Questions tagged [voting-system]

178 questions
1 answer

Calculate the Ranks of Candidates based on Votes and Total Candidates

How can I claulate the rank of each candidate when I have the total candidates and votes secured by each? I've managed the percentage part, but calculating the rank has me stuck. I'll be using MySql in the end for this, but right now I only need the…
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Model is always nil, even when creating from console

I am trying to make a super simple voting system for my app. But when I try to create a new Vote model it is always set to nil. I have been looking at this for awhile and can not tell what I am doing wrong, please help. Here is an example of a…
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3 answers

Clientside Heart Vote

Is there a way to implement a simple Heart vote(just +1 vote with counter without ability to vote more than once) using only Javascript / jQuery and HTML5 data attributes, other HTML5 APIs, without any serverside stuff?
1 answer

Drupal 7 custom voting solution

I need to create a voting system which will essentially consist of several forms each with a list of radio buttons, of which a single choice can be made. Submission of the form loads the next one, this will go on for about 10 pages, before finally…
2 answers

Multiple vote options storing in MySQL table

I have a poll which has an undefined number of options (it can have only 2 options, but it can also have 10 or 20 or more options to choose from). I need to store the current vote count in MySQL table. I can't think of a centralized way of storing…
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Ruby On Rails: Thumbs Up Voting Display Tally Results

I have the Thumbs_Up gem loaded and the voting is working fine. I added this code to the posts controller: def poll_winners @posts = Post.tally( { :at_least => 1, :limit => 20, :order => 'vote_count desc' }) I just can't figure out what…
1 answer

Comments with votes and "best answers"

I would like to make something like question and answers sites. I need votes and best answer on the comments. I've already done from scratch something but I don't like the appearence and I am looking for a ready template. I found this one here but…
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how to make a bar rating system using logarithm

I want to make a bar rating system for my website and this is what i have actually: Which doesn't look nice at all :p. I want the height to increase like a Exponential curve gradually. Not too steep at the beginning, which gradually increase…
Alan N.D.G Tyloo
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2 answers

How to implement Voting for Grails Domain Classes?

I have a Book class and need to implement a yes/no voting functionality. My domain classes look like this: class Book { String title static hasMany = [votes: Vote] } class User { String name static hasMany = [votes: Vote] } class Vote { …
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5 answers

How do I create a simple vote up / down php script in php?

I want a simple non-MySQL PHP script that allows viewers to vote up or vote down a page. If it has to be MySQL database driven, then that's just how it has to be. Ideally, not though. So basically if you were to view source of this page in a web…
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1 answer

Jpa Database relationships for a Voting system

There are many questions about voting systems so I will cut right to the chase. My question is about relationships , import play.db.jpa.GenericModel; public class VotesModel extends GenericModel { @ManyToOne public StatusModel status; …
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3 answers

Products Ranking

I need to sort some products base on user ratings. Suppose we have 3 products {a,b,c} and we have user's feed backs about this products. It's not important which user give us feed back (this question is not about correlative filtering if you are…
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Vote up system open to non-registered users

Hi I'm thinking to implement a simple Thumb Up vote system. The problem is that I want to let the vote system open even to users not registered to web site and at the same time I'd like to track if a user has already voted (best situation would be…
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1 answer

IP address recording for online voting

I'm about to start running an online vote (I'm just running the site, not doing any coding), and as part of the process of voting, the voter would need to click a confirmation email to register the vote. The IP addresses are recorded to stop…
0 answers

Vote-up / Vote-down SQL Query returns "FAILED!" each time

I'm trying to add vote up / vote down functions for each item I have in a table. I am currently working on implementing this one here: But, it doesn't work for me. Once action is…
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