Questions tagged [vnet]

Questions regarding The Azure Virtual Network (VNet)

An Azure virtual network (VNet) is a representation of your own network in the cloud. It is a logical isolation of the Azure cloud dedicated to your subscription. You can fully control the IP address blocks, DNS settings, security policies, and route tables within this network.

196 questions
2 answers

Is there a way to run a script on a VM from a web app with Azure?

I have a web app that is hosted on one account, and another account which has a VM. I want to be able to run the script on that VM by clicking on a button on the web app and return its output. I'm confused as to whether or not I'll need Vnet-Vnet…
1 answer

Azure WebApp with private Api backend

I have an application splitted into 3 microservice, 1 frontend Vue (with NGINX) and 2 API backend (Asp.NET Core). For each of them I have a docker image: UI API1 API2 All of them working properly on my local intranet with docker-compose, now I…
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Host name resolution failed for 'Microsoft.Network'

Not allowed to do any operation on Vnet, like Vnet Integration etc , faling on North Europe also. Failed to save subnet 'apps'. Error: 'Host name resolution failed for 'Microsoft.Network'; cannot fulfill the request.'
1 answer

Azure ARM template vnet peering - subnets deleting

This is a known 'issue' from what I've gathered ( I've build a python script that takes in a .csv and builds out an environment. All works fine. I have a second .csv that does peering,…
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Vnet Peering Between Multiple Vnets are present in Different Different Resource Groups through ARM template

I am looking for an ARM template to establish Vnet peering between multiple Vnets (more than 10 Vnets) present in Different Resource Groups. Could someone please help me ?
Vikranth S
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azure single vpn gateway for connecting multiple resources in different azure aks cluster

I am having following requirement Requirement we are currently having multiple azure AKS clusters (dev,uat,staging...) in different vnets. these AKS clusters are deployed using advance networking option through terraform. we need to connect these…
Ganesh Pol
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Q: Azure S2S VNet VPN with failover

I'm trying to setup a VPN connection from a VLAN in Azure to on-premise. We have two different ISP's on-premise and I want to setup Azure with a VPN connecting to both so that if the primary ISP is down Azure will try to connect using the…
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logic apps integration with Vnet

I need to integrate my Logic Apps with a VNet, i've find this article : But can't find more the ISE on Azure Marketplace, any idea…
achraf r'b
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Azure web app can't see VM through vnet-to-vnet connection

I have a VM running a WebAPI service that I want to hit from an Azure web app using a vnet-to-vnet conneciton. As such, I have the VPNs configured as follows: Virtual Machine - VMVnet Address Space: Subnet: Gateway Subnet:…
4 answers

Azure ikev2 with meraki

I am trying to setup a S2S VPN to our Meraki MX84 Firewall The Meraki supports only policy based IKEv1 vpn. Is there anybody that has a working VPN with a Meraki MX unit? Thanks
2 answers

Inbound/Outbound Traffic Logging Azure VPN Gateway

I have a IPSEC connection from On-PREM to Azure via VPN gateway. I want to monitor all traffic, aka src/dest, ports, and data that ever enters or leaves that VPN gateway. How would I accomplish this under Azure?
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ExpressRoute in Azure Multiple Resource Groups?

After a Resource Group was created, an ExpressRoute connection/circuit was created and it is being used (private peering for some VMs in a VNET). We now need VMs in a different VNET (and different Resource Group) to use private peering to get to…
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Vnet to Vnet machines not pinging

I have the following scenario. 2 vnets (same location/location, but different resource groups) vnetA: Address space Gateway subnet VM vnetB: Address space Gateway subnet …
1 answer

Will Distributed file system on 2 FTP servers work in two different data centers?

Currently we have 2 VMs in a VNet , both have FTP and DFS roles installed on them , also DFS replication is enabled. The main question is that , if we have the above VMs in two different VNets (in different locations), will it allow me for…
1 answer

Azure - Reverse Hub/Spoke Design ; Policy VPN Workaround

Due to a VNet only allowing for a single static gateway, and my onprem location gateways not supporting route based VPNs, I want to see if this is poss. Having a resources in a single vnet. Create a new VNet for each policy based VPN, containing…
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