a snag, i can't seem to make places work (the markers wont show), this is my code . . . it should show all cafes, restaurants and dars within…
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Get directions based on geolocation, google-maps-api

Hi i'm wanting to create a map that, when a function is called, generates directions to a point based on the users current geolocation. I have tried to do this and so far my attepts have been fruitless, here is my current JS code: var…
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what make getCurrentPosition fail?

I made a simple website with javascript on it that calls to: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(show_map, show_map_error); I have put the website on the internet. I tried to open the website from different PCs (no GPS gadget) on different…
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How to do getlocation other than by the browser's (W3C) "navigator.geolocation" object?

I know how to use the W3C navigator.geolocation API, but just found out that under Google Chrome it does not work when the page is on the local filesystem rather than on a web server: [1], [2]. What other techniques can I use to get either the…
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W3C geolocation API No errors No expections and No results also

I have read the same problem many times here and fixed the most repeated solutions and added the error handler like mentioned on the w3c specification but it gives me no exceptions or errors and no results. I don't know what I should do? This is the…
Mustafa ELnagar
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Browser geolocation: Determining previous permissions

Ok so I've got code like the following: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition ( function (e) { alert('ok'); }, function (e) { alert('denied'); } ); I could call this on pageload, and if the permission is denied, I'll…
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Suggestion on geoloaction and application type

I'm trying to make a program using c# that will allow me to determine where a computer of mine is located using geolocation services. I was wondering what you would suggest as far as geolocatio APis go and whether you think i should just make a…
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GPS Pull - Pulls Older Data Several Times Before Updating To Current Location

I reviewed a few GPS problems similar. But seemed to not have much luck. When I pull GPS by this method - it seems to pull old data, ie where last GPS pull was from. Any suggestions? This is a simple javascript GPS pull - that populates the form…
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Javascript Objects / Geolocation API

I'm working on a mobile app with Phonegap which will use Geolocation. I used Geolocation before but this time I considered that creating a new object wrapper for it would be better as a large part of the functionality is based on this and don't want…
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I want to get its current location first before a nearby places search and optionally after any search or before any search

I want to get its current location first before a nearby places search and optionally I want to get its current location after any search or before any search. I have a code on how to get its current location, i don't know how to use that as my…
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