Questions tagged [visualforce]

Visualforce is's HTML template technology, allowing dynamic creation of web pages (as well as other files) utilising Apex logic and SOQL queries to replace merge fields with content.

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1348 questions
2 answers

How to add days to date time in Salesforce Apex?

Hi I am using Salesforce Apex, I have a date as String as below. I need to add days to it using Apex. String dateTime = '2017-07-08T23:59:59Z'; If I add one day to it then it should be 2017-07-09T23:59:59Z as string. How will I do this? Thanks!
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unable to retrieve latest values of controller variable in vf javascript method

I have a visualforce page with a CommandLink that calls a controller method. In the controller method I set the properties in VF page(public with getters n setters). However, from the javascript in page, when I try to get those values, it is shown…
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Adding a variable value in endpoint URL

I am trying pass contact id as a parameter to one of the webservices and get value to update in account object. But i am not able to set contact records ID field as a parameter in end point URL. List ContactUpdate = [SELECT id FROM Contact…
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Multi-file upload for community (portal) users (VF preferred)

I am looking for a solution to allow portal community users to upload multiple files simultaneously to an account. The community portal does not support App Exchange solutions designed for regular internal salesforce accounts. I am wondering if…
1 answer

Apex Action Status tag with standard controller

When i click on the contact,the details of the contacts are not displayed,please let me know the changes to be done.
1 answer

anchor tag not working in Desktop or Salesforce1

I am displaying marker for every near by account and below anchor tag should navigate to the respective account upon clicking it.I have used the code in Workbook,but it works neither in Desktop nor in Salesforce1.I have checked posts where users…
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import data from the objects created in salesforce

I have created an app in salesforce platform, i have some primitive records in that, i need to import them in visual force. For example,if we create a record in Account in Salesforce,,, like charles,Jennifer,Tom and all i need to import them in…
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pass values between visualforce page salesforce

I have Custom Visual force page MyPage1 and on click of a button , I am calling /Apex/MyPage2 and also I am passing some input parameters as part of '/apex/MyPage2?accname={!Account.Name}&accid={!Account.Id}'; I am performing some activity in…
2 answers

Salesforce (Visualforce): the view isn't well synchronized with the controller

I'm using a visualforce page to fill a score for a set of questions. The controller contains a map that holds those values and save them to the Database after a save button is clicked. The problem is on the first click on the button the lines are…
2 answers

How can we reverse the functionality to copy billing Address to shipping Address in Account object?

Actually there was an existed functionality to copy billing Address to shipping Address in Account object. But i want to create a button so that shipping address have to copy into billing address.
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reRender is not working as expected in visualforce

i am sure i am doing a very small mistake.i created a visualforce page with code
Ritesh Mehandiratta
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1 answer

parameter value null is redirected to url

Hi i am writing a simple controller class with code public class OMTime1 { public String xx { get; set; } public PageReference continue1(){ String…
Ritesh Mehandiratta
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1 answer

Why jquery not working in some case in visualforce

Hi all i have a jquery simple alert which is working fine in my browser at my machine but strangely when i am at some other machine it simple even not giving me a alert(''); so can you help.
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VF page displaying related list

I have Category table as Category(subject text) and QA tables as QA(Question text, Answer text, Lookup(Category)) I want to create a Visualforce page as : Category1.subject Question1 checkbox Answer1 Question2 checkbox …
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1 answer

Heap size related error

how to increase heap size? or how to overcome the problem related to heap size. I am facing error related to heap size. my error is: Apex heap size too large: 9264402 Error is in expression '{!method}' in component in page page1 I have used…
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